Some runners develop a curiosity to run a marathon to see if they can make it and a sense of competition to finish first. However, before trying to run any marathon, you must first establish a training program to increase endurance and strength, to get your body used to dealing with such fatigue with confidence. If you are planning on walking or running a marathon, it is very important that you start preparing well in advance. The following is a guide to preparing a beginner for a marathon.

Step 1. Before starting any marathon training, a visit to the doctor is extremely important
Training is exhausting and very difficult, if you are not physically in good shape or if you have physical pain you can suffer serious consequences.

Step 2. Stretch every day, it will help strengthen your back and knee tendons
It is also important for the stomach muscles, which in this way are firmed and strengthened. Running a marathon requires a strong body. Eat properly, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of sleep. You may feel the need to sleep more while exercising, not thwart it or ignore it. Sleeping is very important because it restores the body.

Step 3. Please note that you should start training about a year before running the marathon
Run safely 5 and 8 kilometers, and train at least 3 times a week for about 20 kilometers or more.

Step 4. Prepare a training schedule and follow it
Run long runs on weekends, you don't need to run very fast. The important thing is that you cover the predetermined distance, regardless of the time taken. You can take breaks by walking and stop often to drink.

Step 5. Have a proper diet
Nutrition is very important when preparing for the marathon. Carbohydrates provide glycogen and protein that help repair muscle tissue. Men and women need to consume 2000-2500 calories every day. 65% of your calories should come from carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates. 10% should come from protein (you need 1-1.4 grams for each pound of your body weight every day). 20-25% of the calories should come from unsaturated fat. Vitamins are also highly recommended because they provide an adequate supply of minerals. Take multivitamin supplements every day. Also, remember that you need a lot of calcium and iron.
- You should follow these steps for at least a month before running or walking your marathon.
- In fact, if you are training for the marathon you should be eating a lot more than 2000 or 2500 calories. Your metabolism burns this amount on its own, and you need to restore nutrients to your muscles as well.
- Try to run in shorter races in the beginning. Start with distances of 5-10km and a half marathon. This is a good way to increase the distance you can cover and get you used to running in a competitive environment.