Since there is so much overpopulation of cats in the world, it is the responsibility of a responsible owner to sterilize their male cat. Many male cat owners don't neuter them because they think it's not important as they won't give birth. However, your kitty can cover (mate with) kittens in the area and this could get you in some trouble! But what if you've adopted an adult male cat and aren't sure if he's neutered? Stop worrying, because with the help of this article, you will be able to figure it out.
Note: This article is specific to male cats only. If you have a female cat, you need to find other ways to find out if she is neutered.

Step 1. Check a written document
When purchasing or adopting a cat or puppy, find out if they have been neutered. There may be a certificate or letter from a veterinarian to prove this. This is a simple thing that will save you a lot of time and effort.

Step 2. Check if she has a tattoo
If no information is available, or if you have found a stray, check the inside of the ear if you see a tattoo. The letters SMC mean the cat has been neutered and has a microchip.

Step 3. See if the hair has been removed
Has the cat been recently shaved? If he has recently been neutered, the hair in the lower abdomen will be shorter than the rest of his body, since vets must shave him before performing the surgery.

Step 4. Verify
Thankfully, checking to see if a male cat has been neutered is easier than a spayed female. Just hold (or find someone else to hold) the cat so that it is lying on its back with its belly up. Move the fur in the abdominal area to see his testicles. Gently take the testicle area in your hands. Are they big and tough? In this case the cat is not neutered. If, on the other hand, you feel them like soft pouches of fur, it is likely that he has been neutered.

Step 5. If in doubt, ask your vet
He will surely be able to tell you. Going to a vet is a good idea because he is a professional and will certainly be able to answer you.
- Even if you plan on keeping your cat indoors, it's still a good idea to neuter him in case he wants to escape one day.
- Even if there is only one hard testicle, it means that the cat has not been neutered.
- Wear rubber or latex gloves as you touch his testicle area, but make sure they let you feel if the cat is neutered or not!