This article is about how to become the best waiter in a restaurant. Get ahead of the other guys doing this job and become the assistant all waiters want to work with on evenings when the restaurant is busiest. Once they ask you to work on holidays, you will be on horseback.

Step 1. Know the tables and who is seated
When the waiter says "Clean the 24" or "Take this to the lady with the glasses", it will be much better if you know where to go by just looking up and reaching the customer without walking around the room looking at everyone.

Step 2. Keep an eye on the door
This way you will know when a new table arrives and you can immediately pour the water and bring the bread. Then you can also go to the kitchen and say "Two customers!". Chefs like to keep track of who they will be cooking for, and by doing so, you will earn points in the kitchen.

Step 3. Be on the side of the chefs, who are the driving force behind the entire production
They transform food to eat. They usually make somewhat prosaic jokes, so to win them over, you'll have to make more obscene ones. Then wink and you'll be one of them. It is essential. If it doesn't come naturally to you, at least laugh maliciously when they do. Maybe half the time you won't even hear what they say.

Step 4. Do the "dirty" work
On the first day, take the dirty dishes and bring them back. Pry to the toughest part of yourself as quickly as possible. Just go and empty the rubbish from the dishes as fast as you can (in the dishes area of the kitchen) and then bring them back to the base. Especially if you are a girl, you hit the guys who wash the dishes with your recklessness. You will be pleased with it.

Step 5. Don't be cringing, but keep up with the waiter
It is important to ask about every ten minutes if you need anything. However, don't bother him. Read it on the face. If he's looking for eye contact, ask him every now and then if he needs anything or if you can get him something to drink. Even if he doesn't need you, he will appreciate your zeal.

Step 6. Be prompt by walking around the tables
Be sure to remove the plates if customers have finished eating. If they want more water, pour it over. Check if you see any faces in the room that might be asking you for something. People often ask the waiters for things that the waiters have forgotten, so be prepared.

Step 7. Do the rest of the work besides the room
Clean the silverware, stock the room with napkins and glasses, fill the ice machine. There are various things you can do in every restaurant when work slows down, so get to work and get it done. If you don't have free time, try doing them at the beginning of the shift or at the end when everything is slower. Don't give anyone a reason to complain about you.

Step 8. Finally, enjoy some well-deserved relaxation
After checking if everything is okay and doing the work when the restaurant is closed, relax. When everyone is in the kitchen having a chat, join them. Be part of the team, but earn this spot.
- Use common sense: how would you like a waiter to behave when you go out to eat?
- Try to get along with the waiter who runs you … if he likes you, he may tip you higher than he is supposed to.
- Fill glasses with water as often as possible. Nothing is worse than a waiter who pays little attention to water. Customers notice it.
- When customers finish eating and then try to embarrass you by saying, "I didn't like it one bit," laugh like you've never heard such a thing. The tip will be higher.
- Be nice, customers will tip you higher.
- Make customers feel at home by pampering them
- If there is a glass that is impossible to reach, DO NOT STRETCH! Ask politely if they can hand it out so you can fill it.
- Don't forget the dishes. There is nothing worse than seeing the waiter running you back to the kitchen with a dish you should have removed from the table. If this happens, apologize but don't make a fuss about it. You will be able to remove the next ones.