Finding a boyfriend may be difficult for you if you are a very shy person. Being confident is important to attract a man's attention, but it is still possible to find the love of your life even if you are not.

Step 1. Find out what makes you comfortable and what doesn't
If you don't feel comfortable going and talking directly to the guy you like, you'll need to find another system. Do you think it is better to talk to him when you are in a group with other people or when you are alone?

Step 2. Get him noticed
Come up with a plan: Try standing in line right after him or sitting next to him in the classroom or office. Use subterfuges to be able to buzz around him and take every opportunity to make conversation.

Step 3. Smile or say “hi” when you cross paths
Being friendly with him will help you approach him without being too explicit. Try making eye contact with him. This does not mean that you have to start staring at it, but just take a look at it from time to time. Eye contact is a key strategy.

Step 4. Don't pretend to be someone you are not
There has to be something good about you and your personality, so try to bring out that side of you and don't pretend to be different to please them.

Step 5. Increase your self-confidence
It can be difficult, and it's not your fault if you feel insecure, but there are ways to improve. Get out of your safe zone and spend more time with others, so you get used to interacting with people in new situations. Try to talk to guys more so you get used to them, and you won't feel uncomfortable when it comes time to talk to the one you like.

Step 6. Use the internet to your advantage
If you really can't talk to him face to face, you may find that it's easier to add him as a friend on Facebook, MSN, MySpace or other similar sites and talk to him using the chats provided. Just ask him how he is and what he is doing or tell him what you are doing. If you get to know him a little in this way, you will feel more comfortable talking to him when you meet in person.

Step 7. Enjoy
When he's around, relax, have a couple of jokes, and go with the flow when others are talking. Do not complain for any reason, or you will give the impression of being an unsociable person and not worth getting to know better.

Step 8. Try to be satisfied with your appearance
Try a new hairstyle, change your wardrobe and use your favorite cosmetics. But remember to always be yourself. If you feel comfortable with yourself, others will notice. If you are not happy with your appearance, you can always do something to change: the extra kilos you can lose with a healthy diet and physical movement, your hairstyle can be easily changed, as well as your clothes. We can all improve; just figure out how to do it.

Step 9. Attend social gatherings
If they invite you to a party, go there. You might find him too and it would be a good opportunity to approach him and have a chat. Even if you don't find him there, it would still be a good opportunity to compare yourself with other people and get rid of some of your shyness.

Step 10. Remember that some guys find shy girls very attractive
Don't try to transform yourself - you just have to learn to let others get close, and if you show them that it's worth the extra effort to get to know you, they will. Plus, even guys can be shy at times, and one of them needs to make the first move.

Step 11. What's the worst that could happen to you?
What would happen so bad if I went to him and forgot what you were going to tell him? In the end it doesn't matter, because these things happen to everyone, even the prettiest and most self-confident girls. Don't get discouraged or become even more shy, but remember: practice makes perfect. Try flirting a little. At first you may feel completely out of place, but over time it will come naturally to you.
- If you notice that he is looking at you, smile at him.
- To find out if a boy is scrutinizing you in class, look at the clock. If he does too, watch him and see if he tries to look away quickly.
- Catch his eye and smile! Or take a quick peek at him.
- Help him and try to sit next to him in class.
- It may seem like a desperate move, but maybe you should ask him out. This will help you get rid of your shyness.