Most people have a hard time toning their lower abs. There are several exercises that target the lower abdomen, but what really matters is the quality of the workout. Do slow reps, keep your abs tight and stay focused. To have a flat stomach, also incorporate cardio exercises to help you burn fat into your workout. If necessary, intervene in your diet to reduce the consumption of fats, sugars and simple carbohydrates. For best results in complete safety, consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.
Part 1 of 5: Reverse Crunch

Step 1. Lie on the mat and fold your legs
Place the soles of your feet and palms on the ground. To better support the weight of your legs, you can stretch your arms out to the side.
Lie down on an exercise mat or thick towel for a soft support surface for your head, back, and pelvis
Step 2. Raise your legs and bring your knees closer to your chest
Exhale as you squeeze your abdominal muscles and lift the soles of your feet off the ground. Bring your knees towards your chest aligning them over your hips.
- Keep your knees bent 90 degrees so that your thighs form a straight line perpendicular to the floor.
- Use your arms to find balance, but let your abs support the weight of your legs.
Step 3. Raise your pelvis and lower back
Inhale and then slowly exhale as you lift your glutes and lower back from the mat. Move your knees towards your head and bring your pelvis closer to your rib cage. The knees must remain bent at 90 °.
- Do not detach your shoulders and middle and upper back from the mat while doing the reverse crunch.
- Hold the final position for 1-2 seconds.
Step 4. Return your pelvis to the ground in a controlled motion
Inhale slowly as you lower your butt and bring it back to the ground. Move your knees away from your torso to realign them above your hips. Continue to keep them bent at 90 degrees.
- Keep your knees bent at right angles and line them up above your hips as you return to the starting position to protect your lower back. Don't move them over your hips and don't put your feet on the ground between repetitions.
- You will be able to return your feet to the ground at the end of each series.
Step 5. Do 3 sets of 12 reps each
From the starting position (with your knees bent and aligned above your hips), lift your pelvis and lower back to perform another reverse crunch. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise a total of 12 times. At the end of the set, slowly bring your feet back to the ground while keeping your abs contracted.
- Do 3 repetitions, resting for 30-60 seconds between each.
- If you are out of shape, try to complete 1 set of 10 reps or 2 sets of 5 reps.
Part 2 of 5: Exercising the Bicycle

Step 1. Lie on the mat with your legs bent and feet flat on the ground
Bend your elbows to the side and put your fingers behind your ears or cross your arms across your chest. When doing sit-ups on the ground, remember to keep your neck straight and your eyes facing up.
Step 2. Raise your knees so that your thighs form a 90 ° angle with your hips
Keep your knees bent as you lift your legs. The thighs should form a straight line perpendicular to the floor.
Step 3. Lift your upper torso, bring your right knee closer to your chest and extend your left leg
Inhale, then slowly exhale as you take your head and shoulders off the mat and move your legs simultaneously. The upper torso should lift and come off the floor, meanwhile the right knee should come closer to the torso as the left leg extends forward.
- Extend the left leg forward, but without locking the knee. Keep it slightly bent.
- As you lift your upper torso, keep your back straight rather than hunching your neck, shoulders, and center spine vertebrae.
Step 4. Rotate your torso to bring your left elbow closer to your right knee
As you lift your head and shoulders, rotate your torso to the right in a smooth, continuous motion. Don't worry if you can't touch your knee with your elbow, just try to get it as close as possible.
Extend your exhalation as you rotate your torso. Hold the final position for 1-2 seconds
Step 5. Extend the right leg forward, bend the left knee and rotate the torso in the opposite direction to the previous one
Inhale as you bring your torso back to center, then slowly exhale as you repeat the movement turning it this time to the left. Extend your right leg, bring your left knee closer to your chest and rotate your torso to bring your right elbow as close to your left knee as possible.
Step 6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps each
Do 10 reps on each side to complete one set, then bring your torso and feet back to the ground in a controlled, gradual motion. Rest for 30-60 seconds, then complete the second set.
If you are out of shape, try to complete 1 set of 10 reps or 2 sets of 5 reps
Part 3 of 5: Leg Lift and Flutter Kick

Step 1. Lie on the mat on your back
You can keep your hands next to your pelvis or slip them under your buttocks, in both cases with your palms facing down. If you are out of practice, it is advisable to place them under the buttocks for better support.
If you want to increase the difficulty of the exercise, try performing leg lifts on a bench to increase range of motion
Step 2. Slowly raise your legs until they form a 90 ° angle with the floor
Keep your abdominal muscles contracted to avoid hunching your lower back. Inhale, then exhale slowly as you lift your legs. Continue to keep your abs contracted as you bring your legs to an almost vertical position. Keep your knees slightly bent, without locking them.
- Inhale as you hold your legs straight up for 1-2 seconds.
- Check with your doctor to find out if you can do this exercise if you have had lower back problems in the past. As a precaution, you can bend your knees at right angles and only lift one leg at a time.
Step 3. Lower your legs slowly until they almost touch the ground
Breathe out slowly as you lower them. Hold them a few inches off the floor for 1-2 seconds, inhale and finally exhale as you bring them back to an upright position.
If you are out of shape or have suffered from back pain in the past, keeping your legs elevated a few inches off the floor could cause lower back strain. Consult your doctor and as a precaution do the exercise with one leg at a time or tone your abs with the reverse crunch only
Step 4. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each
Return your legs to the ground after completing a set. Rest for 30-60 seconds between sets.
If you are out of shape, try to complete 1 set of 10 reps or 2 sets of 5 reps
Step 5. Vary your workout with the flutter kick
You can broaden the range of exercises that involve the lower abs by moving your legs alternately up and down at a brisk pace. When they are lying a short distance from the floor, start lifting and lowering them alternately. Repeat the movement 6 times, at a fairly fast pace, but in a controlled way. When finished, bring both legs back to an upright position.
Part 4 of 5: Create an Effective and Safe Training Program

Step 1. Consult your doctor before starting or modifying your workout
If you have been quite sedentary up to now or have suffered from back pain in the past, it is important to get the approval of a specialist before starting to exercise. Show your doctor your training program and follow his recommendations.
Start training gradually under his supervision, carefully increasing the number of reps and sets

Step 2. Begin your workout with 5-10 minutes of muscle warm-up
It is a key practice to improve blood flow to the muscles and reduce the risk of injury. Walk briskly, run at a moderate pace, jump around or do any cardio activity for a few minutes to get your heart rate up. Warm up your muscles for 5-10 minutes or until you start sweating.

Step 3. Work your abs 3 to 5 times a week
For best results, you should repeat the workout 5 days a week. Unlike other muscle groups, there is no risk of your abs tearing, so you can exercise them more frequently. However, rest if they feel very sore and be careful to do all the exercises correctly to avoid getting hurt.
Step 4. Focus on engaging your lower abs when exercising
The commitment should be qualitative and not quantitative. The abs work like a single muscle and you will end up doing the work with the high ones, rather than the low ones, if you keep too high a repetition rate. It is certainly more beneficial to perform the exercises in a slow and controlled manner, keeping the attention focused on the muscles of the lower abdomen.
Step 5. Do the bridge exercise to stretch the gluteal muscles at the end of the workout
Stretching after doing all the other exercises reduces the risk of injury. Lie on the mat with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms extended at your sides, keeping your palms facing down. Lift your hips, buttocks and lower back so that your body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the thighs.
Stay in the bridge position for 5-10 seconds, then return your back and pelvis to the ground. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times
Part 5 of 5: Burn Abdominal Fat

Step 1. Limit sugars, fats and simple carbohydrates
To see results, you need to eat healthily as well as exercise. Avoid carbonated and sugary drinks (including fruit juices), sweets, salty snacks, and simple and refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, rice and pasta.
If you are unsure about the best diet to follow, ask your doctor for advice

Step 2. Base your daily diet on fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Healthier choices include wholegrain bread, pasta, and rice. Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, respecting their seasonality. At any time of the year you can choose from a wide range of ingredients including leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, apples, grapes, berries, legumes and roots (such as carrots).
- Vegetables have a high content of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
- To find the right balance at the table, you need to take into account various factors, including age, gender and level of physical activity. Ask your doctor for advice or do research to be sure you are consuming at least one product from each of the seven basic food groups every day.

Step 3. Go for lean sources of protein and avoid fatty cuts of meat instead
Instead of beef or pork, eat chicken (skinless) and fish. Snack on a handful of unsalted nuts and some fresh fruit or vegetables or wholemeal crackers. You can also meet your daily protein needs by eating low-fat dairy products.
Step 4. Incorporate a cardio workout into your fat burning workout routine
You will not be able to see the fruits of your hard work without shedding the extra pounds from your body and belly. Unfortunately it is not possible to lose weight locally, to see results in the abdominal area, you have to reduce the overall weight of the body.
- The ideal would be to do a total of 30-60 minutes of physical activity each day. You can walk briskly for 5-10 minutes, run at a moderate pace for 15-20 minutes, and then resume brisk walking for another 5-10 minutes. Swimming, cycling and rowing are other viable alternatives.
- Consult your doctor before starting cardio at a brisk or brisk pace.