You can understand many things about a person from their level of personal hygiene. In addition to the obvious aesthetic impact, a clean and tidy appearance suggests a person who can be trusted and who deserves to be taken seriously. Showing care for one's appearance theoretically affects every social relationship, whether it be interpersonal, professional or love affairs. With these factors in mind, a neat appearance should be the priority in anyone who wants to leave a positive impression of themselves on the people you meet every day.
Method 1 of 3: Taking Care of the Face

Step 1. Brush your teeth
During the day they are subjected to a lot of work and get very dirty. It is important to keep them white and clean, despite food and other factors that alter their condition. Clean them twice a day, once in the morning and another in the evening before going to sleep. Please take at least two minutes for this. You can divide the dental arches into 4 sections and brush each of these for 30 seconds.
- Although they do not clean, the whitening strips make teeth whiter up to two shades, giving a more pleasant appearance to the mouth.
- You should also use dental floss. This accessory helps to clean the spaces between the teeth, where the toothbrush is unable to reach. Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, you should only floss once a day.

Step 2. Wash your hair regularly
If you neglect them for more than a couple of days, they begin to build up a thin layer of sebum which makes them look scruffy and greasy. You should shower and wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo at least three times a week. Apply the product evenly to the hair and massage the scalp. You can also rinse your hair every morning with warm water, but you can use the shampoo every other day. In this way, the healthy and natural sebum has time to make the hair shiny without becoming too greasy.
- Take care of your hair properly. Even if you want to grow them, you should trim the ends regularly to prevent split ends. If they are long, make a commitment to brush them carefully during the day, especially if you spend time outdoors when it is windy or raining.
- After washing them, you should brush or comb them carefully so they don't look messy as they dry.

Step 3. Soften your lips with a lip balm
Lips are an important indicator of health. Apply lip balm often to prevent them from becoming chapped or scaly. This is especially important if yours tend to dry out by nature. Although the general appearance of the physique appears neat and tidy, neglected lips convey a negative impression.

Step 4. Shave or groom your beard
You can look neat while still having a beard, as long as you care for it and try to keep it trimmed regularly. If you want to look like a really neat man, your beard shouldn't be longer than 1cm. Use a special beard trimmer so that your facial hair always stays at an even length and trim it every couple of days. Since each strand of hair grows differently, it's a good idea to get into the habit of keeping your beard well-groomed rather than waiting for it to get too long.
It is also wise to keep your neck hair clean-shaven because, if you leave it unkempt, it almost always makes you look scruffy

Step 5. Apply make-up in moderation
Makeup is actually capable of emphasizing and highlighting certain facial features, but too heavy one should be left for fashion shows or horror movies. When the make-up is excessive it leaves residues, leads to a suffocating or even cartoonish look and an accumulation of material on the skin gives a look that is anything but tidy. Even for special occasions it is better to err by defect than by excess. A natural look ultimately gives a clean look and cleaning will attract the best people to you.
Remove your make-up at the end of each day. If the make-up remains on the face even during the night, it negatively interacts with the sebum of the skin, leading to the formation of imperfections

Step 6. Hydrate your face
Dry skin makes people look older and constantly sleepy. Although it is recommended to thoroughly hydrate the whole body, it is more important to keep the face well hydrated, as it is the part most exposed to the eyes of others. Take a small amount of moisturizer and apply it in slow, gentle, circular motions all over the face, focusing mainly on the cheeks and the area around the eyes.
- Moisturizing your skin is especially important if it tends to be oily or if you suffer from acne. The clean skin without blemishes or imperfections guarantees a neat appearance. Do not squeeze or tease acne pimples, otherwise you could cause scarring.
- Consider applying a specific moisturizer for the eye area. This is made up of more delicate substances than normal creams and is particularly suitable for the sensitive skin of this area of the face.
- In summary, you can wash your face with a damp, warm washcloth to scrub and get rid of excess dirt and oil.
Method 2 of 3: Cleanse the Rest of the Body

Step 1. Take a shower
Generally, it is already part of the normal daily routine of many people and for good reason, as it ensures a good cleansing and refreshes the body before setting out for the day. While hair is definitely the top priority when it comes to looking neat, you shouldn't forget the rest of yourself. You should take at least a few minutes to clean all parts of the body and scrub it thoroughly with a bar of soap.

Step 2. Shave unwanted hair
Many women aim to have a fresher look by eliminating them from the body. In addition, some men also choose to shave them, especially on the back, in the armpits and in the pubic area. The ideal time to shave is after a shower, when the hair follicles are dilated and make the procedure easier. Waxing is the most effective method of getting rid of hair, but some people find it too painful to do regularly.
- Alternatively, you can purchase an epilator. It is an electrical appliance capable of removing each single hair individually. It is less painful than hair removal strips, but takes longer to do a thorough job.
- Laser hair removal surgery is also possible nowadays. It is undoubtedly much more expensive than other less invasive solutions, but you will never have to deal with unwanted hair again.
- Treat shaving abrasions as quickly as you can. Shaving can cause ingrown hairs and scarring if you don't take care of it. To avoid this, scrub the area with an exfoliator and apply a warm compress to the affected area.

Step 3. Put on the deodorant
Apparently, it may have little to do with the outward appearance of the body, but if you give off a musky smell it becomes very difficult for the people around you to think that cleanliness is your top priority. The deodorant is not very expensive, it is also easy to apply after the shower and when the morning routine is not yet over. If your sweat smells bad, buy an antiperspirant to prevent sweat stains from forming under the armpits of your shirt.
A delicately scented perfume or cologne can be a great touch of elegance if you think it's worth it for the situation you're facing

Step 4. Drink lots of water
It has a revitalizing effect on every part of the body. Wherever you go, always keep a bottle of water that you can refill continuously and drink some when you are thirsty. Adequate fluid intake keeps muscles flexible and skin glowing. It would be wise to drink before being thirsty, so that the body never has to suffer from it.
The amount of water to be taken each day depends solely on the environment and physical activity. Those who perform intense physical exercises need it in greater quantities than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle

Step 5. Avoid industrially processed foods
Many health problems (including some skin disorders such as acne) are partly the result of inadequate nutrition, also due to refined foods. Although technically you can follow an incorrect diet and still have a neat and clean look, however, unwanted imperfections could form on the skin and your appearance would lose the liveliness it could have. Cleanliness and body care shouldn't be the deciding aspect of your food choices, but they are something to consider in a more general health picture.

Step 6. Wash your hands with soap
Having them clean is important to avoid disease, especially when you are in public places. Wash them thoroughly and with an antibacterial soap. Their cleanliness also plays a key role in achieving a neat appearance.

Step 7. Cut and clean your nails
This is also part of the ordinary body care and hygiene routine. While you don't need to worry about them every day, try to cut them at least once a week to keep your hands manicured. Avoid eating them; this is a bad habit and you will end up with careless looking hands.
Method 3 of 3: Dressing Neatly

Step 1. Wash your clothing regularly
It shouldn't surprise you that looking neat and clean also means clothes that are just as neat. Clothes retain a lot of sweat if you wear them for too long without washing them, not to mention the fact that stains and dirt marks accumulate for several reasons. How often you wash them depends on the specific item of clothing, as well as your lifestyle. You can wear the same pair of pants for a few days before putting them in the washing machine, while underwear and shirts need to be changed after a day.
Examine the clothes to see how often you need to wash them. If you do strenuous work, you sweat more easily than someone who never makes physical effort

Step 2. Polish your shoes
By polishing them you eliminate the accumulation of dirt that forms due to use and restore the natural shine. Take some shoe polish and smear it on the shoes in circular motions. While the effect of this procedure doesn't last long before you have to redo it, it does allow you to look really neat from head to toe.

Step 3. Iron the clothes
The iron removes wrinkles from clothes thanks to the heat. You'll need to purchase one of these appliances and an ironing board, but the result will pay off if your goal is to look truly flawless.

Step 4. Bring an umbrella with you if it rains
Rain is an inevitable phenomenon of life in many areas of the world and can mess up your hair and clothes if left exposed for a long time. A simple solution to the problem is to go out with an umbrella when needed. It probably doesn't protect you from every single drop, but it bounces off enough to keep you looking good.

Step 5. Check that the clothes are suitable for your size
Clothes can be classy and well-washed, but they'll still give you a scruffy look if they're not the right size. Those that are too large are immediately associated with something dirty; on the other hand, those that are too tight are clearly uncomfortable and constricting. Based on your body shape, you should choose garments that adapt to your shapes without hiding them.

Step 6. Dress simply
If your priority is to look neat and flawless, you should work hard to make your look simple. The accessories, the patches, the brooches and the useless jewels only serve to "create disorder". As clean as you may be, some people may find a "boisterous" look less pleasant than a minimalist one.
- The steps regarding personal hygiene are not always easy to remember. It can therefore be helpful to draw up a quick checklist of everything you need to do each day. Before you know it, you will be able to memorize the procedure without having to rely on your notes.
- Particularly scrupulously clean the parts of the body that tend to get dirty the most during your daily activities. You should also pay attention to the most visible areas, i.e. the face and arms.
- Don't forget to be very methodical in cleaning the genitals.