A loose tooth can be a very exciting experience for a child, especially if they still believe in the Tooth Fairy. Adults can suffer from this disorder due to gum disease or a bump on the teeth. You can remove a loose tooth at home using clean fingers or a toothbrush; Sometimes, even eating crunchy food can help you do this. If you are worried and afraid to do it yourself, see a dentist.
Method 1 of 3: with Clean Fingers or a Toothbrush

Step 1. Wash your hands well
Before touching the tooth with your fingers, make sure they are thoroughly cleaned; use an antibacterial soap, warm water and scrub them carefully to remove all traces of dirt, bacteria and germs. This way, you make sure you don't put them in your mouth or on your tooth when you touch it.
- Alternatively, if you don't have access to running water, you can use a hand sanitizer; preferably take one that contains alcohol and is antibacterial.
- If your child is trying to loosen the tooth on their own, check that their hands are clean. wash them so that they proceed in perfect hygienic conditions.

Step 2. Swing the tooth with your finger
Use a fingertip and move it gently into the cavity; However, avoid twisting it or pushing it from side to side, as this could cause pain and damage to the gum area.
- Teach your child how to do this so he doesn't damage his tooth or gum.
- The milk teeth are completely erupted by the time the baby is three and should swing quite easily; if they're not ready to be pulled out, they don't move much when you touch them.

Step 3. Pay attention to whether the tooth hurts when you swing it
You have to check if you feel pain when you move it; the presence of any acute discomfort means that it is not ready to be extracted.
Leave it alone until it starts swinging without hurting; only then can you try to loosen it more or remove it

Step 4. Brush the swinging tooth
An alternative method of removing it is to use a toothbrush; take a wet one and gently loosen the tooth. Do not rub it too abruptly and do not scratch it with the tool.
If you notice that the tooth wobbles when you brush it and it doesn't hurt, it is ready to be extracted; if not, you can leave it undisturbed until it falls by itself

Step 5. Rinse your mouth if the tooth falls out
When it comes off, the gum could bleed a lot; He then rinses the oral cavity with water to free it from the blood present in the cavity.
If you move your tooth a lot or it falls out from a bump, it could bleed even more. To stop the bleeding, press the gum by placing a piece of clean gauze or a towel between your teeth to absorb the blood. it may take up to an hour for bleeding to stop
Method 2 of 3: Eating Crunchy Foods

Step 1. Bite into an apple or a pear
They are crunchy fruits that can help you; get a sliced apple or pear and try to bite it to loosen the tooth even more.
Make sure not to drag the fruit directly onto the tooth, otherwise you could damage it along with the surrounding gum; you just have to bite and chew it for it to move the tooth

Step 2. Munch corn directly off the cob
This is another crunchy food that serves your purpose; bite it while it is still on the cob to swing the tooth inside its cavity.

Step 3. Eat some bread or a bagel
It is soft but crunchy food and therefore just as useful for your purpose. In particular, the bagel is soft enough to make the tooth swing without damaging it; toast it (or heat a slice of bread) until it becomes crunchy and eat it should be an effective solution.
Method 3 of 3: Go to the Dentist

Step 1. If you are an adult and have a loose or infected tooth, go to the dentist
In adults this problem is often caused by bruxism or some gum disease; in some cases, the tooth could loosen due to some trauma in the oral cavity. If a tooth wobbles or looks infected, see your dentist to find the right treatment.
- If you feel pain or aches when you touch it, it may be infected; also, the area around the gum may be painful, swollen or red.
- If you notice that your child has a potentially infected tooth that is dangling, take him to the dentist right away.

Step 2. Discuss possible treatments with your doctor
The dentist can determine if it is an infection and if it is necessary to apply a support to the tooth (such as a small flexible splint) to anchor and stabilize it; you should keep the splint for two weeks so that the tooth can heal and stay in place.
- If you have a loose tooth due to bruxism (you unknowingly clamp your jaw), you need to wear a special bite while you sleep.
- If the tooth is dangling from gum disease, you should undergo a very deep professional cleaning.

Step 3. Consider an extraction if needed
If the tooth wobbles excessively to save it and is severely infected, your dentist may suggest removal. During the procedure you are subjected to local anesthesia to avoid pain; it may be necessary to insert an implant or use partial dentures to replace the missing tooth.