3 Ways to Submit Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Scores

3 Ways to Submit Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Scores
3 Ways to Submit Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Scores

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The AP (Advanced Placement) exams are pre-university tests provided by the United States College Board that allows students to earn college credit in high schools. These credits depend on the score obtained on the exam. In 2013, the College Board digitized the AP score submission process, making scores available only online. Students must register with an account via the Internet in order to receive their scores in July. Find out how to send AP scores to desired colleges.


Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Online Accounts

Send AP Scores Step 1
Send AP Scores Step 1

Step 1. Check if you received a username and password during a SAT exam ("Scholastic Aptitude Test" or "Scholastic Assessment Test") or AP exam

The same login will be used for both exams.

Send AP Scores Step 2
Send AP Scores Step 2

Step 2. Sign up for the AP exam in advance

Your account will give you access to AP exercises with a series of questions.

Send AP Scores Step 3
Send AP Scores Step 3

Step 3. Go to CollegeBoard.org

Click on the "Sign In" link at the top right of the page.

If you don't have an account, create one by clicking on the "Sign Up Now" link on the login page

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: The AP Exam

Send AP Scores Step 4
Send AP Scores Step 4

Step 1. Take the AP exam

Send AP Scores Step 5
Send AP Scores Step 5

Step 2. Carry the name of a college to which your scores will automatically be sent after the exam assessment

You can submit your AP scores for free. Additional scores will need to be submitted online using your account.

You will be provided with a free score by filling in a college name on the answer sheet, but you will not be able to check the score before submitting it

Send AP Scores Step 6
Send AP Scores Step 6

Step 3. Write down the name of the college on the answer sheet

Students who took the exam prior to spring 2013 may have included more than one recipient on their answer sheet to send their AP scores to.

Send AP Scores Step 7
Send AP Scores Step 7

Step 4. Write down or remember one of the following numbers to access your exam scores

  • Your AP number. You can find it on the exam package label.
  • Your student ID number. You can find it on the AP exam answer sheet.

Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Receiving / Sending Scores

Send AP Scores Step 8
Send AP Scores Step 8

Step 1. Check if you have received an email notification that scores are available on the Internet

Send AP Scores Step 9
Send AP Scores Step 9

Step 2. Log into CollegeBoard.com using your username and password

You will then be able to access your scores online.

Send AP Scores Step 10
Send AP Scores Step 10

Step 3. Order that the score report be sent to additional colleges or scholarship committees

The cost is $ 15 per report.

Send AP Scores Step 11
Send AP Scores Step 11

Step 4. You can choose to expedite the dispatch of your order by paying $ 25 per report

Send AP Scores Step 12
Send AP Scores Step 12

Step 5. Submit scores before July 2013 by calling whoever is responsible and placing your order

Call 609-771-7366 or 888-308-0013 and provide your college name and address. Provide the operator with your credit card information for payment of the $ 15 - $ 25 fee.
