Few things are more annoying than having to hold back the urge to urinate when you have a full bladder on a bus that doesn't plan to stop right away. If you have time to prepare for your next bus trip, you can take various precautions to minimize this discomfort, such as drinking little water before boarding and learning to control your pelvic floor muscles. However, if you are already on the bus and have no way to learn new tricks, avoid crossing your legs, stay as still as possible and read something fun to distract yourself. As a last resort, when you can no longer hold it, there are a few ways to empty your bladder discreetly.
Part 1 of 3: Preparing for the Journey

Step 1. Avoid drinking too much before getting on the bus
Hydration is important for health, but if you are about to embark on a long bus ride, you shouldn't gobble water or other drinks just before boarding. If you can't stand thirst, bring a bottle of water and wet your mouth with small sips on the way instead of drinking it all at once.
- Give up cappuccino or giant-sized fizzy drinks before taking your seat! Caffeine is diuretic and stimulates urination. If you need your morning coffee, try to have it well before you leave so that you have time to empty your bladder.
- Even worse than caffeine is alcohol, because it promotes urine production more than water. Avoid it in any way, before or during the bus ride.

Step 2. Check if there is a toilet on board
Nowadays most of the buses that travel long distances are equipped with bathrooms. You can inquire in advance to make sure that the car you will be traveling in has this service, just to be safe. The problem is that often the toilet in the bus is not hygienically impeccable (it is not always emptied and cleaned before each journey) and often people flock to use it. In any case, if it is very dirty or there is a risk of queuing up, the best thing to do is to get on board armed with tips and tricks to put in place to hold back the stimulus for as long as possible and consider the bus toilet as a last resort, only if you can't do without it.

Step 3. Find out if there are stops at rest areas
Usually during very long journeys there are 1-2 two stops. Even if the bus does not have an accessible toilet, during the stop you can find a place to release your bladder. Again, if you call ahead to ascertain the situation, you can prepare yourself mentally. Knowing the next stop, you will be able to distract yourself until you arrive. If, on the other hand, you have no idea when you can go to the bathroom, holding back the urge will seem like an interminable torture.

Step 4. Go to the bathroom when you still have a chance
Remember when your parents made you pee before you went on a trip even if you didn't feel the need? This measure is especially true when you are about to leave for a long bus ride where there are few stops, even more so if it does not have a bathroom. Take advantage of your last chance to use the bathroom at home so that you travel with less hassle.

Step 5. Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
In both men and women, the urine to be expelled is controlled by the pelvic floor muscles. The Knack maneuver is an exercise aimed at strengthening them in order to provide greater control when urinating. If you are on the bus and feel the need to empty your bladder, this maneuver allows you to send a warning to the brain that it is not the right time and the stimulus will begin to subside. Try it before setting off on the journey:
- Identify the pelvic floor muscles: they are the ones that stiffen when you hold urine or when you stop the flow during urination.
- Contract them and cough at the same time. Keep them tense until you are done coughing, then relax them.
- Repeat the exercise 10-15 times a day before departure.

Step 6. Consider using pads or adult diapers just to be safe
If the journey you have to do is very long and you fear that you will find it difficult to hold back the urge, do not be ashamed to take the right precautions in an emergency! Go to the pharmacy and stock up on products to feel safe in case of "accidents". Make sure you put your diaper on before you get on the bus.
- Adult diapers are specially designed to help people manage urinary incontinence, but are commonly used for various needs, such as by brides when they are wearing a dress that is too bulky and cannot lift it to go to the bathroom.
- You can buy nappies that are small, similar to sanitary towels, or even larger ones for full coverage, whichever suits you best.
Part 2 of 3: Managing the Stimulus when on the Bus

Step 1. Sit with your legs apart
If you stand up and feel the urge to urinate, crossing your legs can actually help you hold back the urge, but when sitting it is better to do the opposite. By pushing your thighs towards your abdomen, you put pressure on the bladder and make the situation worse. Keep your feet on the ground and your legs in a comfortable, relaxed position.
For the same reason, avoid leaning forward. If you can, recline the backrest, try to keep your torso straight and avoid bending over
Step 2. Loosen tight clothing
If you have a belt tucked into your pants or skirt, it can make it worse by squeezing your bladder. Unbutton tight clothing for a more comfortable position.
If you are wearing a belt, unfasten it. Unbutton your pants or skirt or pull the zip down.
Control Your Bladder on a Bus Step 8Bullet1 -
To hide unbuttoned clothing, pull your shirt down or put a sweater or other item over your legs.
Control Your Bladder on a Bus Step 8Bullet2

Step 3. Try not to move too much
If you keep fidgeting, you stimulate your bladder more and the urge becomes more urgent. You will likely feel the need to shake your legs or move from side to side, but it will only make things worse. Try to get into a comfortable position and stay that way.

Step 4. Read or watch something to distract yourself
This is one of the best ways to cope with urge to urinate when on the bus. If you don't have a chance to go to the bathroom for the next two hours, try to make the most of this situation by trying to forget the physical discomfort. Grab something to read or watch a video to distract yourself and not think about the urge to empty your bladder.

Step 5. Avoid coughing or laughing
The physical movements caused by these two actions can cause a slight sagging of the pelvic muscles, aggravating the stimulus. You probably can't do much to control yourself if you actually have a coughing fit, but you can choose a book or video that's not so comical as to make you laugh at the risk of not being able to restrain yourself.

Step 6. Don't think about flowing water
Often the unbearable urge to free the bladder is also psychological, so if you think about rafting and geysers splashing water all over the place, you will feel much worse! Focus on the image of a desert (without mirages) or other landscapes that do not contemplate the presence of water sources. If you sit next to a friend who enjoys singing "Blue water, clear water" while you do everything you can to restrain yourself, tell him it won't be so much fun if you get the seat next to him wet.

Step 7. Know that holding urine for a long time is not harmful to the bladder
There is no risk of it bursting if you don't empty it for a long time, so calm down. If you get to the point where the body can no longer resist, it will simply stop doing it. In this case, hope to find yourself in a rest area! If you fear the moment when you can no longer hold back and find yourself stuck between a window and a stranger, keep reading the article.
Part 3 of 3: Knowing what to do when holding back is no longer possible

Step 1. Talk to the driver
Ask him if he can stop the bus at the next service area in order to use the restroom (maybe other passengers can use it too). However, be careful not to distract him. It is important not to raise your voice or behave in a way that creates a dangerous situation.
- It is possible that he refuses and at that point you just have to wait. If it is a charter bus that has a strict schedule, the driver may not want to pull over. Nonetheless, it's worth a try.
- If he denies you a stop, ask him when the next stop is due so that you can return to your seat with the knowledge of the time left to go to the bathroom.

Step 2. See if you can discreetly free yourself by using a container
If despite all your attempts you can no longer resist, get a container in which to collect the urine. Cover the legs with a jacket or other garment and direct it inside the container. Choose one with a lid so it doesn't contaminate the environment, and close it when you're done.
- If a friend is sitting in the seat next to yours, ask them to stand in front of you to cover you while sitting in the seat by the window discreetly empty your bladder into the container.
- Choose the moment when the bus travels on smooth, flowing asphalt, like that of the motorway, not when it is forced to constantly turn around city streets or pass over potholes and bumps.

Step 3. Don't urinate in your pants
Such a solution is not at all among the suggestions of this article. Also, it is worth pointing out that if you were to do it on a bus seat, it would be absolutely unsanitary and disrespectful to other passengers. If there is no way to avoid it and you can't find a suitable container, try to hold out until the car stops.

Step 4. Stay calm in the unfortunate event that he escapes
If you fidget, you draw attention to the wet pants adding embarrassment to the discomfort. Stay where you are until the bus stops and wait for everyone to get off; at that point inform the driver of the accident you had. If there are people on board who notice the wet pants, don't worry! You will hardly see them again.
- Plan ahead if the bus journey takes more than three hours.
- Urinating in a container or diaper has its downsides: there is a risk that the diaper will show through your clothes (so choose your travel outfit wisely), people may see you putting a bottle between your legs, an unpleasant odor may be detected, urine drops may fall and the container may not be large enough. Therefore, it is not recommended.