5 Ways to Cook Beets

5 Ways to Cook Beets
5 Ways to Cook Beets

Table of contents:


Beets are sweet and healthy vegetables. Despite the high sugar content, they have relatively few calories and many nutrients, such as vitamin C, potassium, fiber and iron. There are many techniques for cooking them, including roasted, microwaved, boiled, steamed and fried. If you want to learn how to do this, read on.


  • 4 medium-sized beets
  • Corn starch (for frying)
  • Olive oil (optional)
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste. (optional)

Servings: 4-6



Cook Beets Step 1
Cook Beets Step 1

Step 1. Choose some fresh beets

If you want the tastiest and freshest, buy the best looking and firm ones. If they seem spongy to you, they are old and the taste will not be great. Fresh beets also have dark green leaves at the tip, old beets have yellowing leaves.

Cook Beets Step 2
Cook Beets Step 2

Step 2. Remove the leaves with the aid of a sharp knife

They should not be removed completely, leave a small portion large enough to grab the vegetable, in this way it will be easier to slice the beet if you decide to do so.

Consider storing the leaves. They can be cooked separately in a pan, roasted or steamed. It won't take long (4 minutes in the steamer will be enough), so keep them aside

Cook Beets Step 3
Cook Beets Step 3

Step 3. Cut the beets

Eliminate the longer end, you do not need it for the recipe, in addition to the fact that its presence makes it more difficult to handle the vegetable. However, if you wish, you can do this after cooking.

Cook Beets Step 4
Cook Beets Step 4

Step 4. Clean the vegetables

Wash them under running water while scrubbing them with a brush until all the soil is gone. You can also use your hands, but you will need to be very careful.

Method 1 of 5: Roast

Cook Beets Step 5
Cook Beets Step 5

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 204 ° C

Cook Beets Step 6
Cook Beets Step 6

Step 2. Prepare the baking sheet

Take one that is not too deep, suitable for beets. Cover it with aluminum foil, this is not strictly necessary, but it will prevent the sweet juices from getting too dirty.

Cook Beets Step 7
Cook Beets Step 7

Step 3. Wrap the beets in aluminum foil

Make sure that after washing them they are still a little damp. Close the packets well, it is not necessary that they are perfectly adherent, but it is important that they remain closed by themselves. If the beets are small you can prepare packets that contain more than one, although it is always better to cook them individually.

If you want to skip this step, you can put some oil on the vegetables to prevent them from burning. Use olive oil or another type of vegetable oil (one tablespoon will be enough for every half a kilo of beets). Then, season with salt and pepper. If you want them to cook faster, cut them into quarters, 45 minutes will be enough; if you leave them whole, it will take longer

Cook Beets Step 8
Cook Beets Step 8

Step 4. Bake the beets in the oven for 50-60 minutes

Put them on the baking sheet and then directly in the oven.

Cook Beets Step 9
Cook Beets Step 9

Step 5. Add a little water if you have the impression that they are starting to burn

Check the beets every 20 minutes and if they appear dry or you notice burn marks on the bottom, gently open each bag and pour 15 ml of water inside. Close the foil and place it in the oven to continue cooking.

Cook Beets Step 10
Cook Beets Step 10

Step 6. Check if they are ready

Beets are fully roasted when you can stick them with a fork in the center without encountering resistance. This is a sign that they are perfectly cooked and that you can take them out of the oven. Remember that small vegetables cook faster than large ones.

Cook Beets Step 11
Cook Beets Step 11

Step 7. Wait for them to cool

It will take a few minutes for the beets to be at a temperature manageable to the touch.

Cook Beets Step 12
Cook Beets Step 12

Step 8. Pelale

When you can handle them, remove the outer skin layer. Grab each beet with a sheet of kitchen paper and gently rub the peel to peel it off. If the vegetable is perfectly cooked, you shouldn't have any difficulties. You won't need any sharp tools to do this. Consider wearing gloves to avoid getting dirty with beet juices.

Cook Beets Step 13
Cook Beets Step 13

Step 9. Bring to the table

You can enjoy these great whole roasted beets, or grab them by the tip and slice them. They are excellent natural or in a salad.

Method 2 of 5: Microwave

Cook Beets Step 14
Cook Beets Step 14

Step 1. Place the beets in a microwave-safe bowl

Try to use a container that has a capacity of 4 liters: it must be large enough to hold all the beets arranged in a single layer without overlapping. You can leave them whole or cut into quarters.

Cook Beets Step 15
Cook Beets Step 15

Step 2. Add 30ml of water

Pour it over the beets to wet them completely. Do not attempt to microwave them without water.

Step 3. Cover the bowl with a lid or cling film

Cook for 5 minutes.

Cook Beets Step 17
Cook Beets Step 17

Step 4. Flip the beets and continue cooking for another 3-5 minutes

By doing this, you are sure that the whole vegetable cooks evenly. Continue like this until they are tender and you can skewer them with a fork.

Cook Beets Step 16
Cook Beets Step 16

Step 5. Wait for them to cool

Leave them in the microwave for a minute or so, then remove them and wait another minute, or until you can handle them. Leaving the beets in the bowl with the lid allows the steam to cook them a little longer. It is better to take advantage of this action of the steam rather than cooking them too much in the microwave, because the latter destroys the nutritional properties of the vegetables.

Cook Beets Step 19
Cook Beets Step 19

Step 6. Remove the peel

Use kitchen paper to scrub the beets; if they don't peel, help yourself with a potato peeler. If you're having trouble peeling, the beetroot needs another minute or so to cook.

Cook Beets Step 20
Cook Beets Step 20

Step 7. Serve

Beets cooked in the microwave are ready to be enjoyed, you can add them to a salad or another recipe of your choice. Slice them, eat them whole or in wedges.

Method 3 of 5: Frying

Cook Beets Step 21
Cook Beets Step 21

Step 1. Peel the beets

Use a peeler to remove the peel before cooking.

Cook Beets Step 22
Cook Beets Step 22

Step 2. Cut it into a matchstick

The size of each stick should be approximately 7.5cm long by 1.5cm thick. Larger sticks will not be at risk of burning, but they will take longer to cook completely.

Cook Beets Step 23
Cook Beets Step 23

Step 3. Sprinkle the beets with cornstarch

Pour 2 ounces into a dark metal bowl, do not use the plastic ones because the red juice of the beet will stain them. Add the matchstick cut vegetable and move it inside the starch with the help of a fork. Make sure the sticks are completely covered.

Cook Beets Step 24
Cook Beets Step 24

Step 4. Heat the oil in a medium-sized broth pot

You will need 10 cm of oil. Attach an instant-read pastry thermometer to the edge of the pot to know when the oil reaches 170 ° C.

Cook Beets Step 25
Cook Beets Step 25

Step 5. Add the beetroot sticks

Do not cook them all together, otherwise the oil temperature drops excessively. A handful at a time is fine. Fry the beetroot until it is golden and crunchy on the outside but tender on the inside: it will take 5 minutes.

Cook Beets Step 26
Cook Beets Step 26

Step 6. Remove and drain the beets from the oil

Use a slotted spoon and place them on a plate lined with absorbent paper. Wait for them to cool slightly before serving.

Cook Beets Step 27
Cook Beets Step 27

Step 7. Bring to the table

These sticks are excellent on their own, in salads or in borscht, a typical Ukrainian soup.

Method 4 of 5: Boil

Cook Beets Step 28
Cook Beets Step 28

Step 1. Place the beets in a large pot

Boiling is a great way to cook vegetables because it is fast and thorough. The downside is that boiling water disperses flavors.

Cook Beets Step 29
Cook Beets Step 29

Step 2. Cover the beets with water

Cook Beets Step 30
Cook Beets Step 30

Step 3. Add salt and sugar as you like

You should add one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of salt for every 4 liters of water.

Cook Beets Step 31
Cook Beets Step 31

Step 4. Bring the water to a boil over high heat

Cook Beets Step 32
Cook Beets Step 32

Step 5. Reduce the heat when the water is boiling

In this way it begins to simmer.

Cook Beets Step 33
Cook Beets Step 33

Step 6. Cook the beets for 45-50 minutes or until cooked

Young and fresh beets take about 45 minutes, the older even an hour or more. If you peeled and chopped the beets before boiling, it will take half the time.

Cook Beets Step 34
Cook Beets Step 34

Step 7. Remove the beets from the heat

Now that they are cooked you can drain them and put them in cold water to stop cooking. Then, cut off the tip with the roots and remove the peel with a damp cloth or kitchen paper.

Cook Beets Step 35
Cook Beets Step 35

Step 8. Serve them

You can slice them, make a puree or bring them to the table whole with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.

Method 5 of 5: Steamed

Cook Beets Step 36
Cook Beets Step 36

Step 1. Fill the bottom of a steamer with 5cm of water

Steaming is the best because it does not disperse the flavors.

Cook Beets Step 37
Cook Beets Step 37

Step 2. Bring the water to a boil

Cook Beets Step 38
Cook Beets Step 38

Step 3. Arrange the beets on the steamer basket

They must form a single layer to cook evenly. Close the steamer with its lid.

Cook Beets Step 39
Cook Beets Step 39

Step 4. Cook for 45 minutes or until beets are tender

If you have peeled them and cut them into wedges, it will take half the time.

Pickle Beets Step 3
Pickle Beets Step 3

Step 5. Remove the vegetables from the heat and immediately put them in cold water

Remove the peel with a damp cloth or kitchen paper.

Cook Beets Step 41
Cook Beets Step 41

Step 6. Bring to the table

Enjoy the steamed beets as they are, slice them, cut them into wedges or add salt, pepper and olive oil to enrich the flavor.
