3 Ways to Read Hand (Advanced Level)

3 Ways to Read Hand (Advanced Level)
3 Ways to Read Hand (Advanced Level)

Table of contents:


Palmistry, or hand reading, is a very useful divination practice that unfortunately few people know by now. While the basic rules of hand reading are relatively easy to learn, it's not just about reading the lines. Hand reading, in fact, is divided into three areas: Chirognomia (the study of the shape of the hand, fingers and mountains), Palmistry (the study of lines) and Dermatoglyphics (the study of skin furrows and fingerprints). This article explains some advanced techniques for reading the hand.


Method 1 of 3: The fingers

Read Palms (Advanced) Step 1
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 1

Step 1. Observe the shape of the fingers and nails

Generally the shape of the fingers and that of the hand are similar. However, it is quite common to have differently shaped fingers which indicates that such a person possesses different characteristics and talents.

  • The "square" fingers and nails indicate a practical personality.
  • "Pointed" fingers often have almond-shaped nails and reveal an artistic nature.
  • The "spatula" fingers have square-based nails that widen upwards and denote people gifted with inventiveness.
  • The "tapered" fingers have oval nails and indicate a personality full of imagination.
  • The "mixed" fingers: eg. those who have a squared ring finger have artistic tendencies, but if the same person has a pointed index finger then their occupation will not be in the artistic field.
  • As for the nails, the naturally long ones show a soft-hearted personality; short nails a paranoid and restless nature; the broad ones of qualities tending to quarrelsome; the narrow ones show a refined and conservative nature.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 2
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 2

Step 2. Examine the shape of the fingers and see if the fingers or joints are smooth or lumpy

These characteristics indicate in which area of personal life the person in question is likely to be most active. Furthermore, the shape of the nails also indicates the emotional, practical and intellectual achievements in relation to the sector that that particular finger represents. The middle finger has to do with the help we will receive (goals, obstacles); the index finger with authority (social position, wealth, happiness); Ring finger with the fulfillment of desires (fame, success); while the little finger represents vitality (health, intellect, commercial enterprises).

  • “If the joints are overall smooth” then you may tend to be passive, to let others control you, but at the same time quite impulsive to the point of being, at times, reckless.
  • "If the upper joints (those of the first phalanx) are smooth while those of the second phalanx are internally rough" then you are a person whose intellect and practical sense work well together. A strong instinctive drive is characteristic of well developed knuckles.
  • "The fleshiness of the fingertips or their flatness" indicate respectively how much and whether the attributes of each finger are developed or completely missing.
  • "Well developed fingertips" indicate a strong intellect and kindness of thought. Flat ones indicate a lack of intellectual sensitivity regarding the attributes of each respective finger.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 3
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 3

Step 3. Examine the space between the fingers

Keeping your hand in a relaxed position, see if the fingers are far from each other or if they are very close to each other.

  • A little finger very far from the ring finger indicates an individual with an "independent mind".
  • If the ring and middle fingers are very close, this shows that your "life will be dedicated to art" and that fate will help you succeed.
  • If the middle finger and index finger are very close, you will gain authority and rank by following your dreams and your goals. If they are spaced apart, then you will achieve your social position by other means.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 4
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 4

Step 4. The structure and thickness of a person's fingers can also denote personality type

  • "Heavy fingers" often indicate a more physical nature, sometimes with a very rigid worldview.
  • "Long, slender fingers" indicate an emotionally aggressive person who is extremely sensitive to insults or sarcastic comments.
  • "Short, stubby fingers" show an emotionally secure person.
  • "If your index finger is longer than normal," you tend to be a leader and tell others what to do. If it's shorter, then you tend to be relaxed and let others control you.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 5
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 5

Step 5. The length of the fingers is measured in relation to the size of the palm

The proportions considered "normal" are the following: the longest finger is about seven / eighths of the palm. Fingers that do not reach this length are considered "short" and those exceeding it are considered "long". A 'normal' thumb should go beyond the first joint of the index finger; the index finger, should reach at least two / thirds of the nail of the middle finger; the ring finger just beyond the nail of the middle finger while the little finger should reach the last joint of the ring finger.

  • "If the ring finger is longer than normal", you may have an artistic talent, as well as a careless, daring and indomitable nature.
  • "If your little finger is shorter than normal", you lack the ability to influence others. On the other hand, if it's long, you tend to be very eloquent and persuasive, with a knack for writing.

Method 2 of 3: Lines

Read Palms (Advanced) Step 6
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 6

Step 1. How to read the Health line

The Health lines are connected to material well-being as much as physical well-being. This is especially true when the life line is faint or difficult to spot. If a person has a very weak Destiny and Success line, then the Health line will play an important role in the acquisition of material wealth. The line of Health starts from under the little finger, crosses the entire palm of the hand until it reaches the base of the thumb. Sometimes, it can even cross the Life line.

  • "A nonexistent Health line" indicates the likelihood of health problems.
  • "If it is steadfast and uninterrupted" you have a strong business acumen, the ability to work hard and a knack for making money.
  • "If it is wavy" indicates possible health problems resulting from issues of a nervous nature.
  • "If broken," weak health will cause problems in business situations.
  • "If there are smaller lines that cross the lines of Health" the individual is prone to accidents.
  • "Extra lines that branch out on the Life line" indicate a life threatening situation in old age.
  • "A line of Health enclosed in a square" is a sign of protection, both in the form of exceptional medical assistance and in solving an economic problem.
  • "If the line breaks to continue in a donut shape" need to be hospitalized.
  • "A triangle formed by the lines of Life, Head and Health" - known as the Triangle of Fortune - is an auspicious sign: the wider the angle of the triangle, the greater the luck.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 7
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 7

Step 2. The Success line strengthens the Destiny line

The Success line determines the social rewards of success. If visible, this line starts from the base of the palm and continues upwards until it reaches the base of the ring finger, and runs parallel to the Destiny line.

  • "If it is missing" then future success must be sought in other areas of the palm; you may still be successful but prefer to do so without public acclaim.
  • "If she is strong and decisive" honors and satisfactions await you in your profession.
  • "If it breaks repeatedly" you will have ups and downs in social recognition.
  • "If it goes directly to the ring finger" indicates probable success in the arts.
  • "If it starts from the Head Line and crosses the Heart Line" in life, hard work and success await you in old age.
  • "A bifurcation of the line into two smaller lines" indicates that success could be of dubious value.
  • "If it ends up under the ring finger in a star or a triangle" a spectacular success awaits you in the fine arts (actor, singer, dancer).
  • "If it ends in a square under the ring finger" you will find a benevolent patron.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 8
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 8

Step 3. Marriage lines are small lines located under the base of the little finger

The closer the lines are to the base of the little finger, the later in life these relationships will happen.

  • "Many light lines": love affairs.
  • "Strong and decisive lines": marriage.
  • "Numerous overlapping lines": many romantic stories.
  • "Lines that meet but do not cross": children will be born.
  • "Fork towards the back of the hand": a long engagement.
  • "Fork at the end towards the palm": separation (with or without divorce).
  • "Line at the end that cuts it abruptly": end of a relationship due to death or divorce.
  • "Break that resumes with an overlap": separation with a future meeting.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 9
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 9

Step 4. The Money Lines

These lines do not indicate material wealth, but rather the talent for acquiring wealth.

  • If the line “starts from the base of the thumb to end under the index finger in a star”: natural talent for earning.
  • "From the base of the thumb to the little finger": wealth acquired through inheritance or family income.
  • "From the base of the thumb to the bottom of the little finger": money obtained through business.
  • "It runs up to the ring finger crossing the line of Success": money obtained through luck and unexpected events.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 10
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 10

Step 5. The lines of the Journey indicate those journeys that have had or will have a fundamental impact in our life

They usually start at the end of the palm opposite the thumb and extend horizontally.

  • If they "cross the line of Life" they indicate that a journey will be undertaken for health reasons, or health will be affected by the journey.
  • If they "cross the line of the Journey" - danger, or travel problems.
  • If "a square encloses the lines" - a sign of protection in your travels.
  • Broken lines - possible delays in your travels.
  • If they "cross the line of Destiny" - the journey will present a life-changing experience.
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 11
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 11

Step 6. Most people have minor lines

These include the lines of Obstacles, Intuition, Escape, and Power.

  • The "lines of obstacles" are usually found towards the outside of the palm, between the lines of the Heart and the Head, and illustrate the difficulties and obstacles that we all have to face in life.
  • The "lines of intuition" appear towards the outside of the palm (at the base of the hand, under the little finger). If you have this line you are an extremely sensitive person, intuitive and you may even have extrasensory powers of perception. The line can be curved. either inward or outward of the palm, however, the meaning remains the same.
  • "Line of Evasion": This line is located towards the bottom of the palm, near the wrist. It often crosses the line of Life, symbolizing at what moment of your life this 'dream or escape' experience could happen. The Fugue line indicates an individual who escapes from the problems that life presents by indulging in the imagination. If it joins the line of Success, you tend to seek refuge in creative and artistic pursuits. If it crosses the Health line, it indicates refuge in drugs and alcohol, and even suicide.
  • "Lines of Power": they start from the base of the thumb and radiate towards the outside of the palm. The point where they join the other lines suggests an important event. If the lines of Power cross with the lines of Money this indicates how and where you will be in possession of great fortunes.

Method 3 of 3: Other aspects

Read Palms (Advanced) Step 12
Read Palms (Advanced) Step 12

Step 1. The mountains of the palm of the hands
