An enthusiastic welcome from your dog can be flattering. But too much enthusiasm can scare someone off or ruin a nice dress just right on your way out. Owners and guests alike hate it when the dog suddenly jumps on you, causing you to fall, get dirty or break the packages you carry. Here's how to stop those jumps you don't want.
Method 1 of 4: Ignore Method

Step 1. As soon as the dog's paws come off the ground, quickly turn around and show him your back
(note: this may encourage jumping in some dogs).

Step 2. As the dog hits you with his paws in the back or legs, ignore him completely
Don't even look at it. If he turns and stands in front of you and jumps again, turn around again.

Step 3. Continue doing this until the dog adopts a more desirable behavior, such as sitting, still or even walking away
As soon as this happens, immediately turn your attention to the dog and compliment and pet him.

Step 4. If the attention given to him causes the dog to stop behaving well and starts jumping again, immediately stop giving it to him and turn his back to him again

Step 5. Continue the cycle until the dog is calm and has stopped jumping
This method is based on the idea that any kind of attention, even negative, reinforces the fact that jumping gets your attention. So, to get your dog to quit, teach him that jumping on you does NOT get your attention.
Method 2 of 4: Stop Method

Step 1. When your dog starts to jump, reach out with your open hand and when he jumps push it down against his muzzle, at the same time pushing him down towards the ground as you give the Down command
Dogs' noses are sensitive and after repeating this method several times, they won't want to be pushed down on the nose by your open hand. This method works if you apply it consistently every time it jumps up.
Method 3 of 4: Sitting Method

Step 1. If you haven't already, teach your dog to sit
This will provide the dog with a different behavior to greet you.

Step 2. When you go out or come home (or any time your dog normally jumps on you), give him the sit command before the dog starts jumping
If the dog sits down, compliment him. Give him a lot of caresses and tell him how good he was.
Stop a Dog from Jumping Step 8Bullet1 -
If the dog ignores you and is still ready to jump on you, do one of the following, follow one of the methods described in this article before moving on to the next step.
Stop a Dog from Jumping Step 8Bullet2

Step 3. Once you have stopped your dog from jumping on you, repeat the sit command if necessary
Compliment him when he sits down.

Step 4. Do this every time your dog starts jumping on you
Little by little, the dog should understand that he has to sit down if he wants you to greet him.
Method 4 of 4: Leash Method

Step 1. Put a collar and leash on your dog

Step 2. When he jumps on you, tell him in a semi-firm voice no
Don't be too hard, as you've let him do it for a long time and he'll wonder why you're suddenly so angry.

Step 3. With him looking at you sitting at your feet, put one foot on the leash and hold him like that
The next time he jumps, he'll just drop off the floor a few inches.

Step 4. Give him a treat and say good
You may have to repeat the exercise for a couple of days.

Step 5. Finished
- As in any animal training, there are many methods to achieve the desired result. You should research all methods and choose the one that best fits your training philosophy, without damaging the dog-owner relationship as you understand it. Any training will be more successful if the dog and handler have a strong bond.
- Make sure your dog gets a consistent message. If you are trying to teach your dog not to jump on you, but someone in your family, friend or visiting person compliments and pays attention to him for jumping on him, the dog will never learn to sit politely. to get what he wants. Make sure everyone who comes to your home knows that the dog should not be looked at until he is seated and calm.
- Keep your coming and going quiet. If every time you walk in or out of the house it becomes a matter of state, the dog is likely to fidget and start jumping. Try ignoring the dog for 5 minutes when you get home. This takes away the emotion from your arrival.
- In addition to finding the method that works for you, try to figure out which one is best for your dog. Each dog is different and has different motivations. For example, some dogs find the paw-holding method a fun game and a good way to get you to give them physical attention. If the training doesn't seem to work after a period of serious work, try some other system.
- Alternatively or in addition to the steps described above, train your dog in the cage. If the dog is cage trained. You can just send him to the cage when you go out and him out when you come back.
- Never beat your dog or use violent methods to stop him from jumping on you. Remember that the dog will most likely jump on you because they are happy to see you. Hitting or scolding him will make him scared of you or more aggressive.
- With the collar and leash method, NEVER USE a choke collar !! Many people have collapsed their dog's windpipe from choke collars. The dog will have the same, or even better, results with a regular buckle or interlocking collar.
- Avoid kneeling the dog's chest to prevent him from jumping. It could cause accidental injuries. The side of the leg is much safer.