Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One of the main factors of this phenomenon is the absence of heart-healthy eating habits or lifestyle; a sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of harmful foods significantly affect the risk of developing heart disease. Avoid or reduce a lot of this type of foods that damage the cardiovascular system and instead focus on a diet rich in products that promote the well-being and health of the whole organism, including the heart.
Method 1 of 3: Limit Heart Damaging Foods

Step 1. Avoid trans fats
There is a wide variety of typical Western food products that you should avoid because they are associated with heart disease; in particular, trans fats are among the worst in this regard.
- Most of them are highly processed and are artificial fats; those that come from natural sources are very rare. They are usually referred to on the label as "hydrogenated oil" or "partially hydrogenated oils".
- These fats are considered the worst by doctors; they increase the levels of LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) and instead reduce those of HDL (the "good" cholesterol).
- The most common sources of trans fat are: fried foods in general, fast food, baked goods and pastries, powdered milk and margarine, pre-cooked dough or cookies, packaged snacks such as potato chips, crackers or butter popcorn.
- There is no safe limit for trans fats, you should simply avoid them as much as possible.

Step 2. Cut down on saturated fat
They represent another type of fat that doctors believe they must limit in the diet; although they are not considered as unhealthy as trans, it is still important to consume them in moderation.
- Unlike trans fats, saturated fats are of natural origin; usually, they are derived from animal products, such as whole dairy products, red meat, poultry skin, and fatty cuts of pork.
- They have been found to increase LDL levels but do not affect "good" cholesterol; some studies have shown that a high amount of saturated fat can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
- Doctors recommend limiting the total dose to less than 10% of total calories; if you're getting 2000 calories a day, you shouldn't be eating more than 22g of saturated fat per day.

Step 3. Minimize your sodium intake
In addition to decreasing saturated fats and eliminating trans fats, it is also important to limit this substance; although it does not cause direct effects on the heart, it can cause other disorders which then have repercussions on the cardiovascular system.
- Too much sodium raises blood pressure, which can lead to stroke, and over time, hypertension can severely damage the heart and arteries.
- Limiting the consumption of salt can reduce the pressure in people who are in a situation of pre-hypertension, who suffer from full-blown hypertension or who have normal values.
- It is recommended that you limit your daily sodium intake to no more than 2300 mg.
- Among the foods that are particularly rich in it consider: bread, restaurant meals (especially fast food), cold cuts, frozen dishes, frozen products, industrially processed meats, condiments, sauces, chips, pretzels and pizza.

Step 4. Reduce your consumption of red meat
It is a very specific food that has recently been associated with heart ailments, especially fat cuts; therefore try to eat less beef, as it can cause heart disease.
- A recent study found that people who regularly eat red meat have higher levels of a compound that is closely related to the development of heart disease.
- If you are constantly eating it, consider moderating the quantity and choose lean cuts; make sure you don't consume more than one serving per week or, better yet, every fortnight.

Step 5. Limit alcoholic beverages.
There are many studies that claim that a moderate amount of alcohol can lead to beneficial effects for the heart; however, if you exceed the recommended amount or are a heavy drinker, it can affect cardiovascular health.
- A "moderate amount" means a maximum of two drinks per day for men and no more than one for women.
- Drinking three or more drinks at a time causes direct toxicity to the heart; at this level, blood pressure rises, the heart muscle swells and weakens over time.
- While there are some benefits when consuming a small amount, it is always best to limit your consumption to no more than one or two drinks occasionally and not every day.

Step 6. Avoid sugary drinks
These too have been associated with many negative health effects, such as obesity and diabetes, as well as triggering heart problems.
- A recent study showed that consuming two sugary drinks a day increases the risk of heart disease and heart failure by 25%.
- Consume smaller doses of drinks with added sugar or in any case very sweetened such as: soft drinks, fruit juices, fruit juice cocktails, sweetened coffee drinks, sweet teas, sports drinks, energy drinks and punches.
- Instead, you should commit to drinking about two liters of still or sparkling water per day, decaffeinated coffee without sweeteners, tea, or a combination of all of these.
Method 2 of 3: Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet

Step 1. Eat proper portions and consume adequate calories overall for your body
Measure it and be aware of the calories you introduce, in order to maintain a normal weight; if you gain weight, are obese or overweight, your risk of heart disease increases.
- If you are trying to avoid foods that are harmful to the heart, you also need to focus on foods and a eating plan that protects it; weighing the correct portions and counting calories help you control weight or even lose excess weight.
- At each meal you should eat a total amount of food between 150 and 300 g; use a kitchen scale or measure the doses to keep track.
- You should also be counting your overall calories. Use an online calculator to determine the appropriate daily intake; Generally speaking, women eat around 1800 calories a day, while men eat around 2200.

Step 2. Choose lean protein sources
Since you should avoid or minimize trans fats, saturated fats and red meats, you need to opt for other protein sources; choose lean proteins, to promote a normal weight and heart health.
- These foods are naturally low-calorie and low in fat, especially unhealthy ones; for this reason, they should be your first choice to achieve the goal.
- Among the leanest protein sources consider: poultry, eggs, lean dairy products, lean cuts of beef and pork, seafood, tofu, and legumes.
- Protein also needs to be measured, take about 80-120g servings of foods like beans or lentils.

Step 3. Include a source of healthy fats in your diet every day
Although trans and saturated ones need to be reduced or eliminated, there is another class that is beneficial and that you should incorporate into your diet; these are fats that are generally thought to be healthy for the heart.
- There are two main groups of healthy fats that you should focus on: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated; both offer great benefits for the cardiovascular system.
- The monounsaturated ones are found in foods such as: olive, rapeseed, sesame and peanut oil; use them to cook dishes, to dress salads or pour a drizzle over steamed vegetables.
- Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3s and are found in products such as: salmon, mackerel, tuna, avocado, nuts and seeds; Integrate them into your diet a few times a week and add avocado to salads or yogurt along with nuts or seeds.

Step 4. Fill half a plate with fruit or vegetables
In addition to a diet based on lean proteins and healthy fats, you should also make sure that half of your plate is made up of vegetables; both of these food groups are healthy for the heart.
- They are great for the heart and for health in general; they contain few calories but are very rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When you fill half a plate with these two foods, you are able to control the overall calorie and nutritional intake of the meals.
- Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables (not supplements) have been found to protect the heart.
- Don't forget to measure portions of these foods as well; try to stick to around 150g of vegetables and 80g of fruit.

Step 5. Eat only whole grains
Not only are they healthy for the gastrointestinal system, they are also a great choice for the heart and arteries. When you decide to eat one type, make sure it's 100% whole wheat to get those benefits.
- These foods are not very refined and contain all three parts of the grain: the bran, the germ and the endosperm; in addition, they are rich in fiber, minerals and proteins.
- Eating an adequate dose of whole grains reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and helps maintain a normal weight.
- Make sure you measure your portions - opt for 30g of cooked cereal per serving.

Step 6. Drink an appropriate amount of clear liquids
You may be surprised at how important they are for heart health - drink as many as you like to keep your heart system healthy.
- If you are dehydrated, your heart has more difficulty pumping blood, has to exert more effort, works harder and beats faster; when you are well hydrated, the heart pumps blood more easily to the muscles.
- To get adequate fluids, aim to drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water a day, equivalent to two liters.
- Choose sugar-free and decaffeinated drinks, such as still or sparkling water and caffeine-free coffee or tea.
Method 3 of 3: Follow a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Step 1. Get regular physical activity
It is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle and helps keep the heart healthy.
- Doctors suggest exercising at least three to four times a week, an amount sufficient to help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and maintain a healthy weight.
- Specifically, you should do at least two and a half hours a week of moderate-intensity cardio exercise; you can evaluate walking, running, dancing, using the elliptical bike or hiking.
- In addition to cardio activity, also include strength or resistance training sessions; try yoga, weight lifting, or Pilates.

Step 2. Stop smoking
Smoking is known to cause many chronic and very serious diseases, not to mention that there is a close link between smoking and heart disease.
- Studies have shown that it leads to hardening of the arteries and plaque buildup, both of which increase the chances of heart attacks and strokes.
- Stop this habit as soon as possible; the quickest way is to stop abruptly, but it may also be the hardest.
- If you can't, see your doctor for help; he can refer you to medications or recommend some detox program.

Step 3. Keep your weight normal
This is an important aspect of health in general, as it plays a significant role in the prevention of heart disease.
- If you are obese or overweight, you are more likely to develop high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance, which are also risk factors for heart disease.
- Determine if your weight is within normal range by calculating your BMI. You can use an online calculator to define BMI; if the value obtained is between 25 and 29, 9, you are considered overweight; if you exceed the value 30, you are obese.
- If you fall into one of these two categories, consider losing weight to achieve a healthy weight.
- Check with your doctor to find an appropriate weight loss program or diet suitable for weight loss and to reduce the risk of heart problems accordingly.

Step 4. Reduce Stress
Although it is a less common cause, emotional tension also contributes to the development of heart disease; some studies have found that it can affect a variety of diseases, including heart diseases.
- Everyone has to cope with stress, but many people choose to overeat, smoke, drink, or be physically inactive when they feel overwhelmed; these are all behaviors that however increase the chances of heart disease.
- To try to manage stress, talk to friends or family, take a walk, listen to soothing music, do yoga, meditate or take a hot shower.
- Chronic stress has been linked to hypertension and high cholesterol.
- Exhausting and demanding jobs have also been associated with high blood pressure; in addition, the stress of losing a job can affect blood pressure.
- If you are unable to relieve emotional tension, you should consult a therapist or counselor for other techniques to manage it.
- Start by cutting down on foods that are harmful to the heart; in this way, you can prevent the development of heart disease in the future.
- Try to be as active as possible every day.
- A healthy and well balanced diet is the best way to prevent heart disease.