How To Lose Weight Without Taking Pills (With Pictures)

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How To Lose Weight Without Taking Pills (With Pictures)
How To Lose Weight Without Taking Pills (With Pictures)

All over the web, you will find advertisements related to weight loss by taking every variety of pills and medications. Don't worry, you won't need to buy anything. Just follow the steps in this article, it will work!


Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 1
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 1

Step 1. First of all, take a small notebook and a pencil

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 2
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 2

Step 2. Write down your age, weight and height

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 3
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 3

Step 3. Describe a typical week of yours, specifying what you eat and when

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 4
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 4

Step 4. Record any physical exercise, including walking, manual work, etc

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 5
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 5

Step 5. Give yourself an easy goal; needless to set a weight loss goal of 25 kilos in a month for example … it is impossible

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 6
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 6

Step 6. Go to the supermarket and find out what low carb products you can find

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 7
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 7

Step 7. Avoid buying foods that are high in sugar

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 8
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 8

Step 8. Purchase wholemeal pasta and lean yet tasty cuts of meat, such as chicken and turkey

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 9
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 9

Step 9. Eat 6 or 7 times a day

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 10
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 10

Step 10. Eat breakfast, but eat no more than 2 slices of bread

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 11
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 11

Step 11. Snack low carb bread and / or fruit

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 12
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 12

Step 12. Eat a salad for lunch and avoid cheese

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 13
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 13

Step 13. Have a small snack with fruit or vegetables

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 14
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 14

Step 14. Do not eat large amounts of meat, potatoes, pasta or rice at dinner

1/4 of your dish can be meat or fish, 1/4 of rice, potatoes or pasta. And the remaining half plate must be filled with vegetables.

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 15
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 15

Step 15. Have an evening snack, with no more than 2 slices of low-carb bread

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 16
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 16

Step 16. Avoid packaged fruit juices and make them yourself with fresh, seasonal produce

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 17
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 17

Step 17. Exercise, walk for 15 minutes in one direction, then turn around and walk home

If you prefer cycling, use it for a total of 40 minutes. Repeat the workout at least 3 times a week.

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 18
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 18

Step 18. Use good quality oil, raw or cooked, and avoid junk food

Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 19
Lose Weight Without Taking Pills Step 19

Step 19. Indulge in small rewards, such as a candy every Saturday
