How To Find Hidden Christmas Gifts From Your Parents

How To Find Hidden Christmas Gifts From Your Parents
How To Find Hidden Christmas Gifts From Your Parents

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We all recognize that feeling: Christmas is upon us and you can't wait to know what will be given to you this year! Sure, Santa is yet to arrive, but your parents left clues and put some weird looking boxes under the tree. You're dying of curiosity! Want to know if you've been good enough this year? Here are some tips to find out what gifts you will receive. But don't let your parents read them - they would use them to better hide gifts!


Method 1 of 2: Find the Hidden Gifts

Step 1. Don't get caught

The first rule of finding hidden gifts is to only search when you are sure your parents can't find you. Search when I'm not at home. If you can't do this, look for when they are busy in another room in the house. Look for hiding places to retreat to quickly if you hear someone coming.

Presents 15
Presents 15

Step 2. Do your homework

Not your math problems, your spy homework! Take photos before searching an area, using a camera or cell phone. Take photos to remember the arrangement of objects before moving them.

  • When you're done browsing, use the photos to bring everything back to the way it was before. It will be as if you have never searched.
  • Make sure you delete the photos when you're done!

Step 3. Start with the most mundane places

The most likely place is your parents' bedroom, so look in the closet and under the bed. Then move on to drawers, top shelves, and all those spots out of your reach.

  • Look inside the bags. If your gifts have not yet been wrapped, you may find them in paper or plastic bags.
  • Look inside for rooms that are suddenly locked around Christmas time. Check your parents' keychain keys. Internal locks (those with only a small hole, are locks that can be opened with a small screwdriver.
  • If your parents love spy movies, make sure they haven't put a piece of tape on the door or something to warn them that the door has been opened.

Step 4. Move on to the other rooms, no matter how gift-free they may seem

A very smart parent could hide things in your own room! Look in all niches and crevices, including cabinets, furniture, vents, and the space between pillows. Leave no stone unturned!

Step 5. Check the areas that are not part of the main house

Look in the warehouse, in the basement, in the garage, in the attic, in the tool shed, in the attic.

Onda hard shell bike trunk and trailer
Onda hard shell bike trunk and trailer

Step 6. Search your parents' cars

Your parents may keep the gifts there until they think it's time to take them home. Don't forget to check the compartment in the dashboard.

Check in the attic or in the bicycle room. They may be locked, but you may be able to find the key along with the others

Step 7. Check your parents' workplace, especially if they own their business

Only do this if your parents take you to work with them for some reason. Be careful not to peek at important documents or their colleagues' belongings; you could get in trouble.

Step 8. Check the homes of relatives and neighbors

If your family has very close relationships with friends or family who live in the area, your relatives may have given them your gifts to keep. Try searching only if you have been invited; never try to sneak in. Again, don't look in areas where you could get in trouble.

Step 9. If you couldn't find the gifts, look for the receipts

You may find them in a drawer, car, mom's purse, or dad's wallet. You may also find product description or purchase confirmation emails, or offending pages in their internet history, if your parents bought you the gift online.

. Also look for shopping bags that can detect that they have made purchases.

you do even more be careful if you decide to check your parents' computer: it is a serious invasion of privacy and could ruin the whole family's Christmas.

Method 2 of 2: Understanding What Wrapped Gifts Hidden

Presents 14
Presents 14

Step 1. Check the box

If it's nearly square and 140mm long, it's certainly a CD. If it is closed tightly, do not try to open it - the wrapping paper can tear very easily. Think if it has happened that your relatives have asked you what your favorite record is and you will know what your gift is.

  • If it's a long rectangle that's not too deep, it's always about clothes. If there are any openings in the card, you may be able to see the color of the box and at least understand where they bought it from.
  • A box that is wider at the bottom and with a very thin top, and usually a game of some kind. If there's a second smaller box attached to the outside, it's probably batteries for the game.
  • If the box is the size of a shoe box, the way to make sure they are shoes is to touch the side of the box, near the top. If you feel a step, you will know they are shoes.
Shake Shake Shake
Shake Shake Shake

Step 2. Shake the box

Does it make noises, or can you hear something moving inside? If the answer is yes, try to understand what it is about by listening. If you hear a sound of bells, it could be a music box; if you hear knocks it could be something inside something else. If you hear broken glass, put the box down immediately!

Is the big present for me
Is the big present for me

Step 3. Watch out for large boxes

Parents can be deceiving - often, they will hide a small box inside a large one, especially if the shape of the box would betray its contents.

  • If the box is large but not very heavy, you can be sure that it is not about clothes, books or other heavy objects.
  • Smarter parents will hide more small boxes in larger ones if they know you will try to peek. You will open a box and you will find many inside. Your great gift could even be a prank.

Step 4. Dig deeper

If the wrapping paper is smooth and shiny, you can try lifting the sides held in place with the ribbon. Be very careful - wrapping paper breaks easily, and unless you can't rewrap the gift, you can ruin your mission.

Step 5. Open only one side if you can

If you can loosen one side, you will be able to peek at the side of your gift.

Presents Under the Tree 5
Presents Under the Tree 5

Step 6. Rewrap the gift

Put the wrapping paper back and apply the ribbon again, so no one will know you opened it!


  • If you try to snoop around at night when your parents are out, always listen carefully to see if a car is parking in the driveway and turn on as few lights as possible so that you have to turn off fewer lights to avoid being discovered.
  • Make excuses in case you got caught, why the lights were on, why you were in the basement, what you were looking for, etc.
  • Never snoop around with your younger brother; it could be counterproductive.
  • Bring a few things with you so you don't forget anything when you have to escape.
  • If you have brothers or sisters, ask them to stake while you watch.
  • Start searching since the beginning of December. Some parents like to pick up gifts very early - and the sooner you find it, the less likely you are to find it wrapped.
  • If one of the gifts you find is a book, you can even start reading it if you pay close attention.


  • As you search around the house, you may find something shocking that you shouldn't have seen.
  • Remember that what you find may be disappointing.
  • If you don't find anything, accept it. You can wait again this year, as you have waited for the other years.
  • If you find your gifts, do not visibly alter them in any way. Pretend to be surprised when you open them for Christmas. If your parents find that you ruined the surprise, they may be disappointed and angry.
  • It is very likely that your Christmas will be a lot less fun if you find out about your presents first!
  • If your parents catch you red-handed, it will be very difficult to clear yourself.
  • Remember that if you get caught, you could be punished.
