How to have a sculpted abs (with pictures)

How to have a sculpted abs (with pictures)
How to have a sculpted abs (with pictures)

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We would all like to have a toned and sculptural belly. Although it seems impossible, anyone can tone it up with the right determination and hard work. To have a sculpted abs, you need to burn fat and engage in a series of targeted exercises. If you want to know the secret to having the "turtle", keep reading the article.


Part 1 of 3: Burn the Fat

Get Tight Abs Step 1
Get Tight Abs Step 1

Step 1. Eat well

Before you start toning your abs, you need to try to get rid of the fat that covers them. One of the best ways to do this is to follow a healthy diet. You don't need to count calories, just eat 3 healthy meals a day and limit your fat and sugar intake. Here's how to proceed:

  • Replace foods high in fat and sugar, such as fast food, stir-fries, and ice cream, with healthier foods, such as yogurt ice cream, lean meat, vegetables, and fruit.
  • Choose high-protein foods, such as fish, white meats, lentils, and beans.
  • If you can't burn enough fat by eating 3 healthy meals a day, try making 4-5 smaller ones to inhibit hunger throughout the day.
  • Don't skip meals. You would not eat a balanced diet and risk eating compulsively.
  • Cut down on alcohol consumption. Alcohol is high in empty calories which can be converted into fat.

Step 2. Get a cardiovascular workout

Another important requirement for shedding visceral fat is cardiovascular activity. Any exercise that can increase your heart rate and give you a good workout helps you burn calories. This doesn't mean you have to run every day. If you don't like it, you can try walking, dancing, cycling or swimming.

  • You can also take long walks at a brisk pace, climb stairs, hike, or even do circuit training at the gym.
  • Hula hoop or skipping rope are also two great cardiovascular exercises.
  • Jumping jacks are another great way to increase your heart rate.

Step 3. Dance

Dancing is not only a fun activity and a great way to spend time with friends or your partner, but it can help you burn a lot of calories because it gets your whole body moving. You'll have so much fun you won't even notice you're burning fat. Here are some great ways to dance:

  • Take a salsa class. You'll burn off calories in no time by moving your hips.
  • Take a zumba class. It is a system that allows you to train your whole body at a fast pace and will cause you to lose a few pounds.
  • Going to the disco. Have fun dancing with your friends. It will be so pleasant that you will not even notice the physical exertion.

Part 2 of 3: Strengthen the Core Muscles

Step 1. Learn to breathe

Even if you don't have time to train, you can exercise your abs by breathing. Place your hand on your belly and feel the muscles as they contract. Don't pull your belly in too far and don't push it out too far. The breaths should be calm and regular.

You can improve your breathing by meditating

Get Tight Abs Step 5
Get Tight Abs Step 5

Step 2. Maintain good posture

Maintaining proper posture will also help you tone your core muscles. While this exercise alone doesn't guarantee a sculpted abs, it will certainly give you a hand. Be sure to check your posture from time to time, whether you're sitting on the bus or at your desk.

Step 3. Do the balance exercises

They are excellent for strengthening the chest muscles and help burn calories. Here are some very simple but effective ones:

  • Squat down while standing on your toes.
  • Walk on a balance board.
  • Stand with your body weight on one leg for as long as possible.
  • Practice the tandem gait.

Step 4. Do power yoga

Yoga is a fantastic way to strengthen your core muscles and burn calories. It improves your breathing and allows you to train the whole body, especially the chest, which is crucial in many positions. Take a yoga class 2-3 times a week and you will notice the difference on your body and abs.

  • The vinyasa, a sequence of three positions used as an interlude to refresh the body between different positions, makes the core muscles work a lot. A one-hour yoga class can take a 20-30 vinyasa run, and you'll feel the difference right away.
  • Many power yoga classes involve specific exercises for the abdominals, such as cycling.

Part 3 of 3: Training Your Abs

Step 1. Prepare an ab workout program

You can perform the exercises comfortably at home, only with the help of a mat and a gymnastic ball. In the beginning, you should work for 20-25 minutes, twice a week, up to 3 times a week. When starting the set of exercises, remember that quality is always better than quantity and that each exercise should consist of 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

If you plan on doing other exercises, work out your abs at the end

Step 2. Stretch properly

It is important to stretch your muscles after playing sports in order to preserve their elasticity, relax them and get a greater benefit from training. Then, do dynamic stretches before moving and static stretches when you're done. Here are some great exercises for the back, abs and arms:

  • Stretch your back and abs with some yoga poses. Start with the simpler ones, such as the camel, bow, or cobra pose.
  • You can also stand and bend over by touching your toes.
  • Lean back on an exercise ball as if you want to do a bridge in order to stretch your abs properly.
  • If you can bend your back back to make a bridge, you will be able to stretch your abs and back.

Step 3. Do sit-ups with your legs in the air

Cross your arms across your chest and keep your feet elevated but close together. Then raise your head and shoulders towards your bent knees. Stay in this position, finally return with your back to the ground. Do 3-5 sets of 10-20 reps.

Step 4. Practice reverse crunches

Lie on the floor and bring your knees together as they form a 90 degree angle. Extend your hands to the side, or behind your head if you are already trained. Contract your abs to raise your pelvis towards your rib cage. Be careful not to use your leg muscles, only your abs.

  • Exhale as you tighten your muscles and when you lower your legs.
  • Do 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps.
Get Tight Abs Step 12
Get Tight Abs Step 12

Step 5. Do bent elbow planks

Lie on your stomach with your elbows aligned with your shoulders. Rise on your toes and forearms. Contract your abs and make sure your back is straight. Stay in this position for at least 5 seconds. When you are fit, you should hold out for 90 consecutive seconds.

  • To increase the intensity of the exercise, lower one side towards the floor. Stay in this position for a while, then return to the starting position. Repeat with the other side. You can also do this with an exercise ball: put it under your feet before assuming the position and control it with suitable movements so that it does not escape.
  • Train gradually so that you get to do 3 sets of 60 repetitions. When you are able, you can add different variations.

Step 6. Consider the bicycle

Lie on your back and bend your knees to 90 degrees. Put your hands behind your head. Lift your upper back off the ground to form a 45 degree angle as you look up. Extend your left leg and bring your right knee towards your chest. Keep your arms still and your back off the ground.

  • Check every movement so you don't move your pelvis.
  • Once you find the rhythm, you will have the impression that your legs are pedaling in the air.
  • Do this exercise for a minute before recovering. Repeat this 2 or 3 times.

Step 7. Lift your knees

Stand with your arms on your hips and your back straight. Then place your hands on your hips as you lift your right knee without changing posture. Return the right knee to the ground and lift the left one.

  • Alternately raise your knees 10 times each. Recover and repeat the exercise 2 more times.
  • Keep your abs tight and your back straight.

Step 8. Flex your knees on an exercise ball

Sit on the ball and bring your legs forward until the ball presses against your back. The torso should form a 45 ° angle to the floor. When ready, lean forward and then lower your back to return to the starting position.

Get Tight Abs Step 16
Get Tight Abs Step 16

Step 9. Rest

Like any other muscle in the body, your abs also need to recover after a workout. An overload of work will not give them time to recover and will not allow you to achieve the desired result.

Get Tight Abs Step 17
Get Tight Abs Step 17

Step 10. Don't be discouraged if you don't see progress

It is more difficult to get the "turtle" as we age. For women it is even more tiring to have sculpted abs because the female body tends to accumulate more fat than the male one.

Don't get obsessed with having perfect abs. Just try to tone them up and you will feel fit


  • A little exercise you can do anywhere is to maintain correct posture and contract your abs. Do it as many times as you can and in any place, then breathe. It will be of great help to you.
  • Don't expect instant progress. It will probably take at least 6 weeks to see definitive results.
  • Do not give up. If you stop, you will have a harder time getting back on track.
  • Another great exercise is to sit on a low stool. Snap your feet together so they don't lift. Then lean back and do 10-20 sit-ups.
  • Leave your abs at the end. They are stabilizing muscles for almost all movements. If you stimulate them at the beginning of your workout, you can affect your performance in other exercises.
  • Drink lots of fluids. Hydration will help you lose weight. Remember that caffeine dehydrates. If you are planning to drink coffee, make sure you drink more water to compensate.
  • Don't be discouraged if the scale indicates you weigh more than before.
  • Balance your abs with your lats in order to fortify your entire torso. Floor-standing superman, bird dog, and cobra pose can help you train your back muscles.
