A wing fracture can be a traumatic experience for birds, especially wild birds who often depend on flying for survival. If you find a bird with an injured wing, whether it's wild or domestic, you'll need to quickly assess the situation. Try to figure out if the bird will be able to recover. If you think so, wrap it carefully with a clean towel and place it in a shoebox. Make sure the bird is warm and out of the reach of children or other animals. Contact your veterinarian and / or a wildlife recovery center to find out where to take the animal.
Part 1 of 3: Taking the Right Precautions

Step 1. Wear gloves while handling the bird
Birds can be carriers of serious diseases, so it's important that you protect yourself, even if you're trying to help one. Never grab a wild bird with your bare hands. Wear protective gloves and wash your hands immediately after handling the animal. You should also wear gloves if a pet bird is injured; injured birds tend to fidget and may attack you if they feel vulnerable or are in pain.
- It is good to use thick canvas or cloth gloves - such as those used in gardening. These are the most effective methods of protecting yourself from the bird's beak and claws, and at the same time from the diseases it could bring.
- If you don't have any gloves handy, try using a towel to grab the bird;
- If the injured bird is a large bird of prey, it would be best not to handle it at all. Instead, call animal protection or a bird recovery organization in your area.

Step 2. Avoid getting the bird too close to your face
Even the smallest birds have sharp beaks and claws. When handling an injured bird, always keep it away from your face to avoid harming yourself. Even your pet bird may react violently if he is injured and scared.
A bird with a broken wing will likely feel more vulnerable than usual and may attack you with its claws or beak

Step 3. Avoid offering him food or water
An injured bird is usually too scared to eat or drink. Your goal should be to help your pet in a short time, so it shouldn't be necessary to offer him food or water in the short time you are caring for him.
It is easy for an injured bird to choke if forced to drink water. Do not do it
Part 2 of 3: Protecting the Injured Bird

Step 1. Wrap the bird with a towel
Injured birds, whether wild or domestic, feel more comfortable when wrapped in something that makes them feel safe, like a towel. This will help the bird stay calm and prevent it from moving and getting hurt.
Try to protect the injured wing when wrapping the bird with the towel. Carefully move it over the bird's body (without bending it unnaturally) and wrap the bird tightly with the towel

Step 2. Place the bird in a shoebox
Place the towel on the bottom of the box to make it more comfortable and place the bird on top of it. Make sure the box has a securely lockable lid to make sure the bird doesn't escape and injure further.
- For a larger bird you may need something larger to carry it. Try a cat carrier or a larger box.
- Make sure the box you place the bird in has ventilation holes in it that it can breathe inside the container.

Step 3. Move the bird as little as possible
A bird with a broken wing (or any other type of wound) should not be moved from its position until absolutely necessary, even if it is your pet bird. This will help prevent further injury.
Grab the bird with a towel, wrap it inside and place it in a shoebox. Do not move it later, unless absolutely necessary

Step 4. Provide an additional heat source
If the bird is in a weakened state, it may need help to keep warm. Try putting a hot water bottle in the box to provide some extra heat.
- Make sure the water bottle is in a place where the bird can move in case it feels too hot. Since the animal cannot move much while it is injured and wrapped in a towel, you should place the bottle on the opposite side of the box and check that the bird does not show any signs of excessive heat.
- If the bird starts panting, remove the water bottle immediately. You will need to periodically remove the lid to check that the bird is still panting.

Step 5. Place the bird in a warm, safe place while trying to figure out what to do
While you are deciding what course of action to take, place the injured bird in a safe place where it is warm and out of harm's way. Keep it in a dimly lit and quiet place so it can calm down.
The bird should be kept away from children and animals that could accidentally attack or injure it
Part 3 of 3: Contact a Professional

Step 1. Assess the bird's injuries
Try to inspect the bird and determine the severity of its injuries. If the bird appears stunned, stunned or unconscious it could mean that it has suffered trauma and that its injuries are more serious than a simple broken wing. If the bird is alert - especially if it tries to get away from you - its condition is good. Try to look for signs of blood or injury that can help you gauge the severity of the situation.
- If you think the bird's wing is too damaged to heal, or if it appears to have further injuries, it may need to be suppressed.
- If it is necessary to kill it, you can take it to a veterinarian or call the local animal control authorities.

Step 2. Contact a local veterinarian or bird specialist
For an injured pet bird contact your personal vet and ask for advice. If you don't know what to do about an injured wild bird, you can still contact a local vet to figure out what to do. Some vets offer free assistance to wild animals (such as administering antibiotics or emergency surgery).
Your vet probably won't be able to house a wild bird during the rehabilitation period (unless you pay for this service), but they may be able to provide some kind of care or support

Step 3. Contact various bird recovery centers in your area
If you have found an injured wild bird, you may need to call a bird recovery center. Search the internet to find the ones closest to you. They may be able to provide medical assistance, but they may not have room to house or rehabilitate the animal. You should ask in detail for the list of services they are able to offer: immediate medical assistance, pet housing, rehabilitation services and continued medical care throughout the rehabilitation. You may need to ask several organizations before you find one that has the space to house the bird you found.
You may need to call various organizations before you find one willing to help you. These centers usually depend on public donations, so they may be short on funds, resources or just plain space

Step 4. Take the bird to a center that does not suppress it
If you have determined that the bird's injuries do not appear to be fatal, ask the organization about its policy towards euthanasia. Be sure to ask each center, specifically about birds with broken wings. Some organizations believe that a bird with broken wings will never be happy again without being able to fly and therefore should be killed. Other organizations believe it is very possible that some birds can live happy lives after recovering from this type of injury.
It would be a shame to commit to saving a bird only to be killed by the center you take it to

Step 5. Carry it carefully to its destination
Whether you decide to take it to the vet or to an animal recovery center, you will need to transport the bird safely to its destination. Make sure the lid is tightly closed so the bird can't escape during the trip. Move the container as little as possible.