How to have a disheveled look when you wake up

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How to have a disheveled look when you wake up
How to have a disheveled look when you wake up

Do you know what hair looks like when you wake up? That disheveled and tousled look that is so sexy? Here is the way to achieve it artificially, on medium length hair.


Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 1
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 1

Step 1. Start the night before

Wash your hair with warm water and apply the shampoo to the roots only, trying to leave out the rest of the hair. Rinse.

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 2
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 2

Step 2. Apply conditioner to the entire length of the hair to protect and keep it in good condition

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 3
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 3


Not even with a wide toothed comb or the like. It is simply not allowed.

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 4
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 4

Step 4. Dab your hair lightly with a towel, sprinkle some heat protectant - but don't comb or brush

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 5
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 5

Step 5. If you have a fringe or a tuft that you would like to keep in order, comb and dry it as you usually do

But leave the rest of the hair alone!

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 6
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 6

Step 6. Make a turban with a clean towel, trying to gather all the hair

(If you have bangs, leave it out.)

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 7
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 7

Step 7. This is the most important step:


Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 8
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 8

Step 8. As soon as you wake up, undo the turban and, if your hair is not yet completely dry, blow dry the roots and the damp areas

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 9
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 9

Step 9. If your hair isn't as wavy as you want, use a low-heat curling iron and curl a few strands at random but only for a few seconds

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 10
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 10

Step 10. Don't brush them

Adjust the bangs and areas that are too flat if necessary.

Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 11
Get Tousled, Sexy Bed Hair Step 11

Step 11. Don't wash your hair the next night - sleep on it (washing your hair every day can damage it) and just fix the bangs the next day

This look holds good for a couple of days.


  • Try spraying some salt water and heat shield at the same time for a more disheveled look.
  • For a more romantic and smoother look, use the brush.
  • Headbands and hair bands are ideal for this look, but be careful not to brush!
  • For a more wavy effect, you can do some braids before putting the turban on - but start from the middle, not the roots.


  • Not suitable for people with a mania for brushing their hair
  • This style is not suitable for curly or afro hair
