Find out how to become a Shaolin monk by reading the steps in this guide.
Be a Shaolin Monk Step 1
Step 1. It's time to get back to the books
You should start by studying and learning everything there is to know about monks. You should realize that Shaolin is not related to fighting. You study Kung Fu, not to learn how to fight, but to discipline the body and to learn the beauty of the movements of animals, capable of making you harmonize with nature. There are many books that can help you understand philosophy, Buddhism and meditation. If you don't have a person near you who can teach you the art of Kung Fu, go in search of a Tai Chi video, which is a moving meditation
Be a Shaolin Monk Step 2
Step 2. Visit a Shaolin school
You may not know it but the schools of the Shaolin monks are also present in many Italian cities. Do a thorough search on the web
Be a Shaolin Monk Step 3
Step 3. Learn about Buddhism
Shaolin was the birthplace of Ch'an or Zen Buddhism. Over time, some Shaolin times have absorbed Taoism, particularly in the southern part of China. With the exception of the Omei Mountain temple, all Shaolin temples followed the Law of the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The Shaolin discipline has emphasized meditation more than other branches of Buddhism, simultaneously with the development of the body through rigorous training
This tutorial teaches you to be looser when dancing in a club. Use these tips to learn how to dance quickly. Steps Step 1. Understand how rhythm works Move your head in time to the beat according to the song. Step 2. Learn to move by following the 'beat' Do this by bending your knees slightly, returning to the starting position in time.
In this tutorial you will learn the basic steps of Michael Jackson's Thriller. Steps Step 1. Take four steps forward starting with the right foot Then take four steps back, always starting with the right foot. Repeat the movement.
This article explains how to use the Apple Watch pedometer, whose function is to document the steps you take every day. The "Activity" app will start counting your steps as soon as you finish setting up your Apple Watch, but you can check them within this app on both the watch and iPhone.
The monk is a person who has decided to retire from social life to focus on religious service. Many of the major religions have a monastic tradition, including Christianity and Buddhism. Becoming a monk requires study, devotion, years of preparation and transition.
Buddhism, a religion with more than 2,000 years of history, focuses on the "here and now". Buddhist monks live on charity and take a vow of chastity. They devote their lives to helping others, studying the Buddha's teachings and putting it into practice.