4 Ways to Increase Strength and Muscle Mass

4 Ways to Increase Strength and Muscle Mass
4 Ways to Increase Strength and Muscle Mass

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If you are hoping to gain more muscle mass and strength, adopt a training program aimed at strengthening different parts of the body and increasing overall muscle mass. Follow a diet that aims to build muscle, and consider taking supplements that help you get more muscular in no time. Here's how to get started.


Method 1 of 4: Maintain a Strong and Thick Physique

Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 1
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 1

Step 1. Check your progress

As you begin to gain strength and muscle mass, take note of how many pounds you gain, how much weight you can lift, and what exercises you do each week. This will help you figure out which training methods are best for your body, and will allow you to avoid a dead end.

  • If you find that a muscle group is not improving, change your training method to see if a different exercise gives you better results.
  • Make the necessary changes to your diet to burn fat and gain muscle mass. Experiment with different ratios of protein, fat, and carbohydrate to find a balance that helps you reach your weight and fitness goals.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 2
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 2

Step 2. Get plenty of rest

When exercising, it can be difficult to remember how important it is to rest between sessions. The body needs to regenerate after training. Don't push yourself too hard, or you may end up on the couch with a strained muscle instead of in the gym.

Sleeping well is another key aspect of gaining strength and muscle mass in a healthy way. Aim to sleep 7-8 hours a day

Method 2 of 4: Exercises for Gaining Muscle Mass

Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 3
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 3

Step 1. Train your legs with squats

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbells with your hands on top of them. Lean forward slightly, keep your head back, and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Slowly rise until you reach the starting position.

  • Do 6-8 reps and 3-4 sets. Rest for about 45 seconds between sets.
  • To increase the difficulty of this exercise, keep the weights straight in front of your chest instead of holding them over your shoulders. This way you will also train your arms.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 4
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 4

Step 2. Strengthen your back with deadlifts

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and the weights on the floor on either side of your body. Bend at your waist, hold the weights, and lift yourself back to your feet. Slowly lower the weights until they return to the ground.

  • Do 6-8 reps and 3-4 sets. Rest for about 45 seconds between sets.
  • To increase the difficulty of this exercise, bend at the waist, hold the weights, return to a standing position, then bring the weights up to your chest and lift them over your head. Bring them back to your chest, then to your hips, bend at the waist and place them on the ground.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 5
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 5

Step 3. Increase the size of your arms with pull-ups

Place your hands on a fixed bar with your palms facing you. Lift your body with your legs crossed behind you until your chin reaches over the bar, then slowly bring your body back to the starting position.

  • Do 6-8 reps and 3-4 sets. Rest for about 45 seconds between sets.
  • To increase the difficulty of the exercise, wear a weighted belt around your waist. Increase the weight as you get stronger.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 6
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 6

Step 4. Do bench presses to increase chest size

Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Keep a barbell or two dumbbells resting on your chest. Lift the weights above your head, extending your arms and keeping your elbows straight. Bring the weights back to your chest.

  • Do 6-8 reps and 3-4 sets. Rest for about 45 seconds between sets.
  • Avoid using too much weight when doing bench presses. The secret is to use your chest muscles, not leg strength, to lift the weights.

Method 3 of 4: An Effective Training Program

Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 7
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 7

Step 1. Do weight training two or three times a week

When the goal is to gain muscle mass and strength, working out every day is counterproductive. Muscles need to regenerate between training sessions. Without adequate rest periods, you won't get the muscle mass you want.

  • As your body gains mass, you will be able to reduce your workouts even more. You will need even longer rest periods for your massive muscles to regenerate.
  • On days you don't do weight training, you can still stay active. Do cardiovascular workouts like running, swimming, biking, or brisk walks to stay active.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 8
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 8

Step 2. Have short training sessions

There is no need to train for many hours at a time - in fact, if you train for too long, you risk damaging your muscles and being forced into a forced rest period. Your sessions should last anywhere from half an hour to an hour.

Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 9
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 9

Step 3. Train different muscle groups on different days

Instead of training the whole body during each session, it is a good idea to divide the muscles into groups so that some parts of the body can rest while others work. Create a training program and stick to it, so you don't over train a group of muscles by mistake.

Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 10
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 10

Step 4. Train until you drop

Bodybuilders have found that training in short, intense sessions leads to greater strength and muscle mass than easier, longer sessions. "Training to exhaustion" means doing an exercise until you can do another repetition. You will need to find the right weight for this type of workout for each muscle group.

  • To find the right weight, choose a weight with which you can do 6-8 repetitions before your muscles give out. If you can do 10 reps without sweating or feeling too much fatigue, you need to add more weight. If you can't do one or two reps correctly, reduce the weight.
  • Trying to lift too much weight for your abilities can damage your muscles, and is counterproductive. Start with an appropriate weight and give your muscles time to get stronger. You will soon find that the weight you use will be easier to lift; when this happens, increase the weight by 2.5 - 5 kg until you find a weight that will wear you out after 6-8 repetitions.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 11
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 11

Step 5. Train using the right position

Another key aspect of building muscle and strength is using the correct posture. If you don't, you risk getting injured and you won't train as well as you could. Keep these tips in mind during your training sessions:

  • Begin each repetition with your arms or legs fully extended. This will make it harder to lift the weights than starting the movement with bent limbs.
  • You should be able to complete each exercise using the correct technique. If you can't push the dumbbells over your head with your arms fully extended, for example, you should use a lower weight.
  • Don't use inertia to complete the movements. It lifts with controlled and constant moments. Slowly bring the weights back to their starting position instead of letting them drop.

Method 4 of 4: Follow a Diet That Promotes Muscle Building

Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 12
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 12

Step 1. Eat lots of protein

Muscles need protein to get big and strong, and when you train them every week, you'll need to energize them with lots of protein-rich foods. Be creative with protein sources; not all energies have to come from the flesh.

  • Chicken, fish, beef, pork and other meat products are excellent sources of protein. Other animal products such as chicken or duck eggs are also good choices.
  • Almonds, nuts, green leafy vegetables, legumes and other vegetables also contain protein.
  • Soy derivatives, such as tofu, can also contribute to protein intake.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 13
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 13

Step 2. Get calories from healthy sources

Eating foods that promote fat production help you get big, but not strong. You will need to reduce the layer of fat between your muscles and skin so that your work is more visible.

  • Avoid eating fried foods, snacks, junk food, and other calorie-rich and nutrient-poor foods.
  • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other healthy sources of calories.
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 14
Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Step 14

Step 3. Supplement your diet

Many bodybuilders support the process by integrating many products that aid muscle growth into their diet. Creatine supplements are a popular choice that helps build mass without negative side effects. Supplements are available in powder form and should be taken several times a day for maximum benefits.

Avoid supplements that promise to help you gain a certain amount of weight in a short period of time. Every organism is different, and products that claim to have miraculous properties for gaining muscle mass are likely scams


  • Never skip a meal or workout.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • To gain muscle mass in no time, consume a small amount of protein (less than 6 grams) before a workout to prepare your muscles for activity. After half an hour from the end of the workout, take a large amount of protein (at least 10 grams, but the amount depends on your weight).
  • If a strength exercise is too demanding for you, try a modified variation or work on other exercises to increase your strength differently.
