It is very painful when others take advantage of you, but it does not mean that you are weak: you just lack the armor and weapons you need to defend yourself. In these cases you don't have to change your personality, but to be respected for who you are and find the strength within you.
Part 1 of 3: Begin to Encourage You

Step 1. Treat yourself better
If someone is underestimating you, chances are you are doing the same. Respect yourself and learn to understand what you deserve.
- Believe in yourself starting from the results you have achieved so far and think about those you love and trust. In this way you will be able to gain confidence in yourself.
- Take care of yourself physically, because a healthy mind develops into a healthy body. By eating well and playing sports you will be more positive.

Step 2. Pretend until you really believe it
If you feel insecure in high-tension situations, rebel and behave with optimism. Keep pretending to trust yourself and eventually you will realize that you have achieved what you set out to do.
Try to communicate confidence by using more open body language. Put your chest out and relax your arms. Physical and psychological mechanisms are altered when you assume a position of power. The levels of testosterone rise, while those of cortisol (the stress hormone) are lowered.
- If you find yourself under a lot of pressure, take two minutes to assume a position of power. Try to imitate Superman or Wonder Woman, or lift your chin and raise your arms like you would after winning a race.
- If you are already in similar circumstances, be strong and avoid crossing your arms and touching your neck. These gestures make you look smaller and indicate a passive defense attitude.
Stop Being Used Step 3 Step 3. Accept the stress
If a bully or manipulative person comes your way and your heart starts beating wildly, don't give in to this stress. The body is reacting to a difficulty and is preparing to face a situation of high tension. Do not fear who you are in front of: your body will resist!
According to some studies, when you consider stress as a positive reaction, your blood vessels relax in the same way as when you are happy or confident. Therefore, choose to see stress as a useful resource and you will regain courage
Stop Being Used Step 4 Step 4. Seek support
Trust yourself when dealing with life's challenges, but don't face them alone. If you feel used, communicate with someone - they may help you look at the situation more objectively and offer you the support you need.
Human interactions promote the release of oxytocin, a neurotransmitter known as the "cuddle hormone". It produces a feeling of confidence, relaxation and psychological stability, allowing the body to adapt to circumstances where emotional involvement is quite high. Therefore, if you are in a stressful environment, it would be wise to find someone who can support you.
This could be a colleague, teacher, parent or friend
Part 2 of 3: Changing the way you react
Stop Being Used Step 5 Step 1. Teach others how they should treat you
If you always react by showing your true feelings, you will teach people to treat you correctly. Over time they will get used to it, adjust to your behavior, and be less likely to put you in difficult situations.
- If you don't express yourself, others may not even realize they are stepping on you.
- Manipulative people look for you when they need something, because they know you don't push them. Once they understand that you don't want them to take advantage of you, they will stop.
- You don't have to react desperately. Just respond in the way you expect others to respond when they deny you their help.
Stop Being Used Step 6 Step 2. Set limits
If you agree to meet someone's request, make it clear what your limits are. This way you will not be harassed and the other person will be satisfied. It will be a win-win situation for both sides.
- For example, if a classmate needs help with homework, set a time limit.
- If a co-worker asks you to help with a project, take on the less burdensome task, since you too will have your work to do.
Stop Being Used Step 7 Step 3. Hang around
Whenever someone makes a request that causes you some discomfort, it is perfectly acceptable to say that you need to think. This will give you time to assess whether you actually intend to help him.
If the other person needs an immediate answer, say "no". You can always retrace your steps and accept, if you have realized that you have no problem giving her a hand. However, if you say "yes" right away, you will automatically get involved in the situation
Stop Being Used Step 8 Step 4. Learn to say "no"
"No" can be a terrifying answer, because it risks opening up conflicts, but it can also make you feel powerful. Show others that you and your time are valuable.
Rejection is not synonymous with aggression, but it must convey sincerity. You won't offend anyone if you explain that you have other things you need to take care of
Part 3 of 3: Understanding You Have a Choice
Stop Being Used Step 9 Step 1. Make a list of things you "won't do"
To improve self-confidence and assertiveness, it is essential to know what you want and don't want to do. Think about everything you do for others that makes you feel used, then write it down. They may exploit you more than you think.
- For example, if you're always the one offering, put it on your "won't do" list. Don't take the initiative next time, but let the person you're accompanying you with understand that they have to pay the bill.
- Listing and ticking information allows us to process it more effectively. This list is easy to follow and instills a sense of satisfaction.
Stop Being Used Step 10 Step 2. Choose which battles to fight
If the thought of dealing with tense situations is bothering you, start gradually. You probably won't be able to get respect from overbearing people right away, but you can make small changes to become more assertive.
If you have ordered a salad, but have been served soup, refuse it. Once you have no more problems imposing your will in trivial situations like this you will be ready to face the most important ones
Stop Being Used Step 11 Step 3. Expect the best
If you expect failure, you have already accepted failure. Base your expectations on what you'd like to happen, not the more negative aspects you fear take over.
Stop Being Used Step 12 Step 4. Eliminate negativity
If you have done everything you can to resolve the situation, but in vain, get out of it. Try to get as far away as possible from those who are trying to take advantage of you. Life is too short to handle people who don't respect you.