Do tiring days at work and commuting in hot wagons ruin your white shirts? Open the medicine cabinet and use aspirin to get rid of stains quickly. Remember that this method does not work for all sweat stains, which can be caused by many different deodorants.

Step 1. Crush three or four aspirins
Break them with a pestle in a mortar. Alternatively, you can put the pills inside a plastic bag and crumble them with a rolling pin, knife handle, or glass.
- High-dose aspirins are the most effective for this purpose.
- You can fold the aspirin in a sheet of paper instead of using a bag.

Step 2. Mix the aspirin with the water
Pour the crumbled pills into a small bowl filled with warm water. Wait for them to dissolve. If the powder doesn't dissolve, add more water at the same temperature.

Step 3. Use the solution to wet the stain
Put the stained area in the bowl. Wait at least 5 minutes and up to two hours if the stains are very noticeable.
Alternatively, you can pour the solution into a spray bottle. Shake the bottle for 30 seconds, then spray the water with aspirin on the stain until it is completely saturated

Step 4. Use an aspirin paste
For best results, crush two or three more aspirins. This time, add just the amount of water needed to make a thick paste. Rub the paste over the stain and let it sit for another five minutes.
The paste should be liquid enough not to have dry powder, but not so much that it runs off

Step 5. Wash the dress as you normally would
Use warm or warm water, as the acid in aspirin may be less effective at high temperatures. Check that the stain has been removed. If successful, fold the garment and put it away, otherwise you can repeat the operation from the beginning.
If you live in an area where the water is "hard" and rich in minerals, detergents may be less effective. Consider adding baking soda to your laundry to remedy the problem
- Aspirin's main ingredient, salicylic acid, works like vinegar, lemon juice, and boric acid.
- For best results, let the garment soak until the stains disappear.
- This method does not work for all sweat stains, due to the various formulations of armpit deodorants. If you're not successful, switch deodorants (especially avoiding products that contain aluminum).
- Aspirin can be harmful if it is inadvertently inhaled. Keep it out of the reach of children and be careful not to inhale any particles as you squeeze the tablets.