3 Ways to Remove Popcorn from Teeth

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3 Ways to Remove Popcorn from Teeth
3 Ways to Remove Popcorn from Teeth

A piece of popcorn caught between your teeth can cause irritation and even some pain. Unlike many other foods, the residues of this food do not dissolve easily with saliva and can stay in the mouth for a long time, getting stuck between the teeth and the gum line. If you can't remove them properly, food debris such as popcorn will reach the most hidden openings and crevices, causing an abscess that fills with bacteria and leading to potentially serious gum infections. Learning to resolve the issue before it becomes a more serious problem will make you feel better and avoid painful infections.


Method 1 of 3: Using Dental Floss and Other Items

Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 1
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 1

Step 1. Use dental floss

Dentist associations recommend using it at least once a day, especially if you know there is some residue stuck between your teeth.

  • Run the floss as close to the gum as possible in the interdental spaces where the piece of popcorn is stuck.
  • Give the floss a "C" shape around one tooth and repeat for the adjacent one.
  • Swipe it back and forth to stir the popcorn.
  • Finally, rinse your mouth with water.
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 2
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 2

Step 2. Use a toothpick

Be very careful with this tool, so as not to pierce the gum or cause other types of injuries.

  • Insert the flat end of the toothpick between your teeth where the food residue got stuck.
  • Gently move the popcorn between your teeth, trying to move it up or forward.
  • If this doesn't work or the toothpick doesn't have a flat end, use a pointed one and move it gently along the gum. Be extremely cautious to avoid damaging the gum or pricking the inside of the mouth.
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 3
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 3

Step 3. Brush your teeth

This procedure is very effective in eliminating residues such as popcorn.

  • Wet the bristles of the toothbrush.
  • The use of toothpaste is optional when it comes to removing crumbs, although the action of the foam can help; put a pea-sized amount on your toothbrush.
  • Place it on the gum so that it forms a 45 ° angle.
  • Try to get the popcorn out of the gap between your teeth; once you have done this, rinse the bristles of the toothbrush to avoid introducing the residue back into your mouth when you use it next time.

Method 2 of 3: Remove the Flossed Popcorn

Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 4
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 4

Step 1. Move your tongue over the affected tooth

Try to gently "tease" the popcorn this way, but don't overdo it, otherwise it could cause pain and inflammation.

Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 5
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 5

Step 2. Rinse your mouth

You can only use water, but if you rinse with saline you also reduce any inflammation and consequently the risk of infection. The grains of salt can be an additional aid in eliminating food residue.

  • Add a tablespoon of salt to 250ml of warm water.
  • Stir until the salt has completely dissolved.
  • Do rinses with this solution on the affected area of the mouth; try to concentrate the movement of the water mainly around where the popcorn is stuck.
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 6
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 6

Step 3. Try chewing gum

The gum increases salivation and can help physically detach the crumb from the teeth. Sugar-free ones have been found to be effective in reducing interdental residues by up to 50%.

For best results, especially chew on the popcorn area of your mouth

Method 3 of 3: Treating Pain Associated with Food Residue Between the Teeth

Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 7
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 7

Step 1. Take a pain reliever

If the fragment gets stuck in your teeth for long enough to cause an abscess or infection, it probably causes a lot of pain as well. An over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort until you visit your dentist.

Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 8
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 8

Step 2. Use clove oil

This oil has been found to have excellent antibacterial and pain relieving properties; helps relieve dental pain until you can go to the dentist.

  • Wet a cotton ball or a cotton swab with some of this oil;
  • Place the swab on the painful area;
  • Repeat as needed until you visit your dentist.
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 9
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 9

Step 3. Apply a cold pack

Place it on the outside of your mouth to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

  • Put the ice pack in a towel; if you don't have one available, you can wrap several cubes in a cloth or alternatively wet the towel with cold water.
  • Keep the towel on the affected side of your face.
  • Do not apply it for more than 20 minutes at a time and take it off for at least 10 minutes before repeating the treatment.
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 10
Remove Popcorn from Your Teeth Step 10

Step 4. Call the dentist to make an appointment

He is able to remove irritating popcorn residues and can perform a thorough cleaning to make sure there are no other problems in his mouth. If an abscess has formed or you have an infection, your dentist can treat it and prescribe medication to manage the pain.
