How To Work Out For A Sculpted Abs (Girls)

How To Work Out For A Sculpted Abs (Girls)
How To Work Out For A Sculpted Abs (Girls)

Table of contents:


Most people associate toned abs with a male physique, but there's nothing stopping women from having them! With a little effort, a few changes in diet and a good training program, you can achieve a sculpted belly.


Part 1 of 2: Power

Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 1
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 1

Step 1. Eat little and at regular intervals

Aim to eat 5-7 times a day, keeping your portions small. For a snack, opt for a banana and some walnuts, or a caprese salad. The biggest meal of the day should be lunch.

Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 2
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 2

Step 2. Be careful what you eat

Get plenty of protein to build your abs. Avoid sugars and reduce your calorie intake.

  • Thing to eat:

    • Lean meats, such as beef, fish, chicken, and turkey
    • Light proteins, such as those from eggs, soy (tofu) and other legumes
    • Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, kale, blueberries, and strawberries
    • Nuts and seeds, such as nuts and sunflower seeds (unsalted)
    • Whole grains, such as oatmeal and wholemeal pasta.
  • Thing avoid:

    • Fast food;
    • Heavy toppings and creams, ice cream, sweets and carbohydrates (bread, starchy foods, etc.);
    • Confectionery, including candies, cakes and pastries
    • Industrially processed food items, such as breakfast cereals, potato chips, and sodium-rich fish sticks.
  • Avoid eating before bed. Food consumed before bed often does not have enough time to be metabolized, so it is transformed directly into fat. Avoid midnight snacks!
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 3
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 3

Step 3. Drink lots of water

The water requirement of adults is equivalent to 2.5 liters per day, but much of this amount is contained in food. By opting for plain water, you avoid high-calorie drinks and keep yourself hydrated at the same time.

  • Eliminate all sugary drinks! Fizzy drinks, like Diet Coke or Coke Zero, certainly aren't good for your health unlike filtered tap water. You don't have to be too strict, but generally avoid fizzy drinks that are high in sugar.
  • Drink green tea! It is rich in antioxidants, fundamental substances that inhibit the action of free radicals (which attack the cells of the body and promote aging). Sugar-free, green tea is a great drink that allows you to take in calorie-free liquids and antioxidants.
  • Drink a glass of water or green tea right before meals. It will give the stomach the illusion of being full, inhibiting hunger.

Part 2 of 2: Exercises

Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 4
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 4

Step 1. Do planks (the plank position)

It is one of the most effective and seemingly simple exercises to define the abs. All you need is a flat surface, some time, and the right oomph when you feel your muscles burning.

  • Get in a prone position. The toes and forearms (elbow to fist) should be the only parts of the body in contact with the floor.
  • Make sure you only lean on your toes and forearms.
  • Keep your body as straight as possible and stay in this position for as long as possible.

    To increase the difficulty, try lifting one arm or one leg. You can also place one foot on the other for the same purpose

Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 5
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 5

Step 2. Do leg raises

This is a great exercise for developing your abs. You will be able to feel its effectiveness as soon as you assume the starting position.

  • Start by lying down on the mat, with your head, back and legs on the floor. Place your hands under your buttocks.
  • Slowly lift your feet a few inches off the ground, so that they are just suspended and parallel to the ground. Hold this position until you start to feel your abs burning.
  • Slowly raise your outstretched legs, keeping your knees slightly bent, until they form a 90 degree angle to the floor. The body must form an "L".
  • When they have reached a 90 degree angle, squeeze your abs for a few moments. Then slowly lower them to the starting position, exhaling. Repeat the exercise.
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 6
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 6

Step 3. Do the crunches

This is another exercise that allows you to develop your abs effectively and quickly. There are numerous variations. The classic ones are performed by lying on the mat, with the back completely resting on the ground and the knees bent at 60 degrees. With your hands near your temples, or crossed on your chest, lift your shoulders slightly off the ground and try to feel the contraction of your abs. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat.

  • Try the hands overhead crunch (with hands above head). Instead of placing your hands near your temples, do normal crunches, but with your arms extended above your head and hands overlapping. Always keep them well stretched as you perform this exercise.
  • Try i cross-body crunch (crossing upper and lower limbs). With your hands on the sides of your head and your fingers slightly behind your ears, bring your left elbow towards your right knee as you perform the classic crunch. Go back down and bring your right elbow to your left knee. Rather than your elbow, try to bring your shoulder closer to the knee. Remember that the goal of the exercise is to contract your abs as you perform it.
  • Try i legs on exercise ball crunch (with legs on the gymnastic ball). Instead of keeping your legs bent with the soles of your feet on the ground, place them 90 degrees above the exercise ball. Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor by contracting your abs, like a normal crunch. Come down slowly and repeat the exercise.
  • Try i decline crunch (on the incline bench). Use an incline bench by stopping your ankles at the top so you don't fall off. Go down as far as possible towards the floor so that your body is completely in line with the bench. With your hands crossed across your chest, slowly lift your shoulders by contracting your abs and holding this position for a few moments. Go back down and repeat the exercise.
  • Try alternating between these exercises: for example, 20 classic crunches, 10 cross-body, 15 hands overhead, and so on.
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 7
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 7

Step 4. Raise your legs

Take two chairs of equal height and, after placing your forearms on the armrests, raise and lower your legs off the ground. Be careful not to slip or fall.

Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 8
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 8

Step 5. Do a lot of aerobic training

Spend at least one day a week running. Playing catch or hide-and-seek outdoors also burns calories. Alternatively, you can take your dog for a jog. In any case, make sure you drink plenty of water!

Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 9
Get a Six Pack (for Girls) Step 9

Step 6. In the beginning, train your abs for about 30 minutes, 3 days a week

Gradually build up to 5 days a week. As time goes by, as you become more toned, do the exercises twice a day, 5 days a week.


  • Stretch before exercising.
  • If you want a six pack and you're just starting out, start gradually. For example, one day you do 15 crunches and the next day 20. Increase the reps as you train.
  • Do not overdo it. In the early periods, do not burden yourself with too many exercises because your muscles will ache the next day. Rather, gradually increase the work.
  • Try to work your abs at least 3-4 times a week.
  • If you're just starting out, don't overdo it. Start slowly and build up progressively.
  • Very restrictive diets do not provide muscles with the energy they need when they should be fed low-fat, low-carbohydrate diets. Also avoid overeating, otherwise you could accumulate fat instead of burning it. The body must receive energy, so by fasting you compromise the muscle structure you are trying to strengthen.
  • Do each exercise for a set amount of time, gradually increasing it. For example, you can do the plank for 30 seconds, rest for a couple of seconds, and repeat it for 45 seconds.
  • Do not rush! Take your time and don't be too hard on yourself!
  • Try taking a few steps after each exercise.
  • To make training more fun, ask a friend if she wants to join you.
  • Be patient. It takes time!
  • Listen to your favorite music or songs that give you the right energy during your workout. This way, you will focus better and be more motivated.
  • If you train too much and eat little, you risk not developing your abs and getting sick. Consult your doctor to outline an exercise and nutrition program that is suitable for your health condition.
