So you are thinking of becoming an animal groomer. Thanks to this article it won't be that difficult for you. Here are some tips.

Step 1. There are dog grooming schools almost everywhere, even online. You can do a search to find the school closer to your home, or take lessons via the web. These courses usually last 6-12 months and can cost a lot.

Step 2. Most pet shops have "beauty salons" where you can start practicing as an "assistant" or bathroom attendant
The pay is not that great, but this way you can learn and earn something at the same time. It will take at least a year of apprenticeship before being considered for a grooming training program, which in turn lasts 2-3 months.

Step 3. Learn as much as possible about the various breeds and cuts
There are aesthetic standards on the length of the hair and on the style of "hairstyle" established by the dog associations. Also, these standards can change, so you need to keep yourself up to date.

Step 4. Learn everything you can about "lurchers", that is, those dogs that were born from the crossing of two specimens of different pure breeds
You can have fun and be creative with these animals (as long as their owner agrees).
- It is important to know how to relate to people and have a lot of patience.
- You will need to be very patient, as you may be dealing with recalcitrant dogs (and difficult owners) who do not want to cooperate with you.
- You will also need to be determined enough to be able to tell people that the dog's coat is too damaged (in some cases) and should be clipped, or that the animal is sick and needs veterinary intervention, or that grooming is unsafe and sedation is required to proceed (obviously performed by a veterinarian). Some people do not accept being told these things, they may get angry and no longer turn to you.
- You have to be ready to work hard, even on weekends. Holidays and weekends are the busiest time for a groomer.
- Never hurt an animal, or you will lose your job. The rumor will spread quickly and you will find yourself without customers.
- Follow all safety procedures.
- If you come across an abused animal, you must notify the police. Of course hopefully you never have to.
- During the work you will be bitten and scratched.
- If a dog moves as if it is going to bite you, play ahead and grab its muzzle. It is better to be safe than sorry.