4 Ways to Do Push-ups

4 Ways to Do Push-ups
4 Ways to Do Push-ups

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There is no need to join the military to enjoy the benefits of well done pushups. This exercise is an effective way to strengthen your chest and arm muscles, and you can adjust the intensity as you get stronger. Push-ups don't require any kind of equipment other than a hard surface and enough space to perform the movement.


Method 1 of 4: Get into Position

Step 1. Get in a prone position on the floor

Keep your feet together and your body weight on your chest.

  • Place your palms on the floor roughly shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands close to your shoulders with your elbows pointing towards your feet.
  • If you're exercising on a mat, lean on the first and second knuckles of each hand for a more intensive workout. If you are training on a particularly hard surface, however, consider purchasing push-up grips.
  • Point your feet towards your head. You should only lean on the toes.

Step 2. Get up with the help of your arms

At this point, your weight should be supported by your hands and toes. Create a straight line with your body that goes from the head to the heels. This position is called "plank" and is used in many exercises; represents the starting and ending point of the push-ups.

Do a Push Up Step 3
Do a Push Up Step 3

Step 3. Choose the push-ups that are right for you

In fact, there are three types of push-ups that differ from each other for the different muscle groups used. Remember: the closer your hands come together, the more you train your triceps and chest; the further they move away, the more you work only your chest muscles.

  • Normal: The hands are slightly wider than the shoulders. In this way, the pectorals and arms work.
  • Hands very close: Keep your hands directly under your shoulders or just closer together. This way you work your arm muscles harder than with normal push-ups.
  • Wide: Put your hands well beyond the line of the shoulders. This way you focus on the chest muscles and need less arm strength.

Method 2 of 4: Do a Push Up

Step 1. Lower the chest until it touches the floor; the elbows should form a 90 ° angle with the surface

Keep your elbows close to your body for added strength. The head should be facing forward. Inhale as you lower yourself. Try to point your nose forward and keep your body in a straight line - don't drop your hips.

How close you can get to the floor depends on your strength and physique, and is considered a good level if you can get your chest about four fingers off the ground

Step 2. Stand up trying to push the floor away and exhale

During this movement, the shoulders, chest and triceps work, although push-ups are not the main exercise for training these latter muscles. Don't use your butt or abs. Stand up until your arms are almost completely straight, but without locking your elbows.

Step 3. Repeat the movement, lowering and rising at a steady pace

A flexion is formed by the two complete movements. Continue like this until you have finished the number of repetitions or until you reach your maximum.

Method 3 of 4: Advanced Pushups

Step 1. Push-ups with applause

Push yourself hard enough to clap your hands in mid-air. This is considered a plyometric exercise.

Step 2. Diamond push-ups

Take the plank position and bring your hands together to form a diamond with your thumbs and index fingers touching. Now do push-ups with your hands like this. A lot of arm strength is needed.

Step 3. Push-ups of the scorpion

Start with a normal flexion or basic variation of hand position. When you are down, lift one leg and bend the knee towards your butt and the opposite side. Do repetitions for each leg.

Do a Push Up Step 10
Do a Push Up Step 10

Step 4. Spiderman pushups

Do normal push-ups with a basic hand position. When you have lowered yourself, lift one leg and bend the knee forward and outward. Do repetitions for each leg or alternately. If you do them correctly, you will also engage your abdominal muscles.

Step 5. Push-ups with one hand

Spread your legs more than shoulder-width apart (to maintain balance), put one hand behind your back, and start doing push-ups with the other arm.

Step 6. Push-ups on the knuckles

Instead of resting your palms on the ground, put your body weight on the first two knuckles of each hand. A lot of strength is required in the arms and wrists and is a great way to get used to punching boxing and martial arts.

Do a Push Up Step 13
Do a Push Up Step 13

Step 7. Push-ups on the fingertips

If you are really strong, you can try this type of exercise by resting only your fingers instead of your palm.

Step 8. Forward lean push-ups

You can increase the difficulty by placing your feet on a support that is higher than your hands.

Method 4 of 4: Simplified Pushups

Do a Push Up Step 15
Do a Push Up Step 15

Step 1. Get on your knees

If you still can't do full pushups, you can start by putting your body weight on your knees instead of your toes. Perform the exercise as usual; when it gets too easy, switch to normal pushups.

Step 2. Backward leaning push-ups

You can make them easier by placing your hands on a higher surface than your feet. You can do them on a sloping base, or using a piece of furniture for support until you are able to do them on the ground.


  • At first, it would be a good idea to lean on a slightly soft surface, such as a yoga mat. This way you will be more comfortable with your wrists.
  • Common push-ups are quite complicated, especially for those who are novice. If you find yourself shaking slightly while doing a push-up, it means that you are trying an exercise that is too difficult for you (or that you haven't warmed up enough!).
  • The big advantage of pushups is that you can do them almost anywhere. Find a space on the floor large enough to lie down without hindrance. It should be a flat, non-slippery surface; furthermore, it should be made of a material that is comfortable enough for the hands (for example not on gravel).
  • Focus on your chest muscles by contracting them as you flex. This way you will develop muscle mass faster. If you can't, you can always do some incline push-ups in front of a mirror to see how these muscles work. Eat a small amount of food before exercising.
  • If you have a mirror, use it to check movement and your position.
  • Do some warm-up first. Do some simple stretching exercises and movements to loosen the muscles. A good warm-up reduces the risk of injury and prepares the muscles for activity. You will be able to train better and more effectively. Make sure you stretch your arms and wrists, which are the most stressed joints in pushups. Finally, do other exercises to cool down.


  • As with all strength exercises, if you feel severe or sudden pain in your chest and shoulders, stop immediately! It means that you have done more pushups than you can handle, or that your body is not yet ready for this type of exercise. Start with something lighter. If the pain is elsewhere on the body, it means that you are doing something wrong with the movement. If pain persists, contact your doctor.
  • Stop doing push-ups when your lower back feels tired. Don't overdo your training to avoid unwanted injuries.
  • The closer the hands come together, the more difficult the flexion becomes. When you are fit enough, join your hands for a more intense workout. However, remember that the closer your hands are, the more you may have trouble balancing your chest when standing up. Doing so unnecessarily strains the bones of the arms and shoulders. In general, to know how close your hands are when you put them on the ground, extend your thumbs inwards, towards the opposite hand. The point where the thumbs touch represents the approach limit. Another variation is to clap as you get up off the floor to do the push-up. In any case, if you opt for this exercise, make sure you are firmly holding the correct position.