How to Push an Annoying Roommate to Leave

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How to Push an Annoying Roommate to Leave
How to Push an Annoying Roommate to Leave

We've all had to deal with an annoying roommate at one time or another. Here are some tips to remove it from your life.


Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 1
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 1

Step 1. When on the phone try to scream or speak loudly

It works best if you do it early in the morning.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 2
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 2

Step 2. Invite friends who don't like your roommate to the house

Let them sit and chat in the room for hours.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 3
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 3

Step 3. Turn up the volume of the music every time you listen to it

Try to do this especially while he is sleeping or studying. Pick a genre of music he hates.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 4
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 4

Step 4. Organize frequent meetings with your partner, spend a long time on the sofa in the living room

It is annoying to observe, regardless of his tastes, it will irritate him.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 5
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 5

Step 5. Eat his food

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 6
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 6

Step 6. Leave your clothes on top of hers

Better if it comes to clothes to be washed.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 7
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 7

Step 7. Trim your nails on top of his bed without cleaning when you're done

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 8
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 8

Step 8. Report to the landlord every time the roommate does something that breaks the rules

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 9
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 9

Step 9. Use his stuff without asking him

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 10
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 10

Step 10. Interrupt him often with unnecessary questions that annoy him

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 11
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 11

Step 11. Make a lot of noise in the morning when you're still asleep

Slam the doors, start turning the room upside down to look for something, wake him up to ask him if he knows where an object you are looking for is.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 12
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 12

Step 12. Study his schedules and rush to the bathroom 5-10 minutes before the time he takes a shower

If hot water is not always available, take a long shower until it is finished.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 13
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 13

Step 13. Stay up late and ask to keep the light on

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 14
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 14

Step 14. Do not tell him the messages he receives

For example, do not tell him about the calls he has received, if he should let you know, apologize and pretend sorry, do not give him a reason to hate you. Don't show him his mail right away, especially when it comes to unpaid bills. (But keep in mind that it is a crime to conceal, damage or violate the privacy of other people's correspondence. So don't go overboard.)

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 15
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 15

Step 15. Call him out loud, it will definitely annoy him

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 16
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 16

Step 16. Stick your nose into his things

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 17
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 17

Step 17. Laugh and sing often

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 18
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 18

Step 18. Make the alarm go off repeatedly in the morning, and let a lot of time pass before turning it off

After completing the torture, go back to bed.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 19
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 19

Step 19. Fart

And if you really want to overdo it, smell it and be proud of it.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 20
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 20

Step 20. Pretend to be your roommate when you answer the phone to a call from his girlfriend

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 21
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 21

Step 21. Unplug all electrical appliances in the house, computers, chargers, toasters, etc

If he asks why, tell him you are trying to save energy.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 22
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 22

Step 22. Lock yourself inside the apartment and do not open the door when your roommate arrives, do not open it even if he does not have the keys and he knows for sure that you are at home

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 23
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 23

Step 23. Follow the rule of silence

Do not greet him when you enter the house, turn your back on him and completely ignore him if he tries to talk to you. Don't tell him when you are going to go out or do something.

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 24
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 24

Step 24. Adopt a pet if you know it hates them, preferably a dog that barks frequently

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 25
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 25

Step 25. Cook mouth-watering dishes and don't let him taste anything, even if you know he's hungry

Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 26
Make an Annoying Roommate Move Out Step 26

Step 26. Buy some hamsters and let them play on the wheel

They will certainly make a lot of noise, they are mainly nocturnal animals. Get some earplugs and leave all the annoyance to your roommate!


  • Ask him often to use his stuff.
  • Check if there is not always hot water available in your apartment. If the boiler supplies hot water all day then this trick will not work.
  • Doing everything you know makes him nervous.
  • Do not engage in this behavior for too long, if you understand that you are unable to resolve the situation, try to deal with it directly or look for another apartment yourself.


  • Hiding or damaging your mail is illegal. You could get yourself in serious trouble.
  • Your annoying roommate may speak ill of you with other people who live with you. But if you consider him an idiot you won't care much about his judgment.
  • By behaving like this, you too will turn into an "annoying roommate". But this is your purpose, isn't it?
  • Keep in mind that if you act like this he could get you kicked out of the house. Try to find a balance to get what you want without going overboard.
