How to Recover Voice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Recover Voice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Recover Voice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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Losing your voice is no small feat, and this inconvenience can be caused by great strain or more serious medical ailments. Many singers and other people who speak loudly for extended periods of time sometimes tend to suffer from it. If the hoarseness was caused by other factors, not by excessive and temporary use of the voice, make an appointment with a doctor to do all the necessary investigations. If, on the other hand, it was caused by momentary fatigue or immoderate use, you can speed up your recovery by following the tips in this article.


Part 1 of 3: Have Good Habits

Get Your Voice Back Step 1
Get Your Voice Back Step 1

Step 1. Rest your voice for as long as possible

Speaking at a normal volume is enough to strain the vocal cords, and this can slow down healing in general. Of course, in some cases it is necessary to do this. Limiting the use of your vocal cords can help speed up the recovery process, so avoid talking directly.

  • We strongly advise against whispering. It's unnatural, and actually puts even more tension on the vocal cords.
  • Have a pen and paper available to write down what you want to communicate to others. By the way, it can be fun.

Step 2. Gargle with salt water

Gargling moisturizes the mouth, softens the vocal cords, and speeds up the voice recovery process. You can choose from several mouthwashes at the supermarket. Among other things, they will allow you to kill the bacteria in your throat, probably the culprits of the low voice.

If you put a glass of water to heat in the microwave, make sure the liquid isn't too hot - the last thing you want is to literally scorch the lining of your throat

Step 3. Warm up your body with yoga

In fact, the voice is an integral part of the body, so to warm it up, you first have to melt from head to toe. Yoga is an ideal exercise to become aware of your body and start using your diaphragm properly. If you are not particularly sick, this is a great way to melt away (instead, if the ailment has weakened you, better stay in bed!).

Here is a good exercise to get the diaphragm working. Kneel on the floor. Make sure you spread your legs slightly apart. Place your hands on your knees; with your arms outstretched, inhale deeply with your nose. Breathe out firmly using your mouth. Apply good pressure to your knees with your hands; meanwhile, spread your fingers. Look up, push your tongue out and play the roar of a lion; make a loud and decisive sound. You have to do it with your diaphragm, not your throat

Step 4. Use the power of steam

In fact, hydration is everything. In addition to hydrating yourself internally, try surrounding yourself with water to feel better. If you can't take a hot shower and soak in the steam right now, boil some water and bring your face to the bowl. Place a towel over your head to allow the steam to envelop your sinuses.

Maintain this position for a few minutes. You should start to feel clear in your sinuses (if you have a cold, of course). Repeat the procedure when you feel the need

Step 5. Stop smoking

If you don't have someone who has been advising you to quit smoking for years, let's take advantage of this article to tell you: it's bad for your health in general, voice included. Smoking damages the esophagus, and practically scorches the vocal cords.

If you were wondering out of curiosity, quitting smoking is cheaper, it allows you to protect the health of those around you, reduces the risk of contracting cardiovascular disease, decreases the chances of getting lung and bladder cancer, allows you to doing physical activity at a competitive or amateur level with much more ease

Step 6. Go to the doctor

If you monopolized the karaoke mic last night, you probably don't need to worry and go to a specialist. However, if you woke up voiceless a week ago, you need to run for cover instead. Make an appointment with an expert to find out what's going on.

Generally speaking, any illness lasting more than three or four days requires a medical examination. It is always better to be safe than sorry. And, if this disorder is accompanied by other symptoms (cough, fever, etc.), it is definitely worth going to the doctor

Part 2 of 3: Eat and Drink Better

Step 1. Drink lots of water

Keep your body's hydration levels optimal as you try to recover your voice. Increasing the ingestion of liquids allows the throat to produce a well-hydrated environment, restoring vocal functions. Hydration is the key to getting your voice back.

What are the liquids to avoid? Alcoholics. They dry out the throat and completely dehydrate the body. If you want to get your voice back soon, stay away from it

Step 2. Avoid acidic drinks and foods

Tea, citrus fruits and chocolate (among others) cause acidity. To be sure, they don't have a directly negative effect on the vocal cords, but they do cause gastric reflux, which is not good for you. This disorder can worsen inflammation and exacerbate voice loss. The best way to get rid of foreign substances and bacteria that could exacerbate the problem is to drink plenty of still water.

You got it right: tea is acidic, and products with a high level of acidity are harmful to the lining of the esophagus. People who consider this drink absolutely effective feel better after sipping it. In fact, it has a rather calming effect, but it doesn't necessarily solve the problem itself

Step 3. Consume lukewarm drinks

Since you probably won't drink just water, make sure all drinks are lukewarm. They don't have to be too cold or too hot - both of these temperatures have adverse effects on the lining of the throat. And, if you drink tea (let's face it, you probably will), add some honey.

Not sure if you can drink milk? Dairy products create a coating around the throat, which can generate a momentary calming effect. In fact, they only mask the problem, which will then return. If you have to perform, be sure not to consume dairy products in the hours leading up to the performance

Part 3 of 3: Soothing Products

Step 1. Go to the pharmacy

There are dozens and dozens of products that claim to have incredible effects on the voice. Just ask your pharmacist for advice and you will find what is right for you. If you're desperate for a miracle method, maybe one of them will work. You can also pop into a herbalist's shop.

However, remember that water and rest are still the two best solutions. Do not depend on products bought at the pharmacy

Step 2. Take cough pills for pain relief

A change in temperature or a dry environment can irritate the throat. Therefore, creating hydration can soothe inflammation. The use of lozenges is effective for lubricating the area.

Chewing gum can also relieve dryness in your mouth. The more lubricated and hydrated you are, the better off you will be

Step 3. Invest in a humidifier

In particular, if you live in a dry environment and this is the cause of your voice irritation, it can help solve the problem. It is a similar method to that of the steaming pot of water, but the effect of this appliance affects the air that circulates throughout the room.

Step 4. Solve the underlying problem

Often losing your voice indicates a more serious disorder. If you have a cough, cold or sore throat, deal with this ailment instead of just thinking about the rumor that has gone away. You will see that he will come back by taking antibiotics, starting to assimilate vitamin C and taking all the necessary measures to fight a cold or fever.

Quick Summary


  • If the voice doesn't come back after a few days, go to the doctor. Extensive loss could be a symptom of a more serious disorder that requires medication.
  • If you don't feel like you have excess mucus, don't drink lukewarm fluids. Sore throat is actually caused by inflammation of the vocal cords, which react in a similar way to other parts of the body. For example, when your ankle swells, you make ice packs; if it just hurts you, apply a heat source to the area. This is because cold slows circulation and decreases swelling, while heat increases circulation and inflammation. If the sore throat is not accompanied by mucus, you should consume drinks cold to favor the decrease of the swelling of the vocal cords.

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    • How to Improve the Quality of Your Voice
    • How to Practice Your Voice
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    If it is not possible for you to be completely silent to rest your voice, try to limit the time you speak and avoid whispering, as this could make the situation worse. Avoid tea, citrus fruits, and chocolate, but try gargle with warm water to rehydrate your throat. Clear your sinuses with a steamy, hot shower or steam inhalations. For more advice, for example on which medicines can help recover your voice, read on …