How to Wear Makeup (for Teens) (with Pictures)

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How to Wear Makeup (for Teens) (with Pictures)
How to Wear Makeup (for Teens) (with Pictures)

Adolescence is an exciting time in a girl's life, but it also brings with it a lot of stress. How should you wear makeup? How to apply mascara, foundation and powder? With a few small tips, you too can learn how to wear makeup and leave your worries about more important things, like school.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Face

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 1
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 1

Step 1. Consult a makeup expert

It can be difficult to figure out what the perfect makeup is for your skin, hair, and eye color. Before buying any products, consult a makeup artist. He can give you a lesson on how to wear makeup, explain which colors are right for you, and answer general questions. You can find prepared people in perfumeries, makeup shops and beauty salons.

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 2
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 2

Step 2. Wash your face

Adolescence is the perfect time to adopt a good skin care routine. It is during this period that you are most likely to have imperfections. Taking care of your skin can help you prevent blemishes and acne. This step is also crucial when you put on makeup. You have to prepare your face for makeup by washing it.

  • Determine your skin type. Is it oily, dry or mixed? This allows you to understand what type of cleaner you should buy.
  • If you have dry skin, use a mild cleanser. Those in cream are ideal.
  • If you have oily skin, try a cleanser that contains salicylic acid or other acne-fighting ingredients.
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 3
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 3

Step 3. Apply a moisturizer

After washing your face, use a light moisturizer. As the years go by, it is an important product for preventing the early signs of aging.

  • If you have dry skin, opt for a thicker moisturizer, such as one containing glycerin. If you have oily skin, choose a light, non-oily one. Rice protein moisturizers can help absorb sebum.
  • Also be sure to apply an SPF product every day. The sun is one of the skin's worst enemies. The damage it does can cause wrinkles, skin spots or even cancer. After applying the moisturizer, pat a product containing SPF specific to your skin type. Try a tinted moisturizer with sun protection factor to kill two birds with one stone.
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 4
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 4

Step 4. Apply the concealer

It is your best friend when you have pimples or other impurities. It helps you hide dark circles and various skin discolorations. Choose one that suits your skin tone. Tap it on the blemish, make sure you don't massage or rub it, otherwise you risk taking it off. Gently blend with your finger. On this area, apply loose powder to set the makeup.

  • Set the concealer with a powder that is a shade lighter than your skin. When the powder blends with the concealer, it becomes darker.
  • Do not choose a concealer stick that is too white, pink or ashy. Make it fit your complexion as closely as possible.
  • The concealer can also be applied under the eyes if you have dark circles or want to brighten your eyes. Use one with a yellow base to brighten your eyes.
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 5
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 5

Step 5. Consider if you can avoid foundation

This product is used to create an even complexion. Teenagers generally do not need it: at this age the skin is already beautiful on its own. Most makeup experts suggest aiming for minimalism during adolescence. At this age, usually all you need is a concealer. Foundations can be heavy, make skin look dirty, chalky, and much less fresh. You need to look like a soap and water and bring out your natural beauty.

  • If you have oily skin and want to apply foundation, choose an oil-free foundation that contains therapeutic properties for an oily face. These products are available in perfumery, but you can also ask your dermatologist to recommend one from the pharmacy.
  • If you want to apply foundation, choose a light, natural-looking foundation. It should match the skin color of the neck.
  • Squeeze half a walnut on the back of the hand. Use a foundation brush to apply it to your face; starting from the nose, create a 6-pointed star. Draw a line from nose to forehead, nose to left and right cheek, nose to right and left jaw, nose to chin. Then, with a sponge, blend it with the skin. Finally, use the brush to spread it and blend the residues on the neck.
  • Foundation brushes are larger than blush, concealer, or powder brushes. Together with the sponges, they are available in perfumery and makeup shops.
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 6
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 6

Step 6. Use the powder only if you have oily skin

Like foundation, it is not needed at a young age. In fact, it would only reduce your natural glow. In addition to using it to fix the concealer on blemishes or dark circles, you can apply some on the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin. This point is more likely to gain weight later in the day. Apply pressed or loose powder with a foundation or powder brush to the T-zone. It will help absorb the sebum, but won't hide your natural glow.

Never use the same brush for multiple types of makeup. If you used a foundation to apply this product, don't take it back for the powder. Always use separate brushes

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 7
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 7

Step 7. Try to follow the 5 minute rule

Respecting her gives you enough time to put on good makeup without going overboard. To put it into action, limit the time spent on make-up in the morning, so as not to exceed 5 minutes. Do not rush. The secret is to choose the essential products: concealer, mascara, blush and lip gloss. If you need more than 5 minutes to put on your makeup, you are probably overdoing your makeup.

Accept your natural beauty. Keep in mind that makeup should flatter you, not hide. Don't think that you need to use layer upon layer of foundation and powder to make up. You may be able to use more products over the years, but at this age take advantage of the natural radiance of your skin

Part 2 of 3: Make up your eyes, lips and cheeks

Step 1. Comb your eyebrows

Using an eyebrow comb, clean mascara brush or toothbrush, comb your brows up and out. Do not comb them inwards. That way, they will look neat and grow in the right direction.

Don't over-pluck your eyebrows. Many teenagers thin them too much. All you have to do is take care of them to have them sorted and combed

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 9
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 9

Step 2. Apply eyeliner

This product is applied to the upper and lower lashline to define the eyes. For a fresh look, it doesn't take much. In fact, you have to aim for a natural result: overdoing the eyeliner can make you look like a raccoon or like you have a dirty face. Choose a brown, light gray, or purple one. Bring the black one for special occasions or on weekends, when you want to have a different look than usual.

  • Apply the eyeliner to the lower lashline and blend it with a cotton swab. Also apply it to the upper lashline, repeat the nuance with the cotton swab.
  • Black eyeliner is not for everyone. It can make your eyes smaller. The smaller they are, the clearer the product should be.

Step 3. Apply mascara

This product is used to define the eyes by thickening, lengthening and darkening the lashes. At your age, the only two products you need are mascara and lip gloss. Take a brown mascara, place the brush at the root of the outer upper lashes. Move it in a zig zag pattern, coating the lashes with the product. Repeat with the inner and lower lashes.

  • Watch out for lumps of mascara. Moving the brush in a zig zag way can help prevent them. You can also comb them with a special comb to try to avoid the problem. Do not overdo the product: an excess of mascara can clot.
  • Dark brown mascara looks good on blue eyes, darker mascara looks good on dark ones.
  • Not everyone should use black mascara. Decide which shade of brown or black enhances your eyes while still giving you a natural look. Reserve the flashy and intense makeups for special occasions.
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 11
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 11

Step 4. Apply eyeshadow

Choose a natural and bright shade, for every day. Apply the product with a special brush on the mobile eyelid. Try not to go all the way to the eyebrow, stop in the crease of the eye.

  • If you have brown eyes that look nutty, go for warm colors like copper and gold. If you have brown eyes that turn green, try gray or plum.
  • You can also experiment with flashy colors, such as blue. Just remember that they are generally not good for everyday life, choose them for special occasions.
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 12
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 12

Step 5. Apply blush

Try to prefer a natural color. You need to make sure your cheeks have a healthy glow. Never choose overly dark blushes. Instead, opt for shades on bronze or pink.

Before applying the blush, smile to locate the knobs (the upper part of the cheeks, corresponding to the cheekbones). Apply a veil on the knobs, then on the nose, forehead and chin

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 13
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 13

Step 6. Apply the lip gloss

This product allows you to have natural and shiny lips. If you want a pop of color, try a lip tint. Choose a light pink or nude. Avoid dark colors: they would create a heavy and not very fresh look.

Part 3 of 3: Remove makeup

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 14
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 14

Step 1. Remove your make-up in the evening

Never go to sleep wearing makeup. This bad habit causes blemishes, breakouts and premature skin aging. Buy an oil-free makeup remover to remove makeup before bed. Soak a cotton ball with the product and massage it on your face to remove make-up.

Make-up remover is important to avoid clogging pores and skin rashes. It is specifically designed to remove make-up and dirt residues, while a classic cleanser does not have this function. Always use makeup remover before washing your face. Choose a formulation for face makeup (foundation, powder and blush) and a specific one for the eyes, ideal for removing mascara and eyeliner

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 15
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 15

Step 2. Wash and moisturize your face in the evening

After removing your make-up, wash yourself with a cleanser. This product removes dirt, sebum and impurities that have accumulated on the skin over the course of the day. The same cleanser used in the morning is fine. Finally, moisturize your face to always have it soft.

Wash your face only twice a day. Exaggerating with cleansing can cause the appearance of impurities and alter the hydrolipidic balance of the skin

Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 16
Apply Makeup (for Teen Girls) Step 16

Step 3. Exfoliate your face twice a week

Makeup can clog your pores while washing you regularly. Buy a scrub containing benzoyl peroxide - it will help you fight the impurities that cause acne and other blemishes.


  • Don't always try to play it safe with a natural look. From time to time, try more vibrant colors when choosing mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliner. Sometimes, play with different shades for the lips. Experiment with light and cheerful colors, such as pastels, soft metallics, or bright colors. In addition to powder eyeshadows, also try creamy, iridescent, luminous or glittery eyeshadows.
  • Try applying a bright nail polish to bring out your overall look, including your face. It's a great way to show off bright colors without going overboard with your makeup.
  • In the beginning, don't spend as much on tricks. You are still discovering what you like, what suits your skin and what values you. Put off expensive make-up purchases.


  • Do not apply lipstick or lip gloss to damaged and / or dry lips. Apply a layer of lip balm to speed up healing.
  • Never put eye makeup on a moving vehicle or object.
  • Don't let anything get into your eyes, especially if you wear contact lenses - you can irritate them.
