How To Begin Soul Healing: 7 Steps

How To Begin Soul Healing: 7 Steps
How To Begin Soul Healing: 7 Steps

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You can learn to awaken and heal your soul to access your forgotten inner powers. The powers of the soul are passion, creativity, intuition and connection with the divine. Whatever your spiritual or religious path, you can learn to access the power of your soul to bring greater happiness into your life.


Heal Your Soul Step 1
Heal Your Soul Step 1

Step 1. Understand the true nature of your soul

By nature the soul is feminine and the spirit is masculine. Wholeness is born from the union of soul and spirit. Because we live in a world of chauvinism we deny the consciousness of the (feminine) soul and elevate manhood, creating an imbalance in our lives. Realize the feminine nature of your soul and become aware of its suffering caused by the repression of feminine energy.

Heal Your Soul Step 2
Heal Your Soul Step 2

Step 2. Your feminine energy is 1) imagination 2) passion and desire 3) emotions and 4) creativity

Similarly, your masculine energy is 1) willpower 2) action and motivation 3) intellect 4) productivity. By enhancing and supporting your feminine energy, you nurture and heal your soul as well. Explore the components of your feminine energy, learn and discover the powers of imagination, creativity, passion and emotions. When you spend time developing these qualities you nurture and strengthen your soul as well.

Heal Your Soul Step 3
Heal Your Soul Step 3

Step 3. Intensify your connection with the divine

Redefine your spirituality and introduce it to whatever religion you practice. Spirituality is your personal and private relationship with God. Everyone has a relationship with God, even the most atheist person. While it is a dysfunctional relationship, it is still a relationship. The same thing happens with the mind. Every human being has a relationship with his own mind, very developed or noticeably deficient, but still existing. We are all spiritual, and through our soul we connect to the divine. Intensify your connection with the divine, whatever name you address to it will help you heal your soul.

Heal Your Soul Step 4
Heal Your Soul Step 4

Step 4. Explore passion and pleasure

We have learned to replace our passions with obligations and duties. Most people have decided that they have no time to devote to exploring their pleasures and passions, and their souls are hungry. On a daily basis, take the time to do something that you are passionate about or that creates pleasure. If you still don't know your passions, start exploring the different possibilities and make a list of the 5 best ways to bring pleasure into your life.

Heal Your Soul Step 5
Heal Your Soul Step 5

Step 5. Look inside and experience relaxed meditation

When you relax your mind is quiet and listen to the voice of intuition. If you've never meditated before, don't worry, it won't take long to learn. The simplest way is to use a CD with a guided meditation. Search the web and locate a good CD that can help you not only relax, but also heal your connection with your soul. When you relax and look within yourself, you can access the loving compassion of your soul. A tip: choose a teacher whose voice is pleasant and relaxing.

Heal Your Soul Step 6
Heal Your Soul Step 6

Step 6. Immerse yourself in your feelings

Your emotions connect you with your soul. Keep a journal and express the repressed emotions that have long been locked inside you. What lies beneath your repressed feelings is your creativity, passion, intuition and imagination. It will be like uncovering hidden treasures. The price you will have to pay is your willingness to feel and express those uncomfortable emotions of anger, pain, disappointment and fear. In doing so, you will create a more pleasant space in which your soul can dwell.

Heal Your Soul Step 7
Heal Your Soul Step 7

Step 7. Every morning, ask yourself; "What can I do today to be of help to someone?

"" How can I serve others? "" How can I lift their spirits? "When you offer your unconditional help and love, you nurture and heal your own soul. Being kind, loving and supportive to others will be its reward.


  • Pray and intensify your connection with the divine.
  • Keep a diary and describe your passions and dreams.
  • Express your feelings daily, in your journal or by talking to a trusted friend.