There are occasions when you may need to lift your dog: to get him in the car, to put him on the table in the vet's office, or, if he gets injured, to take him to an animal health facility. the safety of all.
Part 1 of 2: Preparing to Raise the Dog

Step 1. Get help from someone if your pet is heavy
Most people should avoid lifting a dog whose weight exceeds 20 pounds on their own. Each has their own liftable weight limit, so think about your safety and that of your puppy before lifting it.
Animals wriggle more if they feel like they are falling because they are not properly supported or if parts of their body are awkwardly supported

Step 2. Lift small dogs properly
Even if your faithful friend weighs less than 10 pounds, it is important to lift him carefully. Locate the chest, just behind the front legs, and support it in this area as you lift it. With your right hand, hold the collar or leash; this will prevent him from escaping and you will have more control over his head. Put your left arm over your back and lift it up from under your chest.
Bring the dog under your left arm, as if under a protective wing, and hold it tight to your body so that it wriggles as little as possible

Step 3. Carefully lift heavier dogs
If your four-legged friend weighs more than 10 kilos, grab one hand under the neck and the other under the hindquarters, then lift at the same time, as you would to lift a board. Get someone to help you if your puppy weighs more than 20 pounds. One of you will stand on the side of the head, with one arm under the neck and the other under the chest; the second person will hold one hand under the belly and the other under the rear, so you will raise it at the same time.
The person in front of the dog will give the go-ahead and instructions to raise it simultaneously, for example by counting to 3 and lifting it to "3"

Step 4. Learn how to raise a dog in a particular situation
Avoid the belly area if your pet is very pregnant or has a distended abdomen. Lift it up by taking it under the neck / chest and under the hindquarters. If you suspect he may be injured in his back, lift him up from under his neck and butt, keeping his back completely straight and level.
Get help from a second person; in this way you will ensure the safety of all
Part 2 of 2: Raise the Dog

Step 1. Keep your body in the correct position while lifting
Don't forget to bend your knees and get up with your legs. Do not lean over the animal to avoid back injuries, but put your arms around it to lift it with a secure grip.
Bending your knees will bring you closer to its level. That way you won't be bent over him, which scares most dogs

Step 2. Lift him when he is relaxed
Avoid doing this when he is fidgeting and hopping all around. You will likely have to work to educate him to stay calm.
Set a routine and start with short training sessions. Start by leaving your puppy in a sitting position for a few minutes and gradually teach him to lie down. Train him to have quiet moments

Step 3. Use a towel or a short leash
If you are dealing with a very lively specimen, use a short leash to maintain your grip. Alternatively, you can cover it with a towel and use it to hold its paws.
If your four-legged friend is injured, protect yourself by putting a muzzle on him (a dog-specific one, or wrap a leash around his muzzle) or at least cover his head with a towel before lifting him
- Avoid touching the injured area. Consider using a blanket or towel as a stretcher, with one person on each side holding the corners. Instead of pulling to try to keep the blanket taut, use it as if it were a hammock and keep the corners raised. In this way the dog is discouraged from attempting to escape.
- You can also put the puppy in a laundry basket or large plastic container lined with towels. You will avoid further injury while taking him to the vet.
- Protect your face. When raised, some dogs tend to shake their heads, so keep yours away to avoid being accidentally hit by the dog's teeth or skull. If your faithful friend is small, use the collar to hold their neck in place as you lift them.