We've all been there. We ended up stuck in the midst of boring people who don't leave us alone and insist on complaining loudly, becoming unbearable and usually lowering the quality of our life. Maybe you are too kind to do anything about it and if you have come to read this, you are probably at the last resort and it is time to take action. So: how do you get rid of that girl who thinks she is your best friend, even if only the sound of her voice makes your skin crawl? It is done with a little kindness, intelligence and well… a little hassle on your part too.
Method 1 of 3: Method One: Be Cruel

Step 1. Don't invite this person
While it's really bad, it's an effective way to get rid of the hassle. If you have plans with friends, don't mention them, especially if she's there, she should get the message. If he is the kind of person who tends to "pop up" in places where you are, then you may have to change your plans at the last minute. Talk about going to the movies with others but instead divert to the mall. Does that sound cruel to you? Indeed it is. But it works.
- If you throw a party and send invitations to everyone except this person, they'll understand. Yes, this means being cruel but to extreme evils, extreme remedies.
- If you really want it to be obvious, create an event on Facebook and invite everyone in your circle to contribute.
- Oh, obviously this person will also invite you to do stuff. But you will not accept, no matter how bad it makes you feel, unless of course you want to find it around forever.

Step 2. Avoid the person as much as possible
The less time you spend with him, the less likely he is to show up. If you see her on the other side of the canteen, turn your heels and sit at a table full of people. If you see her at a party, stay with your friends. If he walks quickly behind you in the hallway, double your speed or slip into the bathroom. Obviously this is not the most mature attitude there can be, but it will help you get rid of the problem.
- Avoid places where you know there will be the nuisance. If you know he's hanging out at a certain bar or club, well, you're going to have to change your routine.
- The more you hang out with this person, even if you just happen to be in the same place, the more likely they are to think that you are really friends.

Step 3. Ignore it
Yes, it is not the best to completely ignore someone, who is dating or passing by on the street. But if she sees that you don't care, then she'll be more likely to leave you alone. When you pass it, you should literally act as if you don't see it, if it greets you it murmurs a vague "Hello" and appears slightly confused. If you are in a group and this person says something, don't give them credit.
- If you think you're too mean, you can recognize her, but say something quick to show her that you don't want to have any in-depth conversations with her.
- Get down and hide. If you see this person coming from afar, you should hide as much as you can. It may sound stupid / bizarre / wrong but it's better than not continuing to put up with the hassle, right?

Step 4. Make her feel unwanted
If this person insists on being around you, then do what you can to make them feel excluded from the group of friends. You can seem excited to see everyone, ask them a thousand questions, and talk about fun things you will do next. But when it comes to the boring person, you barely have to acknowledge them or act like you're confused or irritated every time they talk to you.
Yes, you won't feel good doing this. But the sooner this person understands the hint, the better

Step 5. Use jokes made with friends
Here is another way to make it clear to the person that they should change scenery. Be super nice and funny to all the other friends, refer to jokes that were made when that person wasn't around, or make them up just for the sake of being awful. The sooner you can make this person feel excluded from the loop, the sooner they will try to leave.
The person in question may ask what you are talking about in an attempt to feel included: Roll your eyes and say something like "You should have been there at the time" so that the person stops asking
Method 2 of 3: Method Two: Talk to the Person
Step 1. Tell this person you need a break
Nobody said being honest is fun, but it's the best way to get rid of annoying people. Plus, it's quicker than acting treacherously or becoming annoying yourself, and it may not make you feel as bad as waiting for the message to get through. Sit with this person and be honest. Tell her that friendship isn't working for you and that you want some time for yourself. Tell her you're sick of explaining this to her but it's better than not dragging it along.
- Yeah, it looks like some kind of breakup. It won't be fun for either of us, but you will feel better once you let off steam.
- Think of it like this: you're doing her a favor. If everyone around you thought you break the boxes, would you rather know or humiliate yourself?
Step 2. Explain the person's annoying habits
If you really feel like it, then you can let people know exactly why your friendship or relationship isn't working. Be direct and don't be afraid. Just say, "You only ever talk about yourself and don't let others intervene" or "You keep asking personal questions that no one wants to answer." You may think you are pointing out the obvious, but in reality the person may not have received this criticism before and appreciate knowing how it is perceived by others.
Obviously, the person could take it and deny the truth of what you say, but you don't have to blame yourself for trying
Step 3. Find out if this person is willing to change
Well, okay, it's not quite the same as getting rid of it, but if it stays around, maybe it's because it's tied to some of your friends or someone else's friend who's too nice to put it aside, so the best thing to do is to see if this person is willing to change their behavior. Hey: If he wants to keep dating, he'll understand that he has to do something different.
- Say something like: "You have a lot of great ideas but why don't you try letting others express themselves?"
- You don't have to sweeten the pill if you don't want to. You can say, “You have to stop talking about how much money you have. Nobody cares."
Step 4. Suggest new hypothetical friends to this person
One way to get rid of it is to make her find new friends. You may know people who share the same interests with her or who are particularly charitable and have higher tolerance levels than yours for annoying people. Maybe the nuisance is someone's younger sister and you know other kids she might be with. Talk to others by proposing to date this person, but without mentioning their peculiarity.
Who knows: maybe these new friends, if they're willing to accept her, can be better for her. And everyone would be happy in the end
Step 5. Find an excuse not to go out
If telling this person the truth makes you feel bad, then well… nobody said you can't lie. There are countless excuses you can use to get the person to leave you alone. Here are some of them:
- Tell her that you have emotional problems and that you need to be alone for a while. You're too messed up to go out with someone and you don't want to throw this cross on her, "forcing" her to spend time with you.
- She claims to be really busy with school, work, life right now. You don't have time to dedicate to anyone. You're too stressed out to even think about social life. In a month or two, when things get better, you'll show up. No?
- Hey: If you want to keep being a ball, pick someone else. Tell the person in question that someone else in your group of friends can't stand them and that they should be dating other people for a while.
Step 6. Keep her busy
If this person insists on continuing to circle around you, you can try to give him something to do so that he is not perpetually by your side, destroying your life. That's how:
- If you have a circle of friends, ask them to run errands.
- Suggest joining the gym or taking an art class and see if that absorbs it.
- If friends go to a restaurant, ask the person to go ahead to check that the table has actually been reserved. Make sure he has a lot to do other than stand around and annoy and maybe he'll understand.
Method 3 of 3: Method Three: Being Annoying at Your Time
Step 1. Talk about yourself constantly
Who says you can't fire back with fire - or who's boring with boredom? If you want her to leave you alone, try to beat her at her own game. One guaranteed way to annoy just about anyone is to talk about you all the time. Observe the person with your appearance, your stories, your future, past, what you ate for lunch and continue indefinitely as if there were no others in the world.
- Whenever this person mentions their problems, they always bring all the attention back to you. Say, “This is nothing. Once it happened to me ten times worse …"
- Keep looking in the mirror. It will be even worse if the person tries to tell you something serious.
Step 2. Laugh for no reason
Exactly. He bursts out laughing out of the blue. You can do this at a time when you and the nuisance are silent or even when they are trying to honestly tell you something. Laugh at the wrong times. When the person honestly seems perplexed or hurt, dismiss it by saying, “Oh, sorry, I have something funny…” The more annoyed she seems, you should apply this trick.
It is also very annoying to have a goofy smile or laugh in someone's face in the middle of a conversation. The person will understand that you have something else on their mind
Step 3. Ask her for a loan
What's worse than being asked for money - especially if it's not returned? This does not mean that you have to ask for € 10,000 and waste it on shoes, but that you can create a scheme in which every time you are with the person, you suddenly find yourself without liquidity or you have forgotten your wallet and you need a loan immediately. You can ask for money for a coffee, a drink or a movie ticket.
- Get an idiotic grin and say, “I'm broke this week. Will you give me five euros?"
- Eventually the person will take the hint. Nobody wants to go out with a person that long.
- You can also promise: “I swear I'll pay you back as soon as I get the week. It might take a while actually, but …"
Step 4. Keep forgetting the most basic things
If you want the person to really bother about you, then you can act like you have no memory at all when it comes to them. Ask her the same things over and over and then pat yourself on the forehead saying, "That's right!" or, "I always forget that!" You will see that this person will think that it is not worth going out with you if you also forget how many siblings they have.
- For example, if the nuisance plays basketball well you can keep asking, "When do you have baseball practice?" Get corrected every time and he'll get tired quickly.
- Say things like, "Where did you say you are from?" until this person is so tired of repeating it to you that you understand that you are not worth it.
Step 5. Ask for lots of emotional support
Who wants to go out with a person who always needs to be held by the hand, heard crying and letting off steam or texting you every five minutes wondering how are you? Whenever this person is around, start crying, talk about how bad you feel without knowing why, and ask them to let you vent. Soon your attitude will be boring and the person will look for someone less whining and needy to date.
Don't throw it all away by making the person believe that you consider them your best friend. Make sure he's not the type who tends to be a consoling shoulder to everyone
Step 6. Be a real pain in the ass
Being truly unreliable is one of the worst qualities a person can have. So make the most of it. Invite the person to the cinema and don't let them see you because "you completely forgot about it". Say you come by at a certain time and don't go there because you found someone who gave you a lift. Make elaborate plans and cancel them at the last second when it's really unpleasant. It is the best move to make.
- To increase the degree of disturbance, make sure you never sound contrite about your behavior. The weaker your excuses, the better.
- Yes: you will feel awful doing this. But soon it will get boring. Why would anyone want to date someone they can't rely on?
Step 7. Be incredibly harassing
If you want the person to get tired of you quickly, another applicable tactic is to be as boring as possible. Sit down and don't talk or talk about your math homework. Discuss the palest things there are and endlessly; even better if you tend to repeat yourself. Make sure you choose something that doesn't interest this person at all, like a movie they haven't seen or will never go to, a sport they don't know or create a tedious version of visiting the dentist - the more detailed you do it, the better!
- When you are getting really monotonous, start speaking very slowly. Pull it long.
- Speak softly so that the person has to listen to hear your asphyxiating words. This way he will get bored more quickly.
- If you have a smartphone with music, put your headphones on and you won't have to listen to the person talking to you.
- Don't try to hurt them unless they literally stalk you.
- Try to yell at him or walk away.