How to Study Well (with Pictures)

How to Study Well (with Pictures)
How to Study Well (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


In order to study well, it is essential to apply yourself intelligently. Preparing for an exam doesn't mean staying up all night before the fateful day. To study well, therefore, it is necessary to prepare in due time. The secret is to learn a few tricks and to know your attitudes. Learning depends on commitment and the environment in which you study.


Part 1 of 4: Taking Care of Yourself

Study Well Step 1
Study Well Step 1

Step 1. Drink lots of water

Water is the elixir of our body. Having a glass of water handy while you study will help fuel your concentration during these moments. Hydration can benefit memory.

Study Well Step 2
Study Well Step 2

Step 2. Eat right

If you treat your body right, you are halfway to being able to get into the right state of mind. There are some foods that improve attention and general physical well-being. Studies show that high-carb, high-fiber, slow-digesting foods, such as oatmeal, are best to eat on the morning of an exam. The food you consume in the previous two weeks is also just as important and affects the way you study. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables.

Include high-nourishing foods, such as blueberries and almonds, in your diet

Study Well Step 3
Study Well Step 3

Step 3. Stimulates the circulatory system

This is the system that controls the heart and blood circulation. To study in a healthy way, it is necessary that the brain is supplied in a healthy way by the bloodstream. Some studies have shown that by stimulating the circulatory system for 20 minutes, it is possible to improve memory. Don't feel like you have to go for a run if you don't want to. Dance in the living room to the rhythm of your favorite song. Make sure you use these moments to relax and relieve stress during a study break.

The important thing is to raise your heart rate. Once it increases, keep moving for at least twenty minutes

Study Well Step 4
Study Well Step 4

Step 4. Sleep well

If you sleep soundly for 7-8 hours, you will feel motivated to study. By depriving yourself of sleep, however, you will perceive studying as a routine job. You won't be able to learn as much as you would after a good night's sleep.

Part 2 of 4: Studying Smartly

Study Well Step 5
Study Well Step 5

Step 1. Follow a schedule

Once you've determined when is the best time to apply, go all the way. Spend most of your days studying. Even if the exam or test is due in a couple of weeks, with a little daily effort you will get very far.

Study Well Step 6
Study Well Step 6

Step 2. Try to understand what you are learning

Students often memorize the study topics they are sure they will be asked about, but in reality it is not such an effective method. If you understand the subject you are studying, you will improve your ability to memorize concepts. You may not mind remembering trigonometry once you pass a question or exam, but in the long run it will be the other way around.

Make connections when you study. It is not always easy to make connections between the topics you explore and your daily life. However, it's a skill you can hone over time. Concentrate for a few moments and use your imagination to connect what you are studying to various aspects of your life

Study Well Step 7
Study Well Step 7

Step 3. Use flashcards

It is one of the best techniques to use when studying, as it can be applied in almost any subject. By writing the notions to learn on a card, you will induce your mind to focus on the subject of study to which they relate. Once you're done, you can test for an extended period of time and let others evaluate you as well.

If you read the side of the card containing the definitions and question yourself within the time limit you set, switch sides. Strive to give the definition or formula that corresponds to a certain word or concept

Study Well Step 8
Study Well Step 8

Step 4. Rewrite your notes

Some people find it atrocious considering they have already spent a significant amount of time taking notes in class. However, try rewriting them by adding more information. Don't lazily put them in order by just transcribing them. Use external sources, such as a textbook or an essay that has been assigned to you.

It's a great way to study, as it prompts you to delve deeper into the subject once you've read your notes and textbooks. Reading, thinking and writing are all the ingredients you need to study effectively

Study Well Step 9
Study Well Step 9

Step 5. Take some breaks

After spending some time studying - 45-60 minutes - take a quick 10-15 minute break. It is a proven and safe method of learning. Then review what you have previously applied by doing a verification. By reviewing the topics after a short interval, you will better imprint the acquired knowledge in your mind.

Don't watch television or play a video game during breaks. You risk getting too involved and distracted before you get back to work. Try walking the dog or go out for a quick run

Study Well Step 10
Study Well Step 10

Step 6. Test yourself

After studying for a while, test yourself for the last 20-30 minutes. It's a great way to review everything you've just reviewed and to better memorize the concepts you've learned. Textbooks often contain questions at the end of each chapter. Do your best to analyze them, even if they have not been assigned to you.

  • You don't need the end-of-chapter questions to simulate a query. You can always use your hand to hide the definitions or part of your notes. Then speak out loud the concept related to the passages you covered.
  • If you are wrong, check the correct answers.
Study Well Step 11
Study Well Step 11

Step 7. Avoid slaughtering yourself on books the day before a test

There's no need to slog or study hard the night before a question, assignment, or exam. Most people need a couple of days to review their notes in order to assimilate the notions well. By killing yourself with work at the last moment, you will not be able to memorize the information you are trying to learn. Ignore people who claim to study at the last minute. Some are monstrously good at homework and schoolwork. Don't compare yourself to them! Everyone is different, so you will need to act according to your needs.

Part 3 of 4: Prepare to Study

Study Well Step 12
Study Well Step 12

Step 1. Update the diary

It is important to note your homework when you are in school. If the teacher assigns a class assignment for the following Friday, write it down. Call it up by adding a note in each journal day until the assignment date arrives. It will allow you to feel more motivated to follow the mental list of what you need to do to finish homework.

  • If you organize yourself so that your schoolwork follows a schedule, you will be less likely to feel depressed.
  • For this to work, you need to use it every day and consult it every time you sit down to do your homework.
Study Well Step 13
Study Well Step 13

Step 2. Plan your study hours

Everyone has their own times when they prefer to work and read. Try a few timeslots to find out when you are most productive. Students usually take a short break after school and then start studying. Take your time for lunch and then sit down to study. If you finish your work in the afternoon, you will be able to relax in the evening.

  • Some people find it more beneficial to do homework and study at night or early in the morning. It depends on your schedule and your habits.
  • If after school you have sporting commitments or other activities to follow, choose carefully when to study. It's easy to throw in the towel after an intense workout, so be aware of this difficulty.
Study Well Step 14
Study Well Step 14

Step 3. Study in the right environment

You will need a desk or table with a decent amount of space, but also good lighting. Often students argue that listening to music, keeping the TV on or having a cell phone at hand helps, but in truth they are all distractions. If you can't apply yourself silently, play some background music instead of a sung piece.

  • Avoid reading textbooks on the bed. The temptation to fall asleep will be too great.
  • Studying outside the home can help you focus. By changing the environment in which you normally study, you will have the opportunity to improve your memory skills. Try going to a nearby café or a nearby library. Your choice depends on what you prefer.
Study Well Step 15
Study Well Step 15

Step 4. Organize a study group

Many people benefit from studying in groups. It is a rather informal situation and is usually a very effective system. It is not necessary to become a lone wolf when studying. Man is a social animal. Even if you feel like you're not as prepared as the others, you should still try. You will find that you too will have your contribution to make to the group.

Some studies show that those who prepare for exams by studying in groups are more likely to pass it

Study Well Step 16
Study Well Step 16

Step 5. Get to know your learning style

There are three different types of students: visual, auditory or kinesthetic. If you belong to the visual typology, you will probably need to highlight your notes. If you are an auditory learner, you may be more inclined to invent a song using your notes. If you are a kinesthetic student, it is likely that you may want to express what you are studying with gestures and movements.

  • Learning style is an important aspect of successful preparation. If your study method does not fit in with your learning style, you will have a hard time assimilating any kind of notion.
  • It is necessary to study at least two and a half hours a day. It begins by dedicating about 30 minutes of study to each assigned subject.

Part 4 of 4: Getting into the Right Mental State

Study Well Step 17
Study Well Step 17

Step 1. Pay your full attention

In the classroom you should be prepared to learn and not use these hours to be a clown. Sit at the first desks if you have not been assigned another seat. Avoid classmates who do nothing but joke around in class. This attitude risks damaging you when you have to study.

Study Well Step 18
Study Well Step 18

Step 2. Change the subject of study

It can be counterproductive to focus on just one topic while studying. If you can do it, lucky you! However, if you alternate subjects and turn your attention to other subjects, your concentration will not fail.

Study Well Step 19
Study Well Step 19

Step 3. Try to be present to yourself

It can be the hardest thing to do in this world full of distractions. If you begin to feel like you are not studying profitable, repeat to yourself: "Concentrate." Then return to slowly focus on what you were studying. It may seem bizarre, but it may be useful to warn yourself in this way. It doesn't work for everyone.

Say it by taking a deep breath, while keeping your eyes closed, to increase the soothing effect


  • It is said that if you listen carefully to the teacher, you will learn 60% of what you need. So listening in class is very, very important.
  • When in class, always focus on what the teacher is saying and ask questions if you don't understand.
  • Be careful not to be disturbed or distracted by other chores.
  • Take more notes and more examples from the reference books.
  • Seek help before you start studying if you don't understand the topic.
  • Don't watch TV, don't listen to music, don't snack, don't daydream and so on. You risk losing concentration and hindering learning.
  • Turn off your cell phone.
  • Emphasize key passages on books and study materials so you don't waste time learning less important concepts.
