Do you want to have an absolutely divine scent? This guide will teach you step by step all the secrets to having a fantastic scent.

Step 1. Keep yourself fresh and clean by washing every day
This means showering or bathing every day - evening is the best time, so you don't have to wake up early, but if you sweat at night, consider showering in the morning or even twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Step 2. Wash your hair as soon as it starts to show any signs of grease or dirt
Hair usually starts to get greasy after 2 or 3 days - but it depends on what shampoo you use, as you may need to wash it every day. Washing your hair and applying conditioner will keep it fresh and smelling good - you don't want it to stink, do you?

Step 3. Try a scented bath oil or bubble bath
It will keep your skin scented. It can also be very relaxing. Tip: If you need to wash your hair while taking a bath, try washing it first and then add the shower gel, or just tilt your head back to the bathtub and use the shower to wash your hair. Then put on a cap or gather them in a high ponytail or bun. You don't want your hair to get greasy and sticky.

Step 4. Adding a few drops of your favorite perfume to the bottom of the shower will create a fragrant vapor

Step 5. Use a bubble bath and scented body wash
This will help cleanse your skin while keeping it scented. Some products also make the skin soft and supple.

Step 6. Once you are done bathing or showering, apply some body lotion
Moisturizing sprays are also useful for adding fragrance and moisturizing the skin. Also this will keep your skin smooth.

Step 7. Spray some perfume you like on a clean towel, put it in the dryer or on a heater for a few minutes, so it should smell absolutely divine
Note: Putting it on a heater won't give a miraculous result like putting it in the dryer.

Step 8. Put a deodorant in your room to keep it fragrant

Step 9. Open the windows to let the bad smells out
Step 10. Open a highly scented bar of soap and place it in the bottom of your closet to instantly freshen up your clothes

Step 11. The next time you go shopping, look for some trial perfumes
Sprinkle some on the test cards and put them in the back of the closet to keep the clothes smelling!

Step 12. Use a good-smelling clothes cleaner to keep your clothes smelling

Step 13. Make sure you wash your clothes as soon as they need them
Don't leave them there for four days when the stench starts to increase.

Step 14. Wear clean clothes every day

Step 15. If your shoes stink, be sure to keep them clean
Wash them in the washing machine and then let them dry in the open air overnight. You can also spray a light perfume on it. You could also try putting detergent tablets in them while you're not using them and leave them near an open window.

Step 16. Before you leave the house, spray your body with a little body spray, use roll-on deodorant (but make sure it's organic
) and wear some perfume. Eau de Toilette is good, but lighter, if you are looking for a strong scent.

Step 17. Repeat these methods day in and day out for absolute perfection
- Put the perfume on your temples, behind your knees, inside and on your elbows, and especially on your neck.
- Do not overdo the perfume, if it is too strong it could be nauseating.
- Carry your perfume with you all day.
- Wear a body spray with a similar scent.
- Apply the body spray all over your body - focusing on your chest and thighs. Don't try to spray it evenly, just keep it about 3 inches from your body and spray, spray, spray!
- Make sure you use a fabric softener.
- Do not intentionally or inadvertently inhale the body spray. If you do this by mistake, breathe in fresh air immediately and cough to clear your lungs. Don't panic and drink some water to calm yourself down.
- If you happen to find yourself next to someone who has a bad smell problem, respect their feelings and don't tell them. Treat it normally, but more importantly, don't take your perfume out immediately to spray it randomly. Don't spray perfume on him unless he asks you to. Just respect her feelings and don't use perfume until you have time to naturally walk away and go to a bathroom. Make sure you don't make him feel uncomfortable and don't let him know that you are aware of his little problem. Be that as it may, you probably won't stink just because you're close to him!
- If you go to the gym, bring some wet wipes, deodorant, perfume and body spray and use them. You should shower as soon as you can. Sweat can stink a lot and you may not always notice if you are the one who stinks.
- In consideration of other people's feelings, avoid sprinkling perfume in the middle of a restaurant dinner (not that you would). Just in case someone has asthma, leave it for the bathroom break.