How to Make a Herkie: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make a Herkie: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Make a Herkie: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Herkie (also spelled "Hurkie") is a jumping type of cheerleading, named after Lawrence Herkimer, innovator and inventor in the pom pom sport. A herkie can be surprising in itself or it can be exploited as a "tip" within a complex choreography. However, it is easy to forget, while watching someone perform a herkie, that the athletic level required to perform it takes a lot of time and effort. Start reading the article from the first step to find out more!


Part 1 of 2: Performing an Amazing Herkie

Do a Herkie Step 1
Do a Herkie Step 1

Step 1. Warm up

As with any form of exercise, it is advisable to warm up before cheerleading with light cardio exercises and stretching. The increase in heart rate before starting the actual preparation ensures that the heart gradually passes to the higher levels of "training". Furthermore, by stretching the muscles you help improve their flexibility during performance and protect yourself from injuries caused by overexertion of muscle extension (although this aspect has been the subject of debate in recent years). Warm up before the herkie by doing some stretching exercises (focusing mainly on the lower body and the coxo-lumbo-pelvic complex, the so-called core, the muscles will be more reliable), followed by some jumping jacks or jogging for the heart to arrive. at adequate pumping levels.

  • A stretching exercise that is particularly useful for cheerleaders attempting the herkie is called the "herkie stretch". It is a question of simulating the herkie's mid-air position on the ground. You need to do splits to do this, so if you're not flexible enough, you'll probably need to gradually develop your flexibility by stretching regularly. To do a herkie stretch, do this:

    • Sit on the floor with your back straight and your head up.
    • Stretch the strongest and most flexible leg in front of you. At the same time, move the other leg to keep it bent to the side.
    • Gently reach for the foot of the straight leg. Hold this position for 30 seconds, during which time you will feel a slight stretch in the muscles.
    • Reverse the legs. While doing the herkie, you will stretch the leg stronger and in front of you, but stretching with the other leg can improve your overall flexibility, making the muscles feel "evenly" stretched.
    Do a Herkie Step 2
    Do a Herkie Step 2

    Step 2. Stand up

    When you are ready to perform a herkie, assume a correct starting posture. Stand upright with your feet approximately shoulder width apart and with your back straight, keeping your chin and shoulders back in a relaxed backward position.

    Don't forget to smile! Cheerleading is not only based on athletic skills, but also on knowing how to establish an emotional bond with the public. By keeping a happy and excited expression on your face during the performance, you will make the audience share your emotions. Ask yourself which of the following ways work to have a cheering crowd - a choreography done by a dull, dull group of cheerleaders or a choreography performed with great enthusiasm?

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    Step 3. Start counting to eight

    Like many cheerleading steps, the herkie is performed in time with beats. Start counting "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8", with each number at regularly arranged intervals. When you reach 8, go back to 1 and repeat. Every eight should start a repetitive cycle of "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4…". When performing the herkie, you will have to perform the steps keeping the tempo at this pace, ensuring that the pauses during the choreography coordinate at the same pace. The partner is particularly important, because if you don't go in sync you risk looking like amateurs.

    If you have trouble keeping time in your head as you move, try putting on some dance music! Modern dance music has a nice steady four-beat beat that's perfect for practicing

    Do a Herkie Step 3
    Do a Herkie Step 3

    Step 4. Clap your hands on "1"

    When you hear the joke and are ready to try herkie, count "… 5, 6, 7, 8, 1 …". On "1", clap your hands in front of you. The arms must be in a vertical position, while the hands must be joined in front of the chin or slightly higher than the chest.

    Hold this position for "1" and "2"

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    Step 5. Bring the upper arms in a V shape to "3"

    Regarding the movements of the arms, there are several variations that can be performed as part of the herkie. However, almost all of them contemplate the V-shaped top position from the ground, because by swinging the arms from this position, it is possible to gain momentum for the jump. On "3", from their position in front of you quickly bring your arms up in a powerful "V", extending them diagonally above your head.

    • Hold this position for "3" and "4".
    • Make quick, snappy movements and keep your arms straight. Pretend you're performing in public - you should be energetic and enthusiastic, not disinterested.
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    Step 6. Lower your arms and bend your knees to "5"

    When you have reached five, bend your arms downward, temporarily crossing them in the shape of an "X". When doing this, bend your knees to prepare for the jump.

    Avoid bending over at the waist when doing this movement - a common mistake for beginners. It is advisable to maintain a fairly upright posture during the herkie (with the exception of when you are in the air). Remember that you are going to jump with your legs, not your waist or bottom

    I give Herkie Intro
    I give Herkie Intro

    Step 7. On "6" jump and strike a pose

    Use your thigh and glute muscles to propel yourself into the air as high as you can, relying on the ground on your toes. When leaving the ground, push your strongest leg in front so that the inside of the leg is at least parallel to the ground. come on). Push the other leg down and back. At the same time, pose with your arms. You have several options with arm movements. Some of the most common are listed below:

    • Bring your arms back to an elevated position in a "V" shape.
    • Forcefully bring your arms directly over your head.
    • Bring your arms to the side so that they are parallel to the ground. This movement should form a "T".
    • Make a fist with your hand on the same side as the leg bent under you and place it on your hip. Raise your arm above your head in a triumphant "touchdown" pose.
    Do a Herkie Step 6Bullet1
    Do a Herkie Step 6Bullet1

    Step 8. Land with the knee bent at "7"

    After carrying out the pose in mid-air for a short moment, bring your legs back and your arms down along your sides. Keep your knee slightly bent as you hit the ground to avoid injury. Keep your arms straight enough at your sides. You should land on "7".

    • When you return to the ground, hold the position with your knees bent and your hands at your hips on "7" and "8". Sprint to return to the straight, vertical starting position at "1". Congratulations! You have completed your herkie.
    • Try to keep your back straight when you come back to the ground. You certainly don't want to fall into a hunched and contracted position the instant you hit the ground. Keep your knees bent and arms at your sides, but avoid bending at the waist, hunching over or letting your head hang down.
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    Step 9. Put it all together

    When you have practiced on the individual parts of the herkie to the point of feeling confident, try to perform them together in a single fluid movement. To recap, the beats must correspond to an eight-measure cycle:

    • … 5, 6, 7, 8 (optional): in this way you begin to take the time, to find a constant rhythm to the cycle of 8 that follows.
    • 1: Clap your hands in front of you.
    • 2: Hold your position.
    • 3: Bring your arms up in a "V" shape.
    • 4: Hold your position.
    • 5: Bring your arms down along your body and bend your legs.
    • 6: Jump and herkie in mid-air position.
    • 7: Land with your knees bent.
    • 8: Achieve balance and hold the position.
    • 1: Sprint back to the starting position.

    Part 2 of 2: Improving Herkie Execution

    Do a Herkie Step 7
    Do a Herkie Step 7

    Step 1. Practice

    Nobody was born knowing how to make a perfect herkie - not even Lawrence Herkimer. To get to the point where you can effortlessly and naturally perform a herkie, a great deal of practice and discipline is required. Be persistent - even if you will barely be able to get off the ground at first, you will only be able to do a herkie if you train for a long time. In this section, some ideas for improving the strength and flexibility needed to perform a herkie are explained. However, there is no better way to get good at herkie than by trying and trying again, so get moving and start today!

    Maintaining a sense of humor while practicing can help endure repeated failures. Remember that even though the cheer of an audience can make you feel incredible, you should ultimately improve your cheerleading skills to have fun and feel satisfied

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    Step 2. Stretch to increase flexibility

    In addition to a lot of muscle strength, a herkie also requires a fair amount of flexibility. To loosen up your muscles for optimal performance, start exercising by following a stretching exercise program. Since a herkie involves jumping and leg movement while in the air, it makes sense to prioritize focusing on your lower body and core (the coxo-lumbo-pelvic complex). For example, the herkie stretch (described above) works well as part of your regular workout to increase muscle flexibility. However, this doesn't mean you have to neglect your upper body. Below is an example of a stretching workout that you can decide to do. Follow it every day for 20-30 seconds per exercise, repeating them every three times.

    • Herkie stretch (see above)
    • Calf muscle stretch (try doing a wall harmstring stretch)
    • Hip stretch (try doing a hip flexor stretch)
    • Groin stretch (try doing a butterfly stretch)
    • Buttock stretch (try cat yoga)
    • Thigh stretch (try to stretch the quadriceps while standing)
    • Shoulder stretch (try shoulder stretch)
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    Step 3. Strengthen your lower body and core by doing high jumps

    A high-flying herkie requires powerful muscles. To increase the suspension time in the air, but also the speed and power with which to perform the herkie movements, start doing exercises that increase the strength in the central and lower area. While lower limb muscle power is primarily responsible for how well you will be able to jump, core muscles are also important because they are vital for maintaining balance and stability and preventing injury. Below are just a few of the types of exercises you'll want to focus on if you're looking to improve your herkie:

    • Squat. These exercises should form the core of regular lower body training, as they involve different muscle groups used in the herkie. When doing squats, proceed with caution to avoid injury. Ask an experienced trainer for advice if you're unsure how to do it safely.
    • Lunges. A wide range of lunges (such as sideways, standing, and so on) can help build your legs. These exercises are the ideal choice for improving herkie, especially when you do not have other means to be able to exercise.
    • Deadlifts. These strengthening exercises not only improve the lower back, glutes and core, but also stretch the hamstrings. However, like the squat, this exercise carries a certain risk of injury if performed incorrectly. Therefore, talk to an experienced trainer if you are unsure how to do it.
    • Crunches. These are exercises to train the abdominals and are great for strengthening the core area, which is important for balance and safety when performing a physical exercise. Best of all, crunches come in countless variations, allowing you to selectively target work towards the muscle groups that need to work out.
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    Step 4. Improve your balance with specific exercises

    Since a herkie requires a high jump, sweeping mid-air movements and a flawless landing, balance is an important issue not only for the aesthetics of the movements while performing a herkie, but also for preventing injuries. The innate sense of balance is different in each of us - if yours makes you feel "wobbly", consider exercising to improve it by doing regular balance exercises. Here are some of them:

    • Stand upright on one foot. If you want to add an extra challenge, try doing one-legged squats after you've strengthened your legs!
    • Perform basic exercises with a gym ball.
    • Close your eyes and keep your legs together during bicep culrs exercises. This will force you to use your core muscles to maintain balance as you move the weights.

      Make sure you maintain the correct standing posture while doing these exercises - do not lean backwards. Bad posture will not only deprive you of the benefits of improving your balance, but it can also lead to injuries


    • Before doing any of these exercises you have to do stretching!
    • Drinking water is an essential factor, because otherwise you can dehydrate yourself and, by dehydrating yourself, you run the risk of having muscle cramps and muscle tears.
    • It is appropriate to sit in the herkie position and then reach the toes.
    • Stretch first. The main thing is to warm up the muscles!
    • Always wear good quality clothing when doing any cheerleading activities.


    • Don't drink too much water - it could make your stomach ache!
    • Don't force yourself; you could stretch a muscle!
    • Don't do it just to try. It is better to have experience… you could run into a bad injury!
