How To Know If You Are Sensitive: 15 Steps

How To Know If You Are Sensitive: 15 Steps
How To Know If You Are Sensitive: 15 Steps

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Many people believe in psychic powers. While little evidence exists to support such a belief, some individuals may be able to correctly predict future events. If you predicted something before it happened, you may have this faculty. Reflect on your intuition, your dream ability, and your physical symptoms. However, since this is not a scientifically proven phenomenon, other explanations need to be ruled out. Hence, it is appropriate to bring the most unusual physical sensations and unusual thoughts to the attention of the doctor. Don't assume they are dependent on psychic powers.


Part 1 of 3: Assess your intuition

Know If You Are Psychic Step 1
Know If You Are Psychic Step 1

Step 1. Listen to your instincts

People who believe in psychic powers are convinced that those who possess them are able to perceive things before they happen. In certain situations he may feel a strong foreboding. So, try to follow this feeling over the course of a few days and see if it's accurate.

You may have some perception about a situation that over time proves to be true. It doesn't have to be something important, but it can also be a minor episode. For example, you are lured into the store where you find the perfect dress

Know If You Are Psychic Step 2
Know If You Are Psychic Step 2

Step 2. See if you can make small predictions

They are not always about important facts. Although some people claim to have predicted natural disasters or events of great interest, many times those who believe they have psychic powers can make predictions on a smaller scale. So try to understand if the little flashes of your intuition prove true.

  • For example, you might imagine who will call you a second before your phone rings, predict the overall time to receive a package, or guess what the next song will be played on the radio.
  • Some of these little predictions may be coincidences or based on information you already have. For example, if your mother always calls you at a certain time, it is not unusual to assume that she is the one who calls you when the phone rings. However, if these predictions come true frequently, they could indicate psychic powers.
Know If You Are Psychic Step 3
Know If You Are Psychic Step 3

Step 3. Note your empathic skills

Those who believe in the power of psychics deem them capable of sensing the emotions of others. When you are with someone, you see how well you can put yourself in their shoes. Try to grasp how he feels without being told.

  • If you know a person well, it is not difficult to imagine their state of mind. Often people unconsciously communicate their feelings and those who know them are able to capture them. However, psychics know how to grasp these energies even from strangers.
  • If you have psychic powers, you are able to feel a deep attunement to the energies of strangers. For example, you might pass someone in a supermarket aisle and feel a sense of sadness or happiness.
  • The psychic force of empathy is assumed to be very strong. You not only feel people's emotions, but you feel them as if they were your own.
Know If You Are Psychic Step 4
Know If You Are Psychic Step 4

Step 4. Consider if you can sense other people's past

Psychics are thought to be able to grasp the experience of another person by simply standing next to him. Ask yourself how it feels when you first meet someone. Have you ever felt a strong feeling about his past without him telling you about it? In this case, you may have psychic powers.

  • For example, you meet a stranger at a party and an image of a landscape of palm trees and beaches pops up in your mind. You later find out that this person grew up in California.
  • You may also feel the past experiences of others. For example, you know a person who communicates a profound feeling of loss or estrangement to you. Later you discover something from her life that clarifies your impression. Maybe one of his parents died or left the family.
Know If You Are Psychic Step 5
Know If You Are Psychic Step 5

Step 5. See if you sense danger

Those who think they possess psychic powers believe they can sense danger. Think about times when you had a bad feeling. Was it ever detected true? In this case, you may have psychic abilities.

For example, you feel overwhelmingly that you don't have to enter a building or go somewhere. You later discover that an unpleasant event has taken place in that context. For example, there was a fire in a department store that you were afraid to enter

Part 2 of 3: Notice the Clues that Escape Rational Analysis

Know If You Are Psychic Step 6
Know If You Are Psychic Step 6

Step 1. Think about your interests

Psychics have a strong interest in the world of the paranormal. Evaluate what interests have characterized your life path. Have you always been intrigued by stories about ghosts, reincarnation and premonitions? They could be a clue that you have psychic powers.

Know If You Are Psychic Step 7
Know If You Are Psychic Step 7

Step 2. Notice the sudden anxiety

Those who believe in these powers think that psychics are able to perceive the surrounding energies. You may experience sudden anxiety in a certain context. It mostly happens in places where people have experienced traumatic experiences, such as cemeteries and hospitals. Even during the day you may suddenly feel anxious for no particular reason, because perhaps, without knowing it, you have passed through an area where someone has suffered a trauma.

Sometimes, you may feel anxious even when you are alone. For example, you get scared at night or in the dark

Know If You Are Psychic Step 8
Know If You Are Psychic Step 8

Step 3. Analyze your dreams

People who believe in psychic powers think that psychics have quite vivid dreams. It may be due to the fact that, being able to perceive the energies of the surrounding environment, they are able to convert them into a very intense dream activity. If you usually dream clearly, you may have psychic powers.

Sometimes, what you dream about could happen in real life. For example, you dream of losing an object and the next day you really lose it

Know If You Are Psychic Step 9
Know If You Are Psychic Step 9

Step 4. Note the frequency of the déjà-vu

Déjà-vu is a psychic phenomenon that causes the sensation of a previously lived experience. Those who believe in psychic powers believe that it consists in unknowingly experiencing something before it happens. If you have psychic powers, you may feel the sensation of déjà vu quite often. It can happen several times a week, rather than just from time to time.

Know If You Are Psychic Step 10
Know If You Are Psychic Step 10

Step 5. Notice if you have synaesthetic experiences

Synesthesia is a phenomenon of sensory contamination. You may perceive a taste when you hear a sound or associate a color with someone in particular. People who believe in psychic powers think that psychics are more prone to synaesthesia.

Ultimately, these experiences can help you have more precise hunches. For example, someone who gives off a yellow vibe might have a very friendly disposition, while darker colors, such as dark blue tones, can indicate a more somber or inflexible personality

Know If You Are Psychic Step 11
Know If You Are Psychic Step 11

Step 6. Consult a doctor or psychologist about the manifestation of these phenomena

While many people believe that psychic powers are true, there is no scientific evidence to support such a belief. Many signals recognized as direct expressions of psychic powers, including acute anxiety, can be symptoms of physical problems or mental health conditions. Before assuming that they indicate the possibility of being psychically gifted, consult your doctor and a psychologist to rule out any clinically indisputable health conditions.

Part 3 of 3: Paying Attention to Physical Symptoms

Know If You Are Psychic Step 12
Know If You Are Psychic Step 12

Step 1. Note the frequent tingling sensation

Those who believe in psychic powers argue that psychics know how to collect the energies present in an environment or emanating from people. This ability manifests itself in bodily sensations, including a strange tingling or butterflies in the stomach during the day.

You may find that they are ultimately connected to certain events or certain emotions. For example, you feel a tingling sensation when a person you love is in danger

Know If You Are Psychic Step 13
Know If You Are Psychic Step 13

Step 2. Pay attention to nervous tics

Some believe that psychic powers can manifest themselves through involuntary and convulsive movements. For example, when something is wrong, you start to feel a twitch in your arm or eyelid. Notice if you are prone to unusual tremors and if they are related to your surroundings.

Follow Your Intuition Step 11
Follow Your Intuition Step 11

Step 3. Consider if you have unusual hypersensitivity

Some believe that psychics are by nature physically hypersensitive. You may physically close yourself off in reaction to certain events or emotions. For example, bad news can make you feel weaker, fatigued, or nauseated.

Avoid Blood Clots on Long Flights Step 2
Avoid Blood Clots on Long Flights Step 2

Step 4. See your doctor if you have any abnormal physical sensations

Since psychic powers are not scientifically proven, it is important to consult a doctor about physical symptoms. Increased sensitivity, muscle twitching and a tingling sensation may indicate an existing health problem. You rule out this risk before assuming that such sensations are dependent on psychic powers.
