How To Become Hafiz (with Pictures)

How To Become Hafiz (with Pictures)
How To Become Hafiz (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


A hafiz ("one who keeps from oblivion") is a person who has memorized the entire Holy Quran and who can recite it by heart. Some children are also hafiz, this is because they started memorizing the Holy Quran when they were very young. In general, the younger you are, the better.


Become a Hafiz Step 1
Become a Hafiz Step 1

Step 1. Always start memorizing the new lesson (the sabaq) after the Maghrib salat (or at the latest after the Isha salat)

Become a Hafiz Step 2
Become a Hafiz Step 2

Step 2. Memorize the sabaq (the new lesson) in full after the fajr prayer and recite it in front of your teacher

Become a Hafiz Step 3
Become a Hafiz Step 3

Step 3. Read the sabaq daily together with the old lesson (the previous 7 days)

The lesson of the previous 7 days is called manzil or pich-hla. Seven days of rereading is the minimum, as generally one would have to reread each lesson for 15 days (as also taught by Pakistani Qari and hifz class teachers).

Become a Hafiz Step 4
Become a Hafiz Step 4

Step 4. Also reread each day a complete juz '(part) of the Qur'an, which you have memorized earlier

Become a Hafiz Step 5
Become a Hafiz Step 5

Step 5. Try to learn at least the basics of the Arabic language; if you can read without understanding, this may be fine at first, as Arabic can be easily memorized even if you don't know its meaning

This is a miracle of the Holy Quran.

Become a Hafiz Step 6
Become a Hafiz Step 6

Step 6. Since the final part of the Quran is easy to memorize, start from the end, take the first sabaq of at least one sura

For example, the sura an-Naas.

Become a Hafiz Step 7
Become a Hafiz Step 7

Step 7. Recite the verse by reading it until you are able to recite it without looking

Then repeat the verse 5 times without looking.

Become a Hafiz Step 8
Become a Hafiz Step 8

Step 8. Continue learning the verse, or what you have learned so far, and on the same day try to memorize another part

Become a Hafiz Step 9
Become a Hafiz Step 9

Step 9. Do your best in memorization effort

Become a Hafiz Step 10
Become a Hafiz Step 10

Step 10. Increase the number of pages to memorize daily if you understand that you can do more

Become a Hafiz Step 11
Become a Hafiz Step 11

Step 11. Once you have achieved your goal of memorizing a page of the new lesson, continue in this way for at least fifteen days, but don't focus all your efforts on memorizing the page of the day alone

Which means: divide your efforts between what you have previously memorized and what your daily lesson is.

Become a Hafiz Step 12
Become a Hafiz Step 12

Step 12. Stay focused on the goal you want to achieve and always think positive

Become a Hafiz Step 13
Become a Hafiz Step 13

Step 13. Persevere in your efforts and be aware that you can do it

Never give up and don't slack off.

Become a Hafiz Step 14
Become a Hafiz Step 14

Step 14. Choose a quiet place if you can

You can go to a place where you can also hear the recitation of the Koran, but be aware that for some it can be a distraction.

Become a Hafiz Step 15
Become a Hafiz Step 15

Step 15. When you have finished memorizing the passage, read it to someone else, preferably a shaikh, and try to do it every day

Become a Hafiz Step 16
Become a Hafiz Step 16

Step 16. Always ask for Allah's help with the du'aa (prayer for help) to help you in your goal

Become a Hafiz Step 17
Become a Hafiz Step 17

Step 17. Always re-read what you have memorized

If not, you'll forget everything within a few months.

Become a Hafiz Step 18
Become a Hafiz Step 18

Step 18. Have patience and continue to be confident

Motivation is the key to everything.

Become a Hafiz Step 19
Become a Hafiz Step 19

Step 19. Ask someone to listen to you as you memorize the Quran

Become a Hafiz Step 20
Become a Hafiz Step 20

Step 20. In addition to the above, we strongly recommend that you learn the Arabic language in order to understand what you are reading

Understanding the Quran is arguably more important than just memorizing it. If you know the meaning of the words, it will be of great help to remember the Koranic passages and to keep them in mind. The Koran is a book to guide people: without understanding its meaning you will not be able to obtain this "guide" which represents the most important thing in earthly life.

Become a Hafiz Step 21
Become a Hafiz Step 21

Step 21. If you are facing a problem, contact a shaikh for the solution

If so, he can give you the address of someone who can solve your problems better than him. This is the case of the Qari (the teachers of the hafiz classes).


  • When memorizing a new ruku, use it in the salah so you don't forget it.
  • Find a hafiz buddy and practice memorization with him.
  • Start with the 30th chapter. Then, when you've done that, start with Alif, Lam, Mim.
  • Pray to Allah.
  • When you learn a sura, review it by rereading the Quran. You can also pray nafl to review it.
  • Some hafiz have lessons in their home on weekends, and sometimes even on weekdays!
  • Find a madrassa with other students so that you are more encouraged in your endeavor.
  • For some verses it is necessary for you to repeat it all ten or twenty times.
  • If you start to forget what you have memorized, don't go on studying more parts, but rather focus on rereading.
  • Learning three verses every day will allow you to become hafiz in about 10 years. Most students, however, only take two and a half years, or at most three, to complete memorization of the entire Qur'an Majeed.
  • As you memorize the Quran, also study its meaning and tafsir (interpretation).
  • The younger you are, the easier it is to memorize since your mind is freer from thoughts.
  • Mosques also often have memorization classes. Check the mosque near you, and if it doesn't do this type of activity, keep looking.
  • Find an Arabic teacher. Learning Arabic is much better than learning the transliteration of words. Everything will be clearer to you: punctuation, vowels, and so on.
  • Listen to your favorite shaikhs or qari online or on your iPod. This will give you motivation and, if Allah wills, will help you with the tajwid (the set of pronunciation rules for reciting the Quran).
  • It seems that walnuts are very useful, they increase memory.


  • Always look for a teacher who is well trained in reciting the Quran.
  • Some children rebel if too much is expected of them: don't expect your children to do something against their will.
  • If you recite the Quran without pronouncing the words correctly, the verses will be misinterpreted.
  • It's a shame to memorize and then forget, so once you memorize something, do everything to not forget it.
