Have you ever wondered if there are some simple ways to get a perfect butt and pass the costume fitting? In this article you will know some exercises that will help you to achieve this and that you can do comfortably at home!
Part 1 of 2: Before Training

Step 1. Warm up your muscles before doing the following exercises
In this way, you will avoid strains and your body will prepare for training. You can warm up by running on the spot or doing jumping jacks. You could also do some stretching.

Step 2. Don't forget that firming your glutes is a gradual process
You will not get the desired result overnight. You will need discipline, self-control and awareness of your limits. It is recommended to perform these exercises every day to be sure of the final result.

Step 3. Get plenty of fluids to stay hydrated while exercising
Also, eat a balanced meal to get all the nutrition you need and to have enough energy so you don't crash to the ground in the middle of the exercise.
Part 2 of 2: Exercises

Step 1. Classic squats
Spread your legs so they are slightly wider than shoulder width. Make sure that the feet are slightly oriented outwards. Come down until your buttocks are close to the floor, as if you are sitting in an invisible chair. Hold this position for about five seconds before standing up. Then, rest for another five seconds and repeat the exercise. Repeat 10 to 30 times.
Be careful not to move too fast so as not to lose your balance and fall. Also, sudden jerks can cause muscle pain or damage

Step 2. Squat with legs together
Put your feet together. Slowly bend your knees. The legs should open outwards, taking the shape of a diamond. Stay on tiptoe and then climb back up. Repeat the exercise for another 10 times.

Step 3. Side Walk Squat
Get into the squat position. Take three steps to the left, then kick up with your left leg. Then, resume the squat position and take three steps to the right, then kick upwards with the right leg. Even if you feel ridiculous, this exercise will help you firm your glutes.

Step 4. Side kicks
Lean against a chair or piece of furniture while brushing your teeth. The ideal is to do this exercise in the morning or in the evening depending on when you brush your teeth. Rest your weight on your right leg as you lift the left leg to the left while holding it locked at a certain height. Raise the same leg five times before switching to the other leg. Do 2 sets.
- Before starting, remember to warm up with running in place or jumping jacks. After the exercises, cool down your muscles by slowly stretching.
- Never go back to your chores after doing the exercises. Muscles need to be warmed up before training and cooled down afterwards.
- Try to keep the buttocks tensed throughout the workout.
- As you get used to the new exercise pattern, increase the number of repetitions for each set.
- Counting helps you stay in control. Remember to inhale deeply and exhale to avoid running out of oxygen.
- Remember that you need to stay tense for your muscles to work. If you relax your muscles, they won't work.
- If you have hip, back, ankle or knee problems, be very careful when performing these exercises.
- Gradually increase the number of reps per set to avoid getting hurt. Know how many exercises you can do before doing them. It is a slow process: you will not get the desired results overnight.