The first time you put on your new denture, your false teeth sparkle beautifully every time you smile. However, over time, a patina forms on the surface of the prosthesis that makes your smile a pale white or even yellowish. Thankfully, there are many ways to keep your dentures pearly white! Keep reading.
Method 1 of 3: Wash the Denture

Step 1. Wash the prosthesis at least once a day
Just like natural teeth, these also need to be brushed regularly at least once a day. Ideally, you should wash them after each meal, although this can be difficult for those who work away from home all day. So, make sure you clean them at least in the evening before going to bed.

Step 2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
Use a soft one or one specifically designed for dentures that you can easily find on the market. There are many brands (such as Oral-B) that have launched toothbrushes designed exclusively for dentures on the market.
If you use a hard-bristled toothbrush, be aware that your false teeth may suffer numerous scratches that cause the original enamel to be lost

Step 3. Use a mild toothpaste that is free of any abrasive substances
Or, at least, one that contains a minimal percentage of it. This is important, as highly abrasive chemicals can scratch dentures.
- Alternatively, you can also brush your teeth without toothpaste, because the main purpose of brushing is to remove the biofilm that covers them.
- Purchase a denture toothpaste that has a Relative Dentin Abrasion (RDA) value between 0-70. The RDA is an index used by the American Dental Association (ADA) to determine the level of abrasion of a toothpaste. An RDA greater than 70 indicates that a toothpaste is abrasive, and therefore is dangerous for dentures.

Step 4. Use dish soap if you can't find light toothpaste
This is the most suitable soap because it does not contain abrasive substances that could damage the dentures. It has bactericidal ingredients such as tetrasodium EDTA and triclosan which kill and inhibit bacterial growth.

Step 5. Clean the dentures with the proper techniques
Once you've chosen the right toothpaste for your dentures, wash it in running water. Apply a strip of toothpaste to the bristles of your toothbrush.
- Hold the toothbrush so that the bristles are facing the gum portion of the denture.
- Make small, circular, vibrating movements to remove food particles. This is the best way to clean all those hard-to-reach areas of the dentures.
- Make a sweeping motion from the gum towards the chewing surfaces of the false teeth to capture any food residue.
- Rinse the denture in running water to remove both toothpaste and food particles.

Step 6. Clean your dentures after every meal
Food debris or plaque can make it black, green, or basically gray.
- When you don't follow proper oral hygiene, plaque hardens and absorbs colored drinks like coffee, tea, or soda.
- Washing the prosthesis allows you to regularly remove debris and prevents plaque build-up.
Method 2 of 3: Use Cleansers and Other Means to Keep the Denture Clean

Step 1. Soak the dentures in a container with a specific detergent
Soak it 15 to 20 minutes before going to bed. Denture cleaners prevent the accumulation of plaque that causes stains on the teeth. Soak it once a day before bed to keep it beautiful white. The following detergents are those declared safe by the ADA:
- Efferdent® Prosthesis Cleaning: put 1 tablet in hot water and wait for the solution to become sparkling. Soak your dentures for 15 minutes, then rinse them thoroughly under running water.
- Fresh 'N Brite® Denture Cleaning Paste: Remove dentures and rinse them before cleaning. Apply the paste using a toothbrush and brush the entire surface thoroughly for 2 minutes. At the end, rinse thoroughly with running water. Repeat the treatment twice a day. This product is present in the American market; in Italy it is possible to find it through websites. Do a search.

Step 2. Use alkaline hypochlorite to keep the prosthesis white and spotless
This product is effective in removing stains and avoiding bacterial growth, because when it undergoes the oxidation process it breaks the bond between the colored molecules and transforms them into colorless single-bonded molecules.
- Home preparation: In a covered container, dissolve 10 ml of normal bleach in 200 ml of water. Soak your dentures in this solution for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly in running water.
- Over-the-counter solution: In a covered container, dissolve 20ml of Dentural® (available online) in 200ml of water and soak the dentures for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly in running water.

Step 3. Use a mixture of vinegar and water
To loosen the tartar that adheres firmly to the surface of the prosthesis and cannot be removed with a simple brush, you can use a solution in equal parts of water and vinegar.
- This is a proven home remedy for removing tartar, a substance that plays an important role in reducing the whiteness of dentures.
- Take half a glass of white vinegar and add as much water to dilute it. Immerse the prosthesis in the solution and let it sit for about half an hour.
- After this time, remove the prosthesis and rinse it thoroughly with running water. The tartar that has melted will flow off with the water.

Step 4. Use the microwave to clean the denture
If it doesn't have any metal parts, you can put it in the microwave for about 2 minutes.
- Put the denture in a cleaning solution and heat it in the microwave for 2 minutes.
- After this time the bacteria are destroyed and the dentures will be free of dirt and residues.

Step 5. Remember to remove your dentures overnight
You don't have to sleep wearing it. Sleep is a time of great bacterial activity, as saliva production is limited and its washing action decreases. Also, staying 6 to 8 hours without the prosthesis is good for gum health.
Method 3 of 3: Avoid Certain Substances

Step 1. Understand why dentures get stained
The prostheses are made of plastic material (acrylic) which becomes porous over time. Therefore they can absorb the color of the foods / liquids you eat and drink, and this causes unsightly yellowing of the false teeth.
- The degree of coloration varies from one person to another because no one follows the same type of diet.
- In general, you should try to consume lighter colored foods and liquids, as they are more likely to cause stains on the teeth.

Step 2. Avoid cigarettes
When you inhale smoke, coat your teeth with the tar and nicotine found in tobacco. Nicotine is the substance responsible for the yellow-brown stains on the teeth.
- Obviously, nicotine is colorless, but when it comes in contact with oxygen, it takes on a yellowish color that adheres to the teeth. These stains are difficult to remove from the prosthesis, even with the use of dental tools.
- Since false teeth are more porous than natural ones, they absorb cigarette stains more easily.
- Stay away from marijuana too. This herb creates greenish patches with a circular band.

Step 3. Avoid tea, coffee and other brightly colored foods
Black or brown spots on false teeth are very characteristic of dark drinks. The particles of tea and coffee are absorbed into the pores of the dentures and cause stains.
- The prosthesis may still have some tartar and plaque residue, which can be completely removed by a dentist. You can go to a professional once every 6 months to maintain the brilliance and luminosity of your dentures.
- Wipe the denture over a towel or basin of water so that if it gets out of hand, it won't break.