The wavy parakeets (also known simply as parakeets) are social and human-friendly pets; however, their owners are sometimes faced with problematic behavior, such as a tendency to bite. They can do this for several reasons; if your dog also bites, take some time to examine his behavior, then define the best strategy to correct him.
Method 1 of 2: Evaluate Behavior

Step 1. Keep a "bite diary"
The first thing to do in looking into the situation is to keep track of when it does so. There are many reasons why these animals bite and the method of dealing with the problem depends on the root causes.
- Write down every occasion it bites you. Write down the circumstances surrounding the bite on paper. What was the parakeet doing at the time? Was it in or out of the cage? Did it bite after receiving food or treats? The more details you can write down about the incident the better.
- Find the common thread that connects the various episodes. If it tends to bite when it hears loud noises on the road or when an unfamiliar person picks it up, the cause could be anxiety; if he attacks in the evening after being out of the cage for a long time, he may be tired and perhaps would like to return.

Step 2. Use negative reinforcement when biting
Many times people unintentionally authorize the bite. Any attention you give the parakeet, even just to scold it, can be perceived positively by the animal seeking relief from boredom or frustration. When she bites you, don't scold her, just ignore her behavior; you should not react to his bites, so that he understands that his gesture has no effect and therefore comes to stop spontaneously.

Step 3. Set up a regular schedule of your sleep times and meals
Since one of the causes could be dissatisfaction with nutrition or the sleep-wake cycle, it can be useful to stick to regular schedules. Provide the parakeet with a varied diet and feed it according to a certain routine; also let him sleep at approximately the same times each day.
- The seeds and pelleted food, which you can find at pet stores, should be the basis of his diet; however, these birds can get bored by eating the same thing every day. Make sure to vary your usual diet by supplementing it with sprouts, vegetables, and grains.
- Keep track of when it seems to be resting. Make a conscious effort to give him space in these moments. Your little friend may feel frustrated and bite if picked up when tired; respect their need to rest to stay healthy and happy.

Step 4. Grab it very carefully
Anxiety is the main cause that leads him to bite and this can often be caused by an owner handling him incorrectly. You must proceed with caution when you decide to hold it in your hands, so as not to cause stress.
- Let him get close to you; don't grab it on your own, but give it a chance to climb onto your hand or finger.
- Don't chase it from room to room, it might interpret it as a hunt. In nature, predators attack budgies in just this way; you must not allow the parakeet to consider you a threat, so let it fly freely by itself in the various rooms of the house.
- Talk to her gently, offer her treats and toys. This should keep her calm and relaxed, as well as being able to bond with you; if you have recently purchased it, give her your space for a few weeks before attempting to contact her.

Step 5. Provide enough toys
In nature, these birds are constantly busy with one task or another. Mental stimulation with appropriate toys is essential for the parakeet's well-being; if he is bored, he may end up biting only to attract attention and seek stimulation.
- Toys that can be torn, such as old toilet paper or litter tubes are great for the budgie; since in nature it procures the material to build the nest, even in captivity it enjoys tearing the paper.
- Go to a pet store and look for some items for your feathered friend to play with. Many specimens have fun with the puzzles, the contraptions in which the food is hidden and that the animals must open to be able to reach the morsel. They are perfect solutions if you have to leave the house for a long time during the day.
- Play with your parakeet. Needs direct attention; set aside time to spend with him, especially if you only have one. If you anticipate not having many daily moments to devote to him, you should consider getting another parrot to keep each other company.

Step 6. Make moments of change easier
If you have had to make changes in your home, have moved to another house, a new animal or a new person has arrived in the family or there is a construction site in front of the house that causes loud noises, know that these are all factors that cause anxiety, which in turn causes the parakeet to bite. If further, more significant changes occur, leave her in a more spacious setting as she gets used to the news. Don't hold it in your hand for too long and make sure it always has an adequate amount of food and water. If you feel like loud noises from outside are bothering you, consider turning on a white noise machine.
Method 2 of 2: Avoid Reinforcing Negative Behavior

Step 1. Don't address the budgie shouting
It can be counterproductive in one or two ways; you may agitate it by stressing it and the bird may react by biting you out of fear or anxiety; you also don't have to scold him when he bites you.

Step 2. Avoid punishment
You would only increase his anxiety and stress, as well as break the bond you have developed with him; if you want him to stop biting you, you don't have to punish him.
- Never spray him with a bottle of water to teach him proper behavior, otherwise he may start to experience you as a threat.
- Don't put him in the cage as punishment. This animal considers it a safe and happy place; if your reaction to the bite is to confine him, believe he has done well and received a reward.

Step 3. Don't use treats or toys as a distraction
Many people manage bites by providing the animal with something to distract itself with; however, this reaction is very similar to putting the animal in its cage and is interpreted as a treat, thereby encouraging it to bite you again.
- Birds typically manifest their discomfort or agitation by rapidly recoiling, dilating and narrowing their pupils or flattening their feathers. Many owners ignore these signs and are therefore bitten; observe the parakeet's body language.
- This bird may bite young children, strangers, or visiting people out of simple curiosity; before allowing third parties to touch him, get him used to the new person and understand that he is safe.