Raja Yoga meditation is a type of meditation open to everyone, regardless of age, sex, religion or race.

Step 1. Find a quiet place (for example in your office or home, or in your garden

Step 2. Sit in a comfortable position
Take it easy.

Step 3. Gently focus your attention on the present moment
It is advisable to keep your eyes open to practice this type of meditation effectively.

Step 4. Take your attention away from sounds and everything around you
Observe your thoughts and slow them down gently. Inhale and exhale.

Step 5. As the thoughts slow down, create a single thought of stillness
For example, "I am a quiet soul". Let this thought become your awareness as you sit in meditation.

Step 6. Continue creating and experiencing tranquility
Repeat saying, "I am a quiet soul … I am a calm being … Stillness is my original nature …" As these thoughts become sensations, nurture them with silence to enter a profound experience of peace.

Step 7. After meditation, resume your daily activities bringing with you the precious experience of stillness experienced during meditation
In this way, the entry into deeper meditative experiences will become natural, and over time it will transform into your lifestyle.
- Follow a vegetarian diet, it will help you increase your ability to concentrate during meditation.
- During meditation, you can focus on the image of a point of light in front of you.
- Practice raja yoga early in the day (between 2 and 5). In this moment of the note people are asleep and the silence is sweet. Alternatively, you can meditate before bed, to promote a calm and restorative sleep. If you only have a short amount of time, make sure you practice raja yoga for at least 5 minutes.
- Wear simple, comfortable clothes (white and light colors promote better concentration.)