How To Lose Weight By Drinking Fruit And Vegetable Juices

How To Lose Weight By Drinking Fruit And Vegetable Juices
How To Lose Weight By Drinking Fruit And Vegetable Juices

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The juice diet is a relatively recent trend of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. This liquid is then used to replace meals or to supplement them. There are several health benefits associated with this diet, including weight loss, increased vitamin intake, and increased mineral intake. As if that weren't enough, juices are a simple and tasty alternative for introducing more fruits and vegetables into your diet (especially if you're not a lover of these foods or don't have time to cook them every day). Following a juice diet can facilitate weight loss, especially in combination with physical activity. This article will tell you how to follow it in a safe and balanced way.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare Everything You Need

Juice to Lose Weight Step 1
Juice to Lose Weight Step 1

Step 1. Buy a cold juicer or juicer

It is an essential tool for following a juice diet. The price can vary quite a bit (it is between 50 and 400 euros) and there are also models of different sizes.

  • Cold extractors are usually more expensive. Their function is to slowly mash and pass fruit or vegetables to extract juice. The advantages of this tool? Generally, there is more pulp left in the juice, which is derived from the peel and other parts rich in fiber, so you can get more. The disadvantage of this appliance is that it easily gets jammed with harder-textured fruit or vegetables.
  • The centrifuge separates the juice from the pulp and filters the liquid so that no traces of pulp remain. Fruits and vegetables must always be cleaned and peeled, otherwise the machine can jam. The disadvantage? This appliance is difficult to clean.
  • Before making your purchase, consider different brands and types of appliances. The right one should have features that make it easy to use, store and clean. For example, look for one that has dishwasher safe parts or a large feeding funnel to make it easier to pass through larger pieces or slices of food.
  • You may also want to consider purchasing a blender. This appliance also has variations in terms of size and prices. Basically, it allows you to process whole fruit or vegetables. Contrary to centrifuges and extractors, it allows you to consume them in their entirety, including pulp and peel, rich in fiber. If the juice becomes too thick, add water to dilute it and get the desired consistency.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 2
Juice to Lose Weight Step 2

Step 2. Buy fresh, additive-free juice

Many appliances are expensive and not everyone can afford them. However, if you'd like to go on a detox diet, try buying fresh juice instead of making it.

  • Avoid buying the juices you usually find in the supermarket. They usually contain added sugars, flavors, and preservatives that aren't healthy at all.
  • In well-stocked supermarkets, organic food shops and some bars (also called juice bars in Italy), a good variety of fresh fruit and vegetable juices are offered. You can only buy one glass or larger quantities.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 3
Juice to Lose Weight Step 3

Step 3. Buy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables

To follow a juice diet, it is obviously essential to have these ingredients available. Buying both fresh and frozen ones will allow you to have some flexibility and assortment.

  • Generally speaking, the juice should consist of 2/3 of vegetables and 1/3 of fruit. Fruit generally contains a lot of sugar, which can cause your blood sugar to rise.
  • Buying frozen fruit or vegetables allows you to stock up on products that may be out of season. Plus, you can use a small amount without worrying about it going bad.
  • Mixing frozen fruits or vegetables with fresh ones can thicken the juice and give it a smoothie-like texture, which may be more palatable.
  • Try to buy only fruit and vegetables with no added sugar. Read the labels to make sure they don't have any other ingredients.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 4
Juice to Lose Weight Step 4

Step 4. Experiment with the juices

Before buying a large amount of fruit and vegetables, try to do some tasting with various combinations. If you don't like the result, you will avoid wasting it.

  • Many packs of juicers, extractors or blenders offer a small recipe book. It is useful for finding ideas right away.
  • Remember that you need a good amount of fruit and vegetables to make fresh juice. For example, you need six or eight large carrots for a glass of juice.
  • Be sure to wash the fruits and vegetables first. This is especially important when you leave the peel.
  • Follow the instructions on the appliance packaging. Generally, it is recommended to put delicate foods first (such as leafy vegetables), followed closely by softer ones (such as a banana or tomato) and finally by hard ones (such as carrots or apples).
Juice to Lose Weight Step 5
Juice to Lose Weight Step 5

Step 5. Make only one or two servings of juice at a time

Fresh juices are more prone to bacterial growth, so you risk having health problems if you keep them for too long.

  • Make the juice day by day. Keep it in an airtight container for no more than 24 hours.
  • Make sure you keep the fresh juice in the refrigerator to keep it at an acceptable temperature, which should be below 4 ° C.
  • Buy airtight water bottles or glass jars to store small amounts of juice in the refrigerator. The jars are also practical for carrying around.

Part 2 of 3: Develop a Personalized Juice Diet

Juice to Lose Weight Step 6
Juice to Lose Weight Step 6

Step 1. Get a detailed guide

Following a juice diet can be tricky. There are several programs, juices and methods to do this. Buying or searching for recipes and meal plans can help you observe your diet more easily.

  • Search for different juice diets online and examine them thoroughly. You can consider several: taking the time to analyze more than one will help you find the ideal one or understand if you would like to combine it with another diet.
  • Also, you might want to buy a cookbook or program to keep at home. Having a point of reference can be helpful.
  • Here are some reliable sources for following a juice-based diet: Depuravita, GreenMe, The centrifuge and Centrifuged recipes.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 7
Juice to Lose Weight Step 7

Step 2. Develop a diet plan

After searching for different juice diets, you will find that the possibilities are varied. If you are not following a set plan with guidance from a book or website, it will be helpful to write a personalized one to ensure you are eating a balanced and healthy diet.

  • Determine how many meals you will replace with juices and how many you would like to consume each day. Some diets recommend drinking a certain amount of juice throughout the day, such as one or two servings.
  • Plan to consume a good variety of juices throughout the day. Try to eat balanced fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
  • Also, try to use different types of fruits and vegetables every day. For example, the morning juice may contain apples and black cabbage, while the afternoon juice may contain carrots, oranges and ginger.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 8
Juice to Lose Weight Step 8

Step 3. Weigh yourself

It is important to check your weight every time you go on a diet or weight loss program. This will help you track your progress and figure out if the juice diet is effective for you or not.

  • You may want to weigh yourself once or twice a week. Doing this every day will not allow you to analyze the big picture. It's normal to have daily weight changes (it can go up or down), so weighing yourself once or twice a week will give you more accurate feedback.
  • Buy a scale: it is a necessary tool to evaluate the progress made and orient yourself.
  • Write down your weight once a week. It will be fun and challenging to see how much progress you will make each time.

Part 3 of 3: Plan a Safe and Healthy Weight Loss

Juice to Lose Weight Step 9
Juice to Lose Weight Step 9

Step 1. Consult your doctor or nutritionist

Talking to an expert before embarking on a diet is a smart move. He can guide you better or recommend alternatives that may be more appropriate for your case. A nutritionist is an industry professional who can give you tips on a more effective diet for weight loss.

  • Talk to your doctor about it. Maybe he knows or can refer you to a good nutritionist in your city.
  • You can also look for it on the internet, for example on or by asking relatives and friends for advice.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 10
Juice to Lose Weight Step 10

Step 2. Eat at least 1200 calories per day

Consuming less, especially for more than a few days, is not a safe or healthy way to lose weight. Whichever diet you choose, you should be able to have a good daily calorie intake.

  • Use a food diary or calorie counting app to find out how many you eat each day.
  • Try replacing one or two meals with juice instead of going on a completely liquid diet. Eating a well-balanced meal or two will help you meet your daily calorie needs.
  • A low calorie diet can have several side effects, including tiredness or exhaustion, weakness and hunger. More serious adverse effects can include nutrient deficiencies, such as iron deficiency anemia, muscle loss, and heart problems.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 11
Juice to Lose Weight Step 11

Step 3. Get enough protein

A juice diet allows you to consume more fruit and vegetables, but provides little, sometimes none, protein. To maintain a healthy and balanced diet, it is important to consume the correct amount of protein every day.

  • On average, women need to consume around 46g of protein per day, while men need 56g.
  • Enrich the juice with unflavored protein powders: they will help you control your blood sugar and will not alter the taste of the drink.
  • Try making a smoothie instead of a juice. To get your fill of protein, you can add nuts, seeds, butters made from nuts, milk, yogurt, or protein powders.
  • Only replace one or two meals a day with juices. All other meals and snacks should allow you to get lean protein.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 12
Juice to Lose Weight Step 12

Step 4. Try to have a source of fiber as well

Some juice diets and juicers (such as juicers) exclude pulp, which contains some nutrients and most fiber. Low-fiber diets can cause constipation, blood sugar fluctuations, and weight gain.

  • Many juicers separate the juice from the pulp. You can partially replenish it in the juice or use it for other recipes. For example, leftover pulp from vegetables can be integrated into soups, stews and sauces, but also into tasty casseroles or baked dishes. Try adding fruit pulp to desserts like muffins, cookies, or pancakes.
  • You can also try taking fiber supplements every day. They are available in chewable tablet, capsule or powder form. Take one or two a day.
  • Regardless of how you eat it, fiber is essential for a healthy diet. Make sure you don't cut them off when you are on a juice diet.
Juice to Lose Weight Step 13
Juice to Lose Weight Step 13

Step 5. The liquid diet should be done for limited periods

Liquid-based cleansing diets are not meant to be followed for the long term. Avoid programs that recommend drinking only juice or liquids for more than a few consecutive days.

Juice-based purification diets are generally very low-calorie, low-protein and lacking in essential nutrients. This can be unhealthy and dangerous in the long run

Juice to Lose Weight Step 14
Juice to Lose Weight Step 14

Step 6. Try to exercise regularly

Whatever eating plan you follow, it is important to keep yourself physically active. Exercise allows you to burn more calories, so you will be able to lose more weight.

  • Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise and at least two moderate-intensity weight training each week.
  • When following a calorie restricted diet, try not to demand too much of your body. Physical activity requires a lot of energy. If you only eat juice or eat a liquid diet, you are unlikely to be getting enough calories to go through a workout.


  • Avoid classic fruit juices as they are full of added sugars.
  • If you don't like fruit and vegetables, drinking juices can help you get more vitamins and minerals. In any case, if possible, it is best to eat a whole fruit or vegetable to get more benefits.
  • Before you buy an expensive juicer or other equipment, learn about juice diets and programs thoroughly.


  • Pregnant women and people who have immune, heart, liver or kidney disorders should avoid juice detox diets.
  • Some medicines interact with certain fruit juices. Before starting a program, always talk to your doctor to make sure it is appropriate for you to consume different types of juices.
  • Before starting a diet or making any significant dietary changes, always consult your doctor.
  • Some detox programs promote rather low-calorie, low-fat, low-protein diets that are unsafe in the long run and may not be suitable for everyone. Again, consult your doctor before starting.
  • Do not consume infusions or laxative medicines during the purifying juice diet. They will increase the risk of dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
