Injuries due to the use of Segways are on the rise, and due to the death due to the use of the Segway of James Heselden, owner of the Segway company, many people are concerned about the safety of this means of transport. The Segway Company advises new users that "whenever you ride the Segway HT, you risk injury due to loss of control, crashes and falls" and that it is their responsibility to reduce these risks.
When used correctly, the Segway offers a clean, safe and fun means of transportation, and to avoid taking risks, just use common sense and beware of any dangers. Here are some tips on how to ride a Segway safely.

Step 1. Learn how to use the Segway before trying to use it on your own
Read the user manual carefully. It is highly recommended to receive instructions from a qualified and experienced person in the use of the vehicle.
Practice with people who know Segways before proceeding on your own. At a minimum, get a person to help you the first time you step up and practice

Step 2. Wear appropriate clothing
At a minimum, wear a safety helmet. You might also consider the following protective equipment:
- Knee pads, elbow pads and wrist pads.
- Safety goggles.
- If you will be riding the Segway at night (assuming it is legal in your state), wear a high visibility vest so it can be easily spotted. If you drive at night, always add headlights so you can see and be seen.

Step 3. Maintain a firm grip on the Segway at all times
Always keep both feet on the footplate and hands on the handlebars. Do not try to maneuver the vehicle with one hand while holding something with the other. Use a backpack or basket if you have to carry items.

Step 4. Avoid sudden maneuvers
Even though the Segway is able to sense your movements and try to regain your balance, this mechanism may not be able to correct your position if you move too abruptly forwards or backwards.
- Don't turn too quickly on a Segway. Fast corners can make you lose control; always lean in the direction of the curve and approach it slowly.
- Don't stop and don't start too fast.
- Don't go backwards. This feature is only for maneuvering in tight spaces or turning around, not for traveling.

Step 5. Avoid going too fast
The Segway will warn you if you go too fast, using a "Speed Limiter", which will push the handlebars back to slow you down. Obey this warning and stop leaning forward.
- Respect the Vibration alert. This warning occurs when you reverse too fast or push the Segway beyond its limits, such as driving over rough terrain, going downhill or accelerating or braking too quickly. Slows. If the warning doesn't go away after you slow down, stop and get off, as it could indicate a low battery level or maintenance issues.
- Indoors, proceed at a walking pace, stay as much as possible in the center of the corridors, let all people pass and do not take the Segway where it is not allowed.
- Outdoors, try to keep your pace at a brisk pace, giving priority to all pedestrians and being especially careful when turning corners.

Step 6. Stay on firm, even ground
Segways are not suitable for off-roading. Limited to use on surfaces suitable for the vehicle.
- Sudden changes in terrain can put your safety at risk, such as moving from grass to asphalt, bollard bumps, etc. Address these points slowly and carefully.
- Get off a Segway and use Power Assist mode whenever you are unsure whether the terrain you need to drive on is suitable.
- Do not drive on the road. Not only is the Segway not made to be used on the road, but doing so is dangerous and can be illegal. Cross carefully, using Power Assist mode to walk and take him to the other side safely.

Step 7. Maintain a safe distance between you and the handlebar
Leaning on the handlebars can reduce your ability to control the vehicle correctly.

Step 8. Avoid pedestrians
You will move faster than pedestrians and some of them will not hear you coming. Always be careful to avoid them, and be prepared to say something if you fail to avoid a collision before you can stop.
Generally, you should stay on the right side of the curb in right-hand drive countries and vice versa, unless pedestrian traffic laws are different. Follow all local laws regarding the use of sidewalks

Step 9. Watch out for obstacles
In the presence of obstacles, you run the risk of being thrown out of the vehicle or creating an accident. You will have to see them, and this can be difficult if you are distracted by the view or if you are having conversation. The objects that most commonly cause problems are park benches, lampposts, signs, and trees.
- Avoid potholes, curb edges and steps when using the Segway. It is easy to run up against these obstacles.
- Do not drive the Segway down a steep descent. If you did, you would lose your balance and likely be thrown.
- Do not ride the Segway on slippery surfaces, such as ice, snow, wet grass, greasy surfaces or wet floors.
- Do not drive on unstable objects such as branches, stones, gravel, broken glass, etc. The Segway may lose traction and cause you to fall.

Step 10. Prepare in advance
Like when you drive a motorcycle, a scooter or any other means of transport on wheels that interact with traffic and pedestrians, never let your attention fall and react in time to what happens.
- Slow down (and stop if necessary) at intersections, stops, in the presence of groups of people, in driveways, before corners, in front of entrances and before areas with low ceilings.
- Don't get in the way of cars, cyclists and traffic. Remember that often you will not be able to be seen or heard, or people may not consider the Segway as a way to give priority.
- Avoid isolating yourself with an iPod or distracting yourself with a cell phone. Do not use MP3 players or cell phones while driving a Segway.
- Don't drink if you have to drive.

Step 11. Stop the Segway before getting off
Do not leave a Segway that is in Balance mode or it will keep moving and may hit something or someone.
- Consider your height. You will grow taller on a Segway; remember this when you have to cross doors, bridges and other structures!
- If you use Segways at work, make sure all staff are trained in their safe use.
- Fix problems right away.
- Segways have a minimum weight requirement that prevents children from riding them. Make sure you respect this prohibition.
- Read the user guide before getting on the vehicle.
- Do not attempt wheelies or other stunts. A Segway on one wheel is ready to tip over and drop you. If you want to do stunts while driving, buy a special bicycle.
- Segways are not meant to carry more than one person; do not take anyone on the Segway with you.
- Obey all laws, rules and regulations that dictate where it is possible to ride a Segway.
- Do not wear anything that can get stuck in the wheels, such as scarves or very long coats.
- Do not ride a Segway in revolving doors, on escalators or stairs, on walkways, on narrow paths or in any other unsafe location.
- The company recommends not riding a Segway under the age of 16.
- The Segway's motors can suddenly shut down without warning. As a result, the driver can be thrown forward following a fall of the Segway.