Plaice are found on the bottoms of coastal waters and estuaries. Plaice love to hide and ambush prey, for this reason the trick to catching them is to move tempting baits in the environment they live in and wait for them to grab them. Catching a plaice means getting a delicate, smooth and delicious fish meal. Go to step one to find out how to get started.
Part 1 of 3: Finding the Flounder

Step 1. Saltwater fishing
Plaice are found in the eastern Atlantic and also in the Mediterranean, along the Ligurian and Upper Adriatic coasts. They are also found all along the east coast of the United States, near the estuaries of rivers where they migrate in the fall.
There are often restrictions on the size and / or number of fish that can be caught, check local ordinances. You may need a license

Step 2. Fish for plaice when they migrate
In fact, they can be fished throughout the year but it is easier to catch them between September and November when they migrate. They reproduce during spring and summer and when they are large enough they migrate to the open sea where they spend the winter before turning back.
- You can certainly fish for them in spring and winter, however it is likely that you will catch flounder that are too small to hold.
- Check the local fishing news for the area you intend to fish in before planning your trip.

Step 3. Look for flounder on the bottom
Plaice tend to lie on their sides at the bottom of coastal areas, estuaries of the area they live in.
- The plaice are gray-brown with lighter spots that help them blend in with the sandy and stony bottoms.
- Plaice have both eyes on the same side of their head which allows them to see what is happening above them while lying on their side.

Step 4. Look for plaice under ledges
These fish like to stay near ledges or slopes where they can ambush fish as they pass. It finds points where the current passes from shallow water to deeper areas, it is likely that you will find plaice there.
A good way to find ledges and drops is to wade the area before casting your line. Search with your feet for the best spots where plaice might hide

Step 5. Check for traces of plaice
Because they stay close to the bottom, they leave footprints when they go hunting. Learning about these footprints at low tide should tell you where to find the plaice when the high tide returns. Learning about the area where you want to fish is the best way to get lucky and find plaice. He makes several inspections in the area both at high and low tide to learn the habits of the fish.
Part 2 of 3: Choose Lure and Reed

Step 1. Use live bait
Plaice are attracted to live bait such as minnows and other minnows. Worms and clams are equally efficient. Hook the larger lures for the lips, the smaller ones for the eye.
- You can add pieces of octopus or a live shrimp to vary the mix of the bait.
- If one type of bait doesn't work, try another. Plaice can be picky and don't always bite, even if a certain type of bait was liked in the past.
- Consider taking live bait yourself in the same area where you are fishing.

Step 2. Try the lures
If it is difficult to find live bait in your area, or if you want to vary, use maggot-shaped lures in red, pink, white or yellow. Sometimes plaice really prefer lures, so it's a good idea to have some on hand if live baits don't work.

Step 3. Prepare the barrel
A medium-sized rod is good for fishing plaice. Use a line that is strong enough to catch fish that are large enough, like 6kg. Use a circular hook, which is easier for flounder to bite. You will also need a lead to ensure that the hook is within reach of the fish on the bottom.
Part 3 of 3: Effective Techniques

Step 1. Throw the bait on the bottom and let it go
Plaice usually stay still in one point and you will need the bait to pass near them to catch them. While it is possible to catch plaice while standing still, it is very unlikely that you will hang anything by doing so.
- It is easy to fish plaice from a boat as you can let it go slowly and attract the fish with the bait that moves. Try to find a current that makes you move steadily on the surface without going too fast for the fish.
- Make sure you feel the surface of the bottom. If you can't, you may be using too little weight. Hook a small weight of 12 or 18 to make sure that the bait is close to the bottom.

Step 2. Wait a few seconds before retrieving the fish
Since the flounder is lying sideways on the bottom, it takes longer to grip the bait. Before retrieving the fish, wait about 5 seconds to make sure that the mouth is well hooked to the hook.

Step 3. Try a gig
You can use the technique of "gigging," which essentially means catching the fish with some kind of spear. You step into the shallower water at night while the fish are motionless and hit them with your spear. Aim low because the water will curve the light making the fish appear slightly more distant than it actually is.
- Use always comes out alive and tries to handle them as little as possible. The fish can smell you and this can be a deterrent.
- Color matters when using lures! Colors: Red, white, or pink tend to attract more flounder, but any lure can fit any day, and what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow.
- Adjust the release of the reel to free enough line if you have to yank hard. This will prevent the line from breaking if you catch a large fish.
- Ask at the fishing shops where plaice have been caught lately.
- If you know where the fish are but you can't catch them, try a different bait. For example, smaller fish will catch smaller baits and hooks, and if lures don't work try live bait.
- Keep the equipment on the bottom!
- Two-tone lures with shimmering and shiny finishes are preferred. Easier for the fish to see and therefore more likely to catch them.
- You will not need to work too hard with the equipment.
- Always be very careful when handling hooks and lures and be careful not to hit people around you when casting your line.
- Use sunscreen and insect repellent but avoid holding it on your hands or clean your hands before touching line and bait. The strong smell will scare the fish.
- You will need to know the restrictions on the size and number of fish you can catch in your area.
- Make sure you have a license if required.