Meditation is a way to relax and a path that leads to enlightenment. By detaching ourselves from the outside world and temporarily turning off the brain, well-being, positivity and enlightenment (inner peace) emerge. All negativity vanishes. We go back to thinking positively and suddenly we are immersed in the light. We see the positive side of the world, of other human beings and of ourselves. We are in harmony with ourselves and with our life. Here's how to meditate with your inner voice.

Step 1. Get ready
Sit in a meditation position (cross-legged, kneeling, on a chair, etc.) and in the posture of your choice (arms on hips or along the legs; hands can be on knees in case of crossed legs, with thumbs and index fingers ring).
Close your eyes.
Meditate With Your Inner Voice Step 1Bullet1 -
Inhale and exhale.
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Calm down and relax.
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Feel what you need and find your ideal technique.
Meditate With Your Inner Voice Step 1Bullet4 - Meditation is good for you.

Step 2. Stop thinking
Freeze all thoughts for a minute and rest. Take it easy.

Step 3. Send light into the world
Visualize the Earth, move a hand thinking: “I send light to… May people be happy. May the world be happy”. In particular, it sends light to those who suffer. Use the TV as a window to the world and envelop all the suffering people with your light.

Step 4. Use yoga as a model
Join your hands in your lap. Visualize yourself as part of the divine creation and enveloped in the light of Om. Move your toes a little and think or recite the mantra: Ommm.

Step 5. Visualize the cosmos around us, a universe full of stars
Make big circles with your arms and think, “I take things for what they are; I get rid of my false desires; I live in union with the cosmos; I flow positively with my life”. What do you want to accept or release today? Say "I agree … I release …".

Step 6. Connect with God
Rub your palms in front of the heart chakra. Connect with God and think “Om enlightened masters (God). Om inner wisdom. I ask to be guided and helped on my journey”.

Step 7. Ask
Now you can ask a question. Think about your life. What are your goals? What is your path to a wise life? Meditate on your question. Hear the answer within yourself. What does your inner wisdom say? What do you reply? Feel the answer. Let the answer appear to you. Think of the answer several times, like a mantra.

Step 8. Repeat the mantra
Keep your hands in front of you. Keep your back straight and your abdomen relaxed. Rest your mind completely. Think of the mantra "Om" in the mind, chest, abdomen, legs and feet. Think in the Earth and in the entire universe: "Om Śānti, Om Pace …".

Step 9. Stop thinking
Stop all thoughts for a minute. When a thought emerges, push it away, always. Then relax completely. Stretch your body. Sit relaxed. Peace and harmony are part of you.

Step 10. Be optimistic
Proceed with your day positively. The light is with you. Be blessed.
- Always stay in touch with your body and soul. Feel what they want and what they need. And give it to him. Follow the 5 fundamentals: truth, peace, love, self-control and happiness. Then, you will find the way to the light. Feel the divine light, the energy of peace and love within you. Be happy and good. It is the essence of yoga philosophy.
- The most important part of yoga is the inner voice. The inner voice represents the voice of your truth and wisdom. It is your sense of justice. Merge your intellect and perceptions. Then you will find yourself. Follow your wisdom. Find your personal meditation technique. Meditate in the way that suits you best.
- What do you want to get from meditation? Happiness, care, enlightenment? Get informed. Read books on meditation, attend meditation groups, find the right teacher. Then learn to meditate. Discover the exercises that suit you best. And put them into practice every day.
- To treat a disease, it may be best to consult a professional. Yoga is a way to relax and awaken inner joy. You can cure some diseases with yoga and meditation, but you need to be attentive and listen to your inner voice. Many think it is best to follow the directions of doctors and medical books. Remember, however, that medical education is primarily aimed at treating disease - not wellness - and few doctors have experience in yoga, nutrition or other non-medical treatments.
- The main path to health and care is formed by the 5 principles of health. Every day we should do some sport (yoga, walk), eat healthy food (lots of fruits and vegetables, low in calories), avoid harmful substances (alcohol, smoking, drugs), think positively (overcome negative thoughts) and relax. (enough sleep, breaks, silence and meditation).
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