3 Ways to Make a Slender Man Mask

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3 Ways to Make a Slender Man Mask
3 Ways to Make a Slender Man Mask

Slender Man, a fictional character initially created as an internet meme, continues to tickle the imagination of many. If you want to dress up as a Slender Man you definitely need a mask to complete this scary costume.


Method 1 of 3: Version with White Socks

This version is easy but will likely be less accurate than the others, especially if the socks are too tight and your face shows too much. Try using an opaque pair or leggings for best results. A positive note of this variant is that it does not restrict breathing and vision.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 1
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 1

Step 1. Buy some white socks

You can find them in the supermarket, pharmacy or lingerie stores. Choose a size L or XL so you have more fabric to work with.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 2
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 2

Step 2. Place your head inside the socks

The mask must extend beyond the neck, so you will probably need to tuck your head into one of the legs to make sure you cover this part of the body as well.

It is best to wear the shirt you will use for the costume when making the mask. This way you can check that the length of the socks is correct

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 3
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 3

Step 3. Have the legs of the stockings tied behind your head

Get help from a friend for this operation.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 4
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 4

Step 4. Tighten the knot as tightly as possible and secure it well, without hurting the wearer of the mask

It must be well tied because when you cut the sock, the fabric will fray and with the knot you will prevent this from happening to the part of the mask as well.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 5
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 5

Step 5. Trim the excess part of the legs

They can be reused in the future for some other costume, so don't throw them away.

The knot should be as inconspicuous as possible, you could glue it with duct tape to hide it

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 6
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 6

Step 6. Complete the rest of the costume


Method 2 of 3: Version with Mask and Stretch Fabric

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 7
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 7

Step 1. Buy a white mask

It should all cover your face but have holes for your eyes, mouth and nostrils. You can find it in a costume shop or a shop all for one euro. This type of mask will keep the fabric away from your face and allow you to see and breathe better.

Test the mask to see if it is comfortable. If it bothers you, adjust and modify it before gluing the fabric as any adjustments will be more difficult to make later

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 8
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 8

Step 2. Find some white stretch fabric

Lycra, spandex, etc. they are great options but if you are unsure explain to the shop assistant what you intend to do with them and she can help you find the best fabric.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 9
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 9

Step 3. Cut the fabric longer and wider than the mask

Glue it and fold the excess fabric back behind the mask, from top to bottom. Use hot glue to get a good result but be careful not to melt the mask if it is plastic.

  • As you glue, spread out the fabric so it doesn't crease. Check that the fabric is smooth as small wrinkles can ruin the final look.
  • Make sure you don't glue the part where the elastic is, otherwise it will be more difficult to put on.
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 10
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 10

Step 4. Create the back

This piece is the one that hides the sides and hair behind and joins the front of the mask, completing the costume.

  • Place the mask on a larger piece of fabric.
  • Trace an oval or a circle around the mask leaving about 10cm between the edges of the mask and the circumference of the design, lengthening it by a few cm in the area that will cover the neck (you will have to slip this part into the shirt). Use your head to guide you in choosing the right measurements before cutting.
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 11
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 11

Step 5. Glue the back to the mask

Glue the excess fabric inside the mask except for the part that will cover the neck.

Continue gluing the sides up to the chin. The long part that is not glued must be tucked inside the shirt when wearing the costume

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 12
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 12

Step 6. Make small holes where the eyes are

This part is not necessary if you can see through the fabric but give it a try before you decide. If there is a risk that the fabric will fray after being pierced, you can secure it by sewing the ends with glue or using invisible thread (this will be a long and precise job).

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 13
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 13

Step 7. Make a neck cover

Cut a piece of fabric that is large enough to be rolled around the neck and tucked into the shirt. Glue the cut strip to form a kind of elastic collar

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 14
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 14

Step 8. Cut one leg out of a pair of white socks

This piece will cover the mask you just created to have a more homogeneous appearance.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 15
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 15

Step 9. Assemble everything

When it's time to put on the costume follow this order:

  • Put on the mask first. Adjust it to your needs.
  • Put on the elastic collar. Place it straight and tuck the bottom end into the shirt.
  • Finish with the sock. It should cover the mask and collar.
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 16
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 16

Step 10. Done

Now go scare your friends.

Method 3 of 3: White Full Suit Version

This version is the most expensive and warmest but still an option. The positive side is that if it is very cold for sure you won't have any problems.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 17
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 17

Step 1. Buy a white full body suit

Make sure it also includes the head, with no holes for the eyes or mouth.

Make a Slender Man Mask Step 18
Make a Slender Man Mask Step 18

Step 2. Put on the suit

Then put on the Slender Man suit above and you're ready, your mask is just the uncovered part of the suit!
