A great weight loss is usually only possible for those people who are very overweight. If you want to lose a lot of weight in a short time, try the following steps. Remember that every weight loss program requires lifestyle changes and you need to adopt healthy habits to lose weight in the long run.
Method 1 of 4: The Calculations

Step 1. Do the math
When setting yourself a goal, it is important to know how to achieve it. Before you start counting calories, you will need to know exactly how many to take to lose 5 pounds in a week.
Half a kilo equals 3500 calories. You will have seven days to lose ten times the amount.
3500 x 10 = 35000 calories to burn
3500/7 = 5000 calories to lose per day
2000 calories per day - 5000 = - 3000 calories per day.
- As you can see, it would be impossible to follow a diet that allows you to burn 3,000 calories per day. However, with a very strict diet, training and initial weight loss due to fluids (depending on your size - the more overweight you are, the easier it will be) you may be getting closer to that goal. Plus, your weight fluctuates around a pound a day, adding some margin for error.
- Fortunately, you won't have to control calories through diet alone - training will play a role too. In this intense, fast-paced diet, both are needed.
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 2 Step 2. Keep a journal
Being forced to read what you are going to eat will force you to pay more attention to your food choices. Keep a journal and write down everything you eat or drink for the whole week.
- Do not allow yourself to stray from the rule. Show your journal at the end of each day to a friend, family member, or personal trainer. Knowing that you will face another person's judgment may give you external motivations that you are unable to find within yourself. If that person is willing to do this, have them keep a record of their diet as well.
- You don't have to write down just what you eat! Write your workouts too! This way you can re-read your combined efforts and be proud of yourself.
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 3 Step 3. Share this experience with others
In some cases, it is difficult to be rigid with ourselves when dealing with something alone. After all, it's not the end of the world if you eat dessert. So get a friend to help you overcome your weight challenge.
Make every social activity active. Have family and friends cook instead of going out for dinner. When your community lends you a hand and keeps you away from temptation, success will be easier
Method 2 of 4: Change Power Type
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 4 Step 1. Reduce the consumption of processed products
Low-energy-density diets help people reduce calorie intake by maintaining a feeling of satiety and controlling the cravings. This means eating more vegetables, avoiding french fries, and still feeling full.
- Energy density is the amount of calories per unit of weight of a food. Foods with a low energy density offer fewer calories per gram than foods with a high density. By consuming the same amount of calories, you will be able to eat more low-density than high-density foods.
It is mainly fruits and vegetables that fill us up quickly without making us ingest a lot of calories. Proteins and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram; fat has some
Step 9.. Fibers have between 1, 5 and 2, 5 and water naturally has 0.
To follow a low-energy diet, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and lean meats, and avoid processed foods.
The simplest way to avoid processed foods is to avoid fast food restaurants and restaurants. If you make it, you will know exactly what you are going to eat
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 5 Step 2. Eat five times a day
In addition to having three small meals, continue to have two (healthy) snacks. Your meals will be lower in calories, but you should still feel full.
- Eating often increases the thermal effect of food. Studies have shown that a higher heat effect speeds up metabolism, reduces hunger and leads to weight loss.
- Since you will be eating more often, your meals should be small in size. You are not eating more; you are simply distributing food throughout the day.
- Your snacks should be healthy and consist of appropriate portions. Eat fruit, nuts, or low-fat yogurt. If rationing and time are troubling you, measure the portions of your snacks first and place them in resealable bags. This way you won't overeat and can take one to work.
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 6 Step 3. Learn how to control portions
According to traditional portion control, an adult should eat around 90 grams of protein, 90g of starch and 175g of vegetables per meal. Eating more than your body needs will increase your weight; But remember that eating less than your body needs will also make you gain weight.
You will need to eat to prevent your body from "shutting down" and holding the weight. Use visual references if you can't prepare the right portions. A pepper is a serving of vegetables - about the size of a baseball. An apple is a serving of fruit, about the size of a tennis ball. One serving of pasta should be about the size of a hockey puck. One serving of cheese is equal to four playing dice. For the chicken? Think of a deck of cards
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 7 Step 4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
Drink one glass before bed and one when you wake up, as well as one (or two) glasses before each meal. Cleaning the body of toxins is one of the best ways to lose weight. Plus, the liquids you ingest will make you feel fuller before you start eating.
- Always carry a bottle of water with you and make it a habit to drink often. The more you drink, the more you will want to drink and the better you will feel. A hydrated body has more energy.
- The Institute of Medicine recommends that men and women try to consume approximately 3.7 and 2.7 liters of water per day, respectively, which includes the water contained in food and other drinks.
Method 3 of 4: Workout
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 8 Step 1. Prepare for cardiovascular training
Exercise should be a regular activity in your day, even when the week is over, if you want to continue losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. Exercising also increases your energy and speeds up your metabolism, both of which are conducive to weight loss. Training methods are subjective and depend on your health, so consult your doctor to decide together the best training program for you.
Cardiovascular exercises burn more fat than strength training, but they are both necessary to lose as much weight as possible. If running isn't your thing, choose a more knee-friendly activity, like swimming or an elliptical.
Try High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The National Institute of Health defines HIIT as a workout that involves "repeated high-intensity workouts for 30 seconds or several minutes, interspersed with 1-5 minutes of recovery (with low or no intensity exercises)." He also believes that HIIT "enhances the benefits of training, especially in regards to weight loss."
Many activities that you don't even imagine are part of cardiovascular training. Here are the calories burned in 30 minutes of the following activities:
- Aerobic dance - 342 kcal
- Boxing - 330 kcal
- Jump rope - 286 kcal
- Tennis - 232 kcal
- Basket - 282 kcal
- Swimming (freestyle) - 248 kcal
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 9 Step 2. Start strength training
People who do cardiovascular and strength workouts burn more fat and build muscle. If you've never worked weights, consult a personal trainer or an experienced friend.
Don't have time to go to the gym? No problem! Invest in dumbbells to use around the house. You can then train where and how you want, without having to pay the gym membership
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 10 Step 3. Add yoga
Let's face it: 5 kilos in a week is a very demanding goal. You will need to burn as many calories as possible. So why not do yoga when you watch TV?
Yoga will allow you to burn 3-6 calories per minute. After an hour in front of the TV, you will have burned 180-360 calories.
Yoga is not the most intense workout. However, it has been shown to lead to more responsible eating and therefore helps to lose weight
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 11 Step 4. Stay on the move
You went to the gym 5 times this week and did yoga. What else can you do?
- Go to work by bike. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take every opportunity you have to burn calories and be active.
- Run the errands you were procrastinating. You will be surprised how sweaty it can make you wash your car, take care of the garden and move furniture.
Method 4 of 4: Alternative Methods
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 12 Step 1. Research extreme diets
They are called extreme for a reason, but if you are looking for an interesting challenge, choose the one you prefer:
- Juice diet. This diet involves the liquefaction of all the foods you will ingest. You will be able to buy a lot of juices in this regard, but blending your fruit and vegetables is much cheaper.
- The Master Cleanse Diet. You will need to drink an elixir consisting of 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of maple juice, 0.5 g of cayenne pepper and 250 ml of water. That's all.
- The Sleeping Beauty Diet. You won't have to eat anything and just sleep.
The maple juice diet. Just like the Master Cleanse diet, it involves taking an elixir consisting of maple juice, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and water. That's all that needs to be ingested.
Extreme diets are not healthy. There is no other way to define them. Most people give up after a few days and regain all the weight they had lost. If you want to lose weight permanently, extreme diets are not the right way to do it. They will eventually harm your health
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 13 Step 2. Take a sauna
The sauna will make you lose weight quickly due to excess fluids. You won't burn fat, but you may reduce your waistline.
- It is important to stay hydrated and not frequent the sauna too much. A visit of 15-20 minutes per day is sufficient. When you go out, drink a glass of water.
- Saunas are not safe for children. It is best to leave them at home.
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 14 Step 3. Consider the body fascias
Most beauty salons offer many bands that are supposed to tone the skin and help you lose weight. You can visit a beauty center in your area and try.
The most common types are mineral, detox, slimming and cellulite bands. Each of these uses slightly different herbal remedies; choose the one that suits you best.
The treatment is mainly relaxing and makes the skin smoother. There is no research showing that fascias remove and eliminate toxins from the body
- Focus on your goals whenever you need motivation. You can lose weight, but it may take more than a week. If so, don't be discouraged. Every body is different, so pay attention to your needs and only use practices that allow you to lose weight quickly and safely.
- Consult a doctor before making any drastic changes to your lifestyle, especially with regards to your diet. Your doctor can help you determine the best and safest weight loss program.
- Take your dog for a walk, it's fun!
- If you don't have the time or money to go to the gym, you can walk a lot every day.
- If you can't afford the gym, go up and down the stairs for about twenty minutes or take long walks at a brisk pace.
- Be sure to prepare a detailed training program.
- Run every day, but if you don't like jogging try walking briskly.
- Don't skip meals! Eventually you would gain weight rather than lose weight.
- Do not idle, thinking about how difficult it is to achieve the goal. Get up and try it, you will be surprised to find that losing weight is easier than you thought.
- Don't overdo the training. If you end up fainting or dehydrated, your body will stop burning calories. It's the last thing you want.
- Losing five kilos in a week is at least an ambitious goal. If you want to face this challenge, it is important to do it wisely. You may not make it in the allotted time.
- You have to keep eating. If you fast, your body will not burn fat deposits. You will have no energy and it will be very difficult to stay active.