How to Treat Hair Loss with a Herbal Tonic

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How to Treat Hair Loss with a Herbal Tonic
How to Treat Hair Loss with a Herbal Tonic

Hair loss that leads to hair thinning or baldness can be caused by genetic factors or hormonal changes. Although male is usually the best known type, it is actually a problem that affects both genders. There seems to be no one-size-fits-all solution to reverse this trend, but there are several herbal lotions that can minimize or slow hair loss.


Method 1 of 2: Make Herbal Tonic to Stimulate Hair Growth

Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 1
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 1

Step 1. Get the herbs to make the lotion

You can find many fresh ones in your garden, in the woods or in the vegetable department at health food stores. You can also find the dried ones among the products that are sold in bulk in drugstores or agricultural consortia. There are some specific herbs that have been proven effective for treating hair thinning or loss.

  • Basil makes them stronger, so that they break less easily, improves circulation to the hair follicles and stimulates new growth; it has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Watercress is rich in zinc, iron and biotin, all of which are beneficial for the scalp and hair.
  • Nettle can be used to obtain a herbal tea rich in precious nutrients for this part of the body; it contains a lot of iron which in turn improves blood circulation in general and therefore also that of the scalp. It also packs a healthy amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as protein. It is recommended to use the freshly picked one, as it grows abundantly in nature.
  • Rosemary has long been used for hair care, to darken it and make it thicker; It is a healthy herb for hair follicles, the small, thin bulb-shaped appendages found in the scalp. By eliminating the accumulated sebum, rosemary promotes the growth of new cells.
  • Horsetail is a plant that stimulates the scalp, as it acts as an antiviral and antiallergic; it also contains silicon, which helps strengthen and thicken the hair.
  • You can easily combine the different plants to create a customized lotion according to your needs. For example, a tonic for thinning hair can be made with a mixture of horsetail and nettle, adding aloe vera gel and essential oils.
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 2
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 2

Step 2. Make an herbal tea with fresh herbs

It is a simple infusion in water. Boiling water extracts the properties of the plant more effectively; at the end of the process, filter the plant material. If you have one available, you can use the French coffee maker or the teapot.

  • Generally speaking, a good proportion consists of 30 g of herbs (fresh or dried) in 250 ml of boiling water; however, this is not a fixed rule and you can adapt the doses according to the desired concentration.
  • Keep the herbs immersed until the water reaches room temperature or even overnight; the longer they stay to macerate, the stronger the herbal tea is.
  • You can also add essential oils, such as clary sage, rosemary, or lavender, if you wish.
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 3
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 3

Step 3. Put your head over a tub and pour the lotion over your hair

Run the liquid slowly, while massaging the scalp with your free hand; if you can, keep your head lower than your heart to maximize blood circulation to your head.

  • Repeat the process using a small cup or cupping your hand and filling it with the liquid in the cup.
  • Make sure you wet your entire head with the lotion before you move.
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 4
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 4

Step 4. Massage the scalp with the toner for 5-10 minutes

Rub gently, taking care not to jerk or tear your hair.

  • The massage stimulates the skin and hair follicles.
  • Be careful that the liquid does not get into the eyes; tilt your head back or keep your eyes closed.
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 5
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 5

Step 5. Rinse the hair with clean water

Continue the gentle finger massage to make sure all the herbal extract is removed; rinse until the water runs clear, showing that there are no more traces of tonic.

  • Follow the treatment daily by integrating it into your normal hair care routine; Depending on the type of lotion you're applying, you may find that you don't need to shampoo as often as before.
  • Since the herbal tea contains no preservatives, you must prepare a fresh batch for each use; if you want a product that lasts a long time, you have to make an infusion in oil.

Method 2 of 2: Using Essential Oils

Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 6
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 6

Step 1. Treat hair loss with essential oils

They are distilled from leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots and other parts of herbs and plants; generally, they are diluted in a neutral oil, called "carrier", such as jojoba, grape seed, olive or almond oil. These substances stimulate circulation, purify the scalp and encourage the growth of follicles.

  • Unlike water-based tonics, oils are absorbed by the skin.
  • Herbal treatments with oils for hair loss are on sale in many health food stores or pharmacies.
  • A scalp massage with oils promotes relaxation. One of the causes of hair thinning is precisely the emotional pressure that triggers the release of cortisol around the hair follicles, deteriorating them; as a result, using an essential oil to take care of your hair is doubly effective!
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 7
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 7

Step 2. Make a homemade oily toner

Simply drop 3-4 drops of an essential oil (or blend) into 15ml of light carrier oil, such as jojoba, grapeseed, olive or almond oil.

  • Peppermint stimulates the scalp by improving hair growth and treating any skin disorders; it also promotes epidermal health by increasing the follicles' ability to hold hair.
  • Mustard oil, mixed with henna tincture, is an ancient remedy for baldness. Boil the leaves of the plant with a few drops of oil and filter the mixture by pouring it into a clean glass jar. Use it daily to massage your scalp and enjoy maximum benefits.
  • The other essential oils that have proven effective against this problem are clary sage, lavender, rosemary, white thyme and lemongrass.
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 8
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 8

Step 3. Massage the scalp with the oil

Gently move your fingers across the skin to stimulate circulation and release tension.

  • Be careful not to jerk and pull your hair.
  • Gently squeeze the oil into the entire length of your hair.
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 9
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 9

Step 4. Let it sit for an hour or more

The longer the treatment lasts, the greater the benefits you can enjoy; for best results, leave the oil on your scalp overnight.

  • You can consider wrapping your hair in a warm, dry towel that allows the oils to penetrate your skin and hair. this "trick" also avoids dirtying the sheets and the pillow with the oily substance.
  • Wear a shower cap during the day to prevent oil dripping from your head and staining your furniture or clothing.
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 10
Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic Step 10

Step 5. Wipe the residue from the hair and scalp using warm water

The oil you used for the treatment should be absorbed, what is left is in excess.

  • Depending on the type and texture of the hair, it may be quite easy to rinse it off, but it may also be necessary to proceed with several applications of regular shampoo.
  • If your hair continues to feel greasy, wash it again with a purifying shampoo, which is formulated to restore a healthy balance of the hair.
  • After each shampoo wash, apply a mild conditioner.
