Pendulous fibroids, sometimes incorrectly called leeks, are small flaps of skin that form in different parts of the body. Usually, they do not cause pain and do not represent a danger; most doctors recommend leaving them alone unless you want to remove them. If you want to have them removed, visit your doctor to evaluate different options, such as removal with an electrosurgical unit. You can also apply natural oils or blends, hoping that this will dry out and fall off on their own.
Method 1 of 4: Undergo Medical Treatments

Step 1. Make an appointment with the dermatologist
Most skin tags are painless, but if you feel they are darker than your complexion, are large, or have an unusual shape, it is recommended that you see a specialist. If you take them off without consulting a doctor, you could be wasting valuable time in case they are a sign of some more serious problem.
These growths must not completely change color; if this occurs, contact a dermatologist; your doctor will likely remove one and, if suspicious, send it to a laboratory for analysis

Step 2. Have your doctor remove it
The professional numbs the area with a specific ointment and eliminates the growth flush with the skin using a scalpel; eventually, he can also cut it with a sharp pair of medical scissors; this procedure, called excision, is usually quite quick and painless.

Step 3. Find out about freezing
During the visit, the doctor can use a probe to apply a small amount of nitrogen to the fibroid; this method, called cryosurgery, is sometimes used to remove warts as well. Once frozen, it should fall off spontaneously.

Step 4. Go to the doctor to get it burned
During this procedure, called cauterization, the doctor uses a small probe to apply a source of heat directly to the surface of the fibroid. the heat emanating from the electric current burns it and allows it to be removed quickly and easily.

Step 5. Let the doctor remove the blood supply
This procedure is called ligation and the doctor applies a thin band at the base of the blemish, to prevent blood from flowing to the upper portion and thus killing the growth, which falls naturally from the skin. This method takes a few days to achieve satisfactory results, and depending on the site and size of the skin tag, it can be a little more painful.

Step 6. Recognize the benefits of medical treatments
You may be tempted to treat the growth at home, but specialist care offers unique benefits: the doctor uses sterile instruments to avoid infections, he can also apply an ointment to numb the skin and reduce pain during and after the procedure.; moreover, some of these methods, such as cauterization, are now technologically advanced and rarely leave visible scars.
Depending on where the skin tag is located, medical attention may be required. For example, if it is found on the eyes, it is often treated by an ophthalmologist

Step 7. Do nothing
You can always decide to leave it undisturbed on the skin. If it doesn't bother, there are usually no medical reasons to have it removed; your doctor will most likely advise you not to touch it, unless it causes some discomfort.
Even if you have private health insurance, this type of intervention is often considered aesthetic in nature, unnecessary and therefore the costs are not covered by the policy; check your contract anyway, to find out if the cost of removal is refunded in your case
Method 2 of 4: Use Natural Oils and Homemade Blends

Step 1. Apply oregano oil
Take a bowl and mix 2 or 3 drops of this oil with 4 or 6 of coconut oil. Dip a cotton swab and place it on the growth three times a day; you should notice that it gradually dries up. This method typically takes a month to produce results.
Proceed with caution when applying natural oils, such as oregano, as they can irritate the skin. if you notice any redness, stop the procedure immediately; avoid treating the eye area in this way

Step 2. Use tea tree oil
It is a well known remedy for its antifungal properties. Take a cotton ball, wet it with water and add three drops of this oil. Wash the area of the skin tag and the surrounding skin within about 2 cm using the cotton swab; repeat the treatment three times a day. This is an effective way to dry out the growth as long as you are consistent in your application.
- Be sure to add water as well to reduce the risk of irritating your skin, including that of your fingers; eventually, you can also dilute tea tree oil with olive oil.
- Some people also recommend covering the area with a band-aid until the skin tag falls off once it has dried.
- Be careful to treat the area around the eyes, as the oil can cause irritation.

Step 3. Rub the aloe vera
You can choose whether to remove a leaf from a plant and squeeze some gel or buy a pack of aloe vera gel in supermarkets; this method is based on the healing properties of the plant, but it doesn't always work.

Step 4. Use a castor oil paste
Mix it with baking soda in a small bowl until it forms a thick paste. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the mixture and apply it on the growth; you can use this method as many times as you want, but be careful in case of irritation. Its effectiveness is widely recognized among those who use natural remedies.

Step 5. Apply garlic paste
Take a clove of fresh garlic, chop it into a thick paste and place it in a small bowl. Take a cotton swab, dip it in garlic to apply a small amount of paste on the skin tag and then cover it with a band-aid. Repeat the treatment once a day.
An alternative way to use garlic is to cut it into small "discs"; place one on top of the leek, securing it with a band-aid. Perform this treatment in the morning and remove the garlic in the evening; the growth should subside within a week

Step 6. Treat skin tags with apple cider vinegar
Take a cotton ball, wet it with this vinegar until it is completely soaked and lay it on the affected area for a few minutes; if you wish, you can rub the skin in circular motions, so that it absorbs the vinegar better. Repeat the treatment three times a day, until the leek comes off; this is usually a fairly effective procedure.
It is normal to feel a little itchy when vinegar comes into contact with the skin. however, if it is too annoying for you, dilute it with a little water before the next application
Method 3 of 4: Using Extracted Juices

Step 1. Apply the juice from the dandelion stem
Take one of these flowers and squeeze the stem from bottom to top until some juice starts to come out; collect it on a cotton swab and place it on the affected area; repeat the process up to four times a day. The juice should dry out the skin tag until it falls off spontaneously.
If you are allergic to plants, such as dandelions, you need to choose another method

Step 2. Apply lemon juice
It is very acidic and for this reason it represents an excellent antiseptic; squeeze a fruit, pour the juice into a bowl, dip a swab to soak it and place it on the growth. Repeat the treatment up to three times a day; this remedy is effective only if performed many times.

Step 3. Apply fig stem juice
Take a handful of fresh figs and remove the stems; chop them in a small bowl to get the juice. Then use the liquid to wet a cotton ball to place on the affected skin four times a day. The growth should come off in about four weeks.
Aside from the anecdotal evidence, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of this solution

Step 4. Apply pineapple juice
Buy a can from supermarkets or cut a fresh pineapple and extract the juice. Then place a cotton ball soaked in the juice directly on the pendulous fibroid up to three times a day; in about a week you should notice that the leek begins to dissolve and disappear.
The effectiveness of this method depends on how the skin reacts to the acidity of the pineapple juice
Method 4 of 4: Try More Radical Methods

Step 1. Cover the skin tag with nail polish
Take a transparent one and spread a single layer on the area to be treated at least twice a day, making sure that each time the growth is completely covered; over time, it should begin to peel off the skin.

Step 2. Blot it with masking tape
Cut a piece of tape with a diameter of about 2-3 cm and place it right above the pendulous fibroid; let it act and gradually dry out the growth, until it falls off spontaneously. You can replace the tape every day, putting on a new piece; within ten days you should notice the results.

Step 3. Tie it up
You can use fishing line, dental floss, or fine cotton twine; wrap it around the base of the skin tag firmly and tightly, but not to the point of pain. Trim the excess yarn and let it do its job; over time, the growth should detach on its own, as it is no longer supplied with blood. This is the "home" version of the technique that the doctor could use in his office with sterile instruments.
- Don't be surprised if your skin changes color with this remedy; it is completely normal and is due to the fact that the blood supply has been interrupted.
- Proceed with great caution in following this procedure; be sure to cut off blood circulation only to the skin tag and not to the surrounding skin. If you start to feel pain, you need to stop immediately and see a doctor.

Step 4. Avoid cutting it with homemade solutions
If you eliminate it in this way, you expose yourself to possible serious infections, in addition to the risk of bleeding; even the smallest growths can bleed quite a bit and should be referred for medical attention. It could also cause scarring and encourage the development of hyperpigmented areas.

Step 5. Try over-the-counter remedies
There are several over-the-counter treatments that are advertised for their ability to eliminate skin tags with just one or two applications. Ask the pharmacist for more details; can recommend some cryotherapy products that need to be applied to the leek to make it fall out. When used with caution, they are generally quite effective remedies.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the package, as the substance could potentially damage the surrounding skin and cause scars or blemishes
- In addition to the misnomer "leek", the skin tag is also called "acrochordon" or "soft fibroid".
- Sometimes a skin tag looks like a wart and vice versa. To be able to distinguish the two growths, remember that the fibroid has a smoother surface, hangs from the outer skin layer and is not contagious.
- Interestingly, these growths can also affect dogs. Have your four-legged friend undergo a vet visit before proceeding with home solutions.