4 Ways to Have a Flat Stomach in a Week

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4 Ways to Have a Flat Stomach in a Week
4 Ways to Have a Flat Stomach in a Week

An important event is on the horizon: the problem is that you are swollen and only have a week to flatten your belly as much as possible. You can do it thanks to the tips in this article! You will be so pleased with the result that you may even make these habits yours once the week has passed.


Method 1 of 4: The Right Drinks for a Flat Belly

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 1
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 1

Step 1. Water cannot be missing

You always need to drink water, but this can be especially important if you're trying to flatten your tummy. When you drink water you help your body maintain optimal fluid balance, block water retention (a major cause of a bloated stomach) and feel full, so you are less likely to eat in general. Water also breaks down fats to give you energy and carries nutrients to your muscles to maintain an ideal metabolism.

Add slices of lemon, orange or cucumber to the water to flavor it lightly; you can also try aromatic herbs and flowers, such as mint or limoncina

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 2
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 2

Step 2. Switch to green tea

Among its many benefits, green tea also allows you to help reduce localized fat on the belly thanks to the antioxidants it contains, called catechins. To be able to burn even more fat, sip green tea before a workout.

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 3
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 3

Step 3. Make a smoothie

Smoothies are excellent for maintaining good hydration and can contribute to a flat stomach. When you make a watermelon-based smoothie, you have the advantage of assimilating an amino acid called arginine, which is found in this fruit. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that arginine can decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass. A pineapple-based smoothie allows you to take in bromelain, an enzyme contained in this fruit that helps break down proteins, facilitate digestion and eliminate swelling.

  • Watermelon-based smoothie. Cut the watermelon until two glasses are full and put it in the blender. Add 60ml of skim milk and blend for about 15 seconds, or until smooth. Add two glasses of ice cubes and blend for 20 seconds, or until desired consistency. With these doses, you will get 2 servings.
  • Pineapple-based smoothie. Measure a glass of skim milk and pour it into a blender with 100 g of fresh or canned pineapple chunks. Set the blender to an intermediate speed and blend for one minute. Pour into a glass and add a tablespoon of cold pressed organic flaxseed oil. You get a portion of it.
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 4
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 4

Step 4. Use ginger

Ginger helps calm the digestive tract and can help reduce swelling. Add fresh, grated ginger to green tea or boil a few pieces of the root to make an infusion.

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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 5

Step 5. Drink peppermint tea

It is no coincidence that many restaurants offer peppermint candies to customers who have finished eating - this substance helps digest. Make an infusion based on this ingredient, or add a few leaves to boiling water or green tea.

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 6
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 6

Step 6. Stay away from alcohol

When you have to flatten your stomach, alcohol certainly doesn't help you. It further stores the fats you take in and leads the body to burn fat up to 36% less than usual. It can also inhibit the production of hormones that cause fat burning in the body.

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 7
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 7

Step 7. Avoid carbonated and fermented drinks

These drinks contain gas, and when you consume them you end up introducing it into the intestines, which causes bloating. Obviously, this is also noticeable on the outside.

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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 8

Step 8. Avoid sorbitol

Sorbitol is an artificial sweetener found in some diet drinks. On the one hand, it sweetens without adding calories, but the problem is that the human body has difficulty digesting it. And sorbitol isn't just found in sodas - look for it in yogurt, low-calorie foods, chewing gum, and hard candy.

Method 2 of 4: Belly Flattening Exercises

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 9
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 9

Step 1. Do cardio

Nothing more than aerobic exercise fights the fat located on the belly. A study carried out by Duke University found that cardio is the most effective method for deeply burning stored fat. Additionally, aerobic workouts burn 67% extra calories compared to strength training or training that combines cardio and resistance.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends that healthy adults do at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity (such as brisk walking or swimming), or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity (such as race). The workouts must be spread over 7 days. Sports sessions can be broken up throughout the day, but each should last at least 10 minutes. If you plan to lose weight, you need to increase the intensity, the duration, or both

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 10
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 10

Step 2. Do the sit-ups

Are crunches the best way to flatten your tummy? Fitness instructors may never come to an agreement. Undoubtedly, however, it must be said that the muscles of the front and side of the abdomen work.

  • Sit on a Pilates ball. Lie on a Pilates ball with your back and head pressed to this surface, feet together on the floor and a 2-5kg dumbbell or medicine ball in your hands, placed against your chest. Contract your abs and lift your shoulders completely off the ball. Then, use both hands to bring the dumbbell or medicine ball towards the ceiling. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps, then rest for 30 seconds between sets.
  • Abdominals with leg raises. Grab a pair of 4-5kg dumbbells and lie flat on your back, with your arms stretched behind you, legs extended and raised creating a 45 ° angle. Bring your arms to your chest and lift your shoulders off the mat as you lift your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Return to the starting position without letting your legs touch the floor. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps with a 30 second break between sets.
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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 11

Step 3. Work the middle part of the body

The central part of the body, also known as the core, is made up of the abdominal muscles, as well as the lumbar area, the pelvic floor and the hips; in all, there are more than 15 muscles. For a truly flat stomach you need targeted exercises for all of these muscles.

  • Side plank. Lie on your left side with your elbow directly under your shoulder and one leg resting on the other. Place your right hand on your left shoulder or right hip. Contract your abs and lift your hips off the floor until you are balanced on your forearm and feet so that your body forms a diagonal line. Stay in position for 30-45 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

    If you can't hold the position for 30-45 seconds, hold on for as long as possible and gradually increase the time

  • Walk with your hands. Lie on the floor as if you were going to do a push-up and place your hands on the ground beyond the width of the shoulders by 5 cm. Keeping your feet still, walk as far forward as possible using your hands, then return to the starting position. Do 10-12 repetitions.

    To further challenge yourself, you can lift one leg before starting to walk with your hands and return to the starting position

  • Imagine you are climbing a climbing rope. Sit with your legs extended outward and in front of you, feet turned outward in a V shape. Point your feet upward. Contract your core muscles and bend your back to create a C-shaped curve. Lift your arms up and move them as if you were climbing a climbing rope, twisting them slightly with each movement. Do 20 reps per arm.

Method 3 of 4: Create a Flat Belly Illusion

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 12
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 12

Step 1. Improve your posture

If you are standing with your back straight, it may seem like you have lost 2 kg, so why not give it a try? Position yourself in such a way as to relax the pelvis and align it with the waist; don't arch your back and push your buttocks out. Align the rib cage with the belly. Pull your shoulders back and let them drop gently. Center the head on the spine and lengthen the back of the neck imagining that the crown of the head is gently raised upwards by a thread.

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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 13

Step 2. Choose clothing items that optically flatten your tummy

In the fight against a bloated stomach, there are numerous ways to put your wardrobe at your service. By choosing the right fabrics and cuts you can give the illusion of having a less prominent belly.

  • Choose fabrics that slim the body. Examples include cotton, silk blend, blended synthetic fibers and light blended wool. Stay away from fabrics that are too tight, like Lycra and light knits; they tend to emphasize every single roll.
  • Look away from your belly. Look for clothing that has features that draw attention away from the mid-body area. For example, sweaters with details around the neckline or a ruche that crosses the center of the piece bring the eye towards this element instead of letting it concentrate on the belly. Shirts and wrap dresses are equally valid choices, the important thing is that they are not made with fabrics that stick to the skin, which should instead be avoided.
  • Add a belt. Use a wide belt of a dark color to go around the waist, separating the hips and the bust and defining this area.
  • Play with fantasies. Geometric and floral patterns can be very useful for partially camouflaging the belly, but you need to experiment with the size of the pattern. Make sure they fit your body size.
  • Wear colors that flatter you. True, black is the slimmest color ever, but it's not your only choice. Celebrity stylist Phillip Bloch recommends purple, dark blue, burgundy, eggplant, charcoal gray and deep emerald green to slim the figure. You could also try dressing in a solid color, creating a monochromatic look from head to toe - it's another way to look tall and slim.
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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 14

Step 3. Use modeling underwear

These pieces can make the body more harmonious and give you the desired result. They come in many different styles, but tight, high-waisted shorts (such as cycling shorts) are best for making your tummy (and hips and thighs look slimmer). Choose the modeling effectiveness of the garment, which can be light, medium or strong, so that you get the look you want without having great discomfort or feeling real pain.

Method 4 of 4: The Right Foods for a Flat Belly

Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 15
Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 15

Step 1. Eat more often

Instead of 3 large meals that fill your tummy and strain your digestive system, have small snacks frequently. Divide the intervals by allowing 2-3 hours to pass between meals. Food will take up less space in your stomach, cause less expansion, keep your metabolism going, and make you feel full.

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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 16

Step 2. Reduce your intake of high-fiber foods

Many high-fiber foods, such as broccoli, legumes, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, cause gas and bloating. Eliminate them from your diet this week. Once this is over, gradually reintroduce them. You may find that some make you bloated more than others, so you can adjust your diet accordingly to introduce fiber and, at the same time, have a flat stomach.

Combat the action of gas-causing foods by using special tablets. They generally contain an enzyme that helps break down the complex sugars found in legumes and cruciferous vegetables so they can be digested more easily

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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 17

Step 3. Adjust the portions of fruit and vegetables

While these foods are great for overall good health, they can also make your stomach expand, so it's best to consume small portions spread throughout the day.

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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 18

Step 4. Make sure you are not lactose intolerant

If dairy products cause you uncomfortable gas and bloating, you may have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in dairy products. Try eating low-lactose foods like yogurt, only consume small amounts of dairy products at a time, and combine them with other foods. You can also buy lactose-free products or take a medicine that helps digestion. it is useful for helping the digestive system to assimilate this disaccharide.

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Get a Flat Stomach in a Week Step 19

Step 5. Choose potassium-rich foods

Eat foods rich in potassium, such as avocado, bananas, papaya, mango, cantaloupe, and fat-free yogurt (made without artificial sweeteners). Potassium is a natural diuretic, so it helps reduce water retention and swelling.


  • Don't eat too quickly. Eating slowly allows the digestive system to function properly. Also, in this way you are able to taste the food better.
  • Drink water before and after each meal; it helps fill your stomach and just leaves some room for food.
  • You have breakfast. The first meal of the day can actually speed up your metabolism.
  • The harder you work, the more positive and faster the results you will get.
  • After eating, wait for at least 2 hours before going to bed to give yourself plenty of time to digest the food.
  • Try to become more active; you just need to take the stairs instead of taking the elevator to have a good starting point.
  • Wise choices:

    • Prefer whole foods (pasta and wholemeal bread).
    • All vegetables are good for health, but when it comes to lettuce, the darker one is ideal for you. Additionally, some legumes and grains, such as peas and corn, contain starch.
    • Dried fruit is preferable to chips. Both of these foods contain a lot of fat, but those from nuts are healthier.
    • Fruit is preferable to fruit juice. As stated earlier, juice may have extra sugars, while fruit keeps the digestive system active.
    • When deciding what kind of milk to buy, try semi-skim or skimmed milk.
  • Of course, it will be difficult. If it were easy, everyone would do it in the blink of an eye. Never give up, no matter what.
  • Don't be disheartened if you don't see results right away. Sooner or later they will be visible.
  • Do not give up. The results are in your hands.
  • Don't let your insecurities get in your way. Having a flat stomach not only allows you to have a more beautiful body, it is also good for your health.
  • If you walk for cardio, be sure to keep your back straight and tighten your abs; this is very useful in the long run.
  • Run based on time rather than distance. When you work out, your metabolism works faster than usual, even after you're done. If you run for half an hour, it stays active longer than if you ran 2km.
  • Try having 6 small meals instead of 3 large ones.
  • Keep trying, whatever the cost. Don't be discouraged, you will succeed.
  • All types of fruit are good for your health, but don't overdo it with bananas. They prevent the body from digesting carbohydrates at the same usual rate.
  • Try to do some exercise before you go to work, because this way you will be free to relax during the rest of the day, and it is easy to get used to this routine.
  • There are no pills, medicines or special belts that will help you achieve the desired results. The look you deserve is entirely up to you and nothing else. You are the only one who can make a difference.
  • Don't weigh yourself every day; once a week should be more than enough.
  • Pay attention to your body mass index (BMI). If she tells you your weight is healthy, don't train to invisible in an attempt to be skinny like a supermodel.
  • Chewing gum is good not only if you are trying to quit smoking, but also if you want to nibble something out of boredom while being full. Don't chew them for more than an hour at a time, or your jaw will start to hurt.
  • Exercise with your friends. You will be much more motivated.
  • Run for at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, to speed up your metabolism.
  • Try drinking hot lemonade.


  • Don't train too hard and don't put too much stress on your body.
  • Don't go hungry.
